Biden Decides Next Thing To Do Is Blame Grocery Stores For High Prices

The question though, is, “will this work to get his young and stupid Democrat voters to come out and vote for him?” Because it’s not going to work with Republicans and Independents. Joe’s young and stupid voters are mad that he supports Israel

Biden takes aim at grocery stores for ‘ripping people off’ amid continued high prices: ‘Played for suckers’

President Joe Biden took aim at grocery stores, blaming them for “ripping people off” with high pricing amid the continued inflation blame game.

President Biden’s remarks came during a speech at the South Carolina’s First in the Nation Dinner in Columbia, South Carolina.

“Inflation is coming down. It’s now lower in America than any other major economy in the world,” Biden said. “The cost of eggs, milk, chicken, gas, and so many other essential items have come down.”

“But for all we’ve done to bring prices down, there are still too many corporations in America ripping people off: price gouging, junk fees, greedflation, shrinkflation,” the president continued.

Sadly, the rich leftists he’s speaking to are more than happy to cheer for idiotic lines like this, which are divorced from reality. Once prices go up they rarely come down. Y’all know why this has happened from the beginning of COVID. And has always happened. 2,000 square foot homes are no longer $30K like they were in the 60’s, right?

The president said that Americans are “tired” of being “played for suckers” by grocery stores across the country.

“Well, it’s going to stop. Americans, we’re tired of being played for suckers,” Biden said to resounding applause. “And that’s why we’re going to keep these guys — keep on them and get the prices down.”

Democrat voters will mostly fall for this claptrap, but, will some of them realize they are being patronized and treated as morons simply to get them to vote Biden? Because they are morons if they believe this. And the Democrat Elites do think the average voter is an idiot.

A recent Axios Vibes survey found that 59% of respondents felt “angry, anxious or resigned” while shopping for groceries, with anger being the most common emotion. Seventy-two percent of respondents also said that groceries are where they feel the most effects of inflation.

Though inflation has largely fallen from record highs in 2022, prices are still significantly higher than they were before 2020.

Based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans must spend approximately $125.51 on groceries that would have previously cost $100 in December 2019.

The only way prices will come down is if there is serious disinflation, which would also require unskilled labor positions see their wages drop. Hey, maybe all those Democrat voters could be replaced by below minimum wage illegal aliens/migrants? That would help, right?

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25 Responses to “Biden Decides Next Thing To Do Is Blame Grocery Stores For High Prices”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    I wonder how that message is going over in those communities that no longer have grocery stores.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Ya mean this message?
      Yeah things are tough all over.

    • L'Roy White says:

      Those communities will buy it just as they always do and as they have been for the last 50 years. They earned that the sway of and owned by Democrats who are no longer Democrats but downright communists as one of our more forthright commenters always says.

      You see those are my communities you know, African American (even though Elwood thinks I’m a handicapped white Jewish female). Of course I don’t call myself African American I just leave it at American.

      But I see what’s going on in my community not only here in jersey but in other states. The Democrats have turned black people from American citizens into America haters. They have completely incentivized being uncivilized. They after convinced black people that they can’t even get an ID card without the help of a leftist and then anybody who asks for ID to vote is a racist. Democrats just like to hear us say “we be victims”.

      I do have a question now. Why are there so many damned ugly and despicable nasty black bitches that are all Democrats in politics? I mean nowadays even DA’s and judges who are black are fugly. And stupid and obnoxious too. Just downright nasty people. Of course Democrats on the whole tend to be downright nasty people so I guess that’s why.

  2. H says:

    Corporate profits are at record highs.
    Typically American households spend 10% of their income of food.
    If the cost of groceries has gone up by 35% in 3 years, that means the cost has risen from 10% to 12.5%.
    Meh. A 2.5% increase.
    Meanwhile wages are going up much faster

  3. H says:

    Yes small towns all over America are dying as people especially young people move to more urban areas.

    The typical American households spends only 10% of its income on food. If grocery prices have gone up 25% in 3 years it means the total amount spent has only in creased from 10% to 12.5%

    Corporate profits have “skyrocketed’ setting new k time record highs. Fortunately Trump gave our elites a 2 trillion dollar tax cut so they can keep more if those profits

    • Dana says:

      The distinguished and apparently financially secure Mr H wrote:

      Yes small towns all over America are dying as people especially young people move to more urban areas.

      Might not be the smartest move!

      Lexington is among 10 ‘most difficult’ cities in US for Gen Z homebuyers, analysis claims

      It’s largely impossible for members of Generation Z, those born between 1997 and 2012, to put down roots in Lexington, a recent analysis of earnings and employment data contends.

      Surging interest rates and high home prices combined with stagnant wages have worked against Gen Z and millennial homebuyers. Additionally, while inflation cooled down in late 2023, two years of price increases for basics like groceries have eaten away at the savings of many.

      By late 2023, home sales in Central Kentucky had slowed to a trickle. In November, Bluegrass Realtors, an association with members representing 30 counties in the region, reported pending home sales for the month of October dropped to their lowest point since 2014. The association reported just 949 homes under contract that month, marking an 11% dip from 2022.

      What’s more, younger generations’ losses have become investors’ gains. In Lexington, opportunistic investors have snapped up housing in recent years, so much so that 235 investors have controlled 1 in every 10 Lexington home sales since 2019, a 2022 Herald-Leader investigation found.

      Given all that, it’s no surprise younger Lexington residents are struggling to become homeowners, and the recent analysis from Point2 seems to confirm that. The online real estate company ranked Lexington among the major U.S. cities where it’s most difficult for Gen Z to become homeowners. Here’s why and how Point2 arrived at that conclusion.

      Kentucky is a very low home price state, but Lexington is an exception. Due to rural land conservation, in which the local government is protecting Kentucky’s iconic horse farms, Lexington has a limited area for expansion, and home prices have, as you’d guess, greatly increased since fewer can be built. According to Zillow, my daughter’s home, purchased in September of 2020, is now worth 23.33% more than the purchase price.

      Rents are concomitantly high.

      But go to one of the surrounding towns — Winchester, Georgetown, Nicholasville, or Harrodsburg — and home prices are significantly lower. Get a couple of counties away, and decent homes are less than half of what they cost in Lexington.

  4. Dana says:

    This happened in 2016, as the government, under Barack Hussein Obama, kept publishing the rosiest of rosy economic news, but the public didn’t believe it. It’s kind of what happens when the government tells us that inflation is low, low, low, but the thing that people buy most frequently, groceries, are still very expensive.

    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — George Orwell, 1984

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      True dat. After the Republican Great Recession in 2007-2009 and a Congress without the balls to do what was necessary to stimulate the economy. The economy had a multi-trillion dollar hole but Congress refused to pass the spending bills.

      In any event, the economy improved each year during the uber-popular Mr Obama’s long reign. Steady as she goes! Household income and GDP continued to increase, and unemployment plummeted from 9.2% to 4.7% by Jan 2017.

      Of course the Doom and Gloom Republicans under the tutelage of Darth Orange keep telling Americans how the economy is not perfect for everyone!!

    • CarolAnn says:

      Average Americans can spend up to 25% of their net income on food. You insist upon believing numbers fostered by a government that is trying to cover their ass for their failures. Sometimes I think you’re retarded.

      Groceries have not gone up 25% in three years. They’re going up at different rates depending upon the grocery item. But over the last three years groceries have almost doubled. Has have electric costs in case you haven’t noticed. Auto insurance, mortgage rates, utility costs, 1000 other things. You keep saying this one up to dollars and that went up $1.00 you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about you sound like an idiot when you say that shit.

      Some corporate profits have skyrocketed some have gone up a bit some have remained the same and some corporations are going out of business in case you haven’t noticed. Small businesses are suffering and astounding rate and many of those are going out of business. And if corporate profits are skyrocketing it’s because of the people who are in power allowing them to skyrocket which means that Democrats are the ones skyrocketing corporate profits.

      And Trump didn’t give anybody a $2 trillion tax break. It’s not trump’s power to give a tax break. Trump’s not in office, Stinky is. And quite honestly it’s not in the president’s power to give a tax break to anybody. Where do you see that in the constitution? You’re always throwing out shit but you don’t back it up.

      You’re another who spends 24/7 thinking about Donald Trump crazy.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        From where do you retrieve your “facts”? Or your news for the day.

        Do you believe what ex-President Trump says?

        You typed:

        it’s not in the president’s power to give a tax break to anybody

        Actually, the President can propose legislation to Congress, and must sign any bill to take effect. Trump could have vetoed the bill if he objected to the tax cuts.

        • CarolAnn says:

          Actually, the President can propose legislation to Congress, and must sign any bill to take effect. Trump could have vetoed the bill if he objected to the tax cuts.

          Actually all spending starts in the House. The house controls the purse strings of the government. ( at least it used to before the communists took over the Democratic Party and decided to make their own rules ). And the president has to sign the bill for it to take effect correct but he can’t determine spending. And they could override his veto at anytime they wish.

          So actually you are 100% wrong as usual. The president Trump did not pass a tax bill for billionaires, Congress did. Stop lying.

          Do you believe what ex-President Trump says?</blockquot

          Do you believe what our current liar in chief says? Did you believe him yesterday when he stated cosmeticapoppingdoobie? Did you believe him when he said that illegal immigration was under control? You know he was lying didn't you? And to answer your question I believe that when ex president Trump says something accurate I believe him. Of course you brainwashed communists don't believe anything trump says true or false and believe everything that robinette the dick brain says true or false. You marching line and obey commands like the little Nazis you have become. March on little Nazi March on.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:


            Thank you for exemplifying the problem with home-schooling.

            Like any reasonable person, we evaluate what Trump says based on facts and reason, while we recognize he is a natural-born liar.

            You brainwashed nazifascistMAGAts believe everything LeatherFace says – true or false. You marching line and obey commands like the little fascists you have become. “LeatherFace won the 2020 election”, you shriek. March on little fascist, march on.

            Their can be NO normal discourse with anyone he believes LeatherFace won in 2020.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:


            Facts are sticky, aren’t they?

            … a congressional revenue act of the United States originally introduced in Congress as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), that amended the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Major elements of the changes include reducing tax rates for businesses and individuals, increasing the standard deduction and family tax credits, eliminating personal exemptions and making it less beneficial to itemize deductions, limiting deductions for state and local income taxes and property taxes, further limiting the mortgage interest deduction, reducing the alternative minimum tax for individuals and eliminating it for corporations, doubling the estate tax exemption, and reducing the penalty for violating the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to $0.

            The Act is based on tax reform advocated by congressional Republicans and the Trump administration. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that under the Act individuals and pass-through entities like partnerships and S corporations would receive about $1.125 trillion in net benefits (i.e. net tax cuts offset by reduced healthcare subsidies) over 10 years, while corporations would receive around $320 billion in benefits. The CBO estimated that implementing the Act would add an estimated $2.289 trillion to the national debt over ten years, or about $1.891 trillion after taking into account macroeconomic feedback effects, in addition to the $9.8 trillion increase forecast under the current policy baseline and existing $20 trillion national debt.

            35% of the benefits went to the bottom 80% of taxpayers, while 65% of benefits went to the top 20% of tazpayers. This is the definition of “regressive” tax policy. Those making under $20,000/ year would lose some ACA subsidies.

            During 2019, income groups earning under $20,000 (about 23% of taxpayers) would contribute to deficit reduction (i.e. incur a cost), mainly by receiving fewer subsidies due to the repeal of the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

            The Republicans controlled the House, Senate and White House.

  5. H says:

    Wages are going up faster than inflation.
    Of course it must be really hard for people in red states that still have a $7.25 minimum wage. A lot easier when that minimum is 25 or more.
    Those poor red states in the South have been voting GOP for 50bxrsrs and they are still much poorer than blue states.
    Do grocery prices have gone up 25% in 5 years? They have gone up 15 %
    Good represents 10% of household budget.
    What is 10% of 10%?
    1 %
    Cry me a river America

  6. H says:

    Dana how much do you get now for soy than 4 years ago? 9 bucks a bushel. What now ?

  7. H says:

    Oh and Dana remember that many more Americans voted for Hillary than for Trump
    Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes in 2016,

  8. Alanstorm says:

    “Though inflation has largely fallen from record highs in 2022, prices are still significantly higher than they were before 2020.”

    If you find this surprising, you might be Elwood.

  9. unklc says:

    Interesting. I actually did a little ‘field research’ yesterday at Wally World. Campbell’s Chunky Beef with Barley was $2.26, up about 25% from 2020 when it was about $1.65, green bell peppers were also up about 28% from 2020. Yes that’s only about 4 years, but it’s 25+%.
    A little online research shows that diesel, a key cost factor in groceries, has risen significantly since DEC 2020.
    Don’t think it was the ‘R’s’ that caused that, however, the garden variety lefty will probably fall for Brandon’s line.

  10. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The economy. The macro numbers are good!!! GDP, unemployment, wages, falling inflation, stock market etc.

    But! At the micro level, the massive and expanding gap in income and wealth between the poor/working class and the political donor/wealthy class is what people feel. And Republicans and some Democrats are devoted to maintaining the favoritism toward the rich. For example, 65% of the benefits of the 2018 Republican tax plan accrued to the top 20% of earners! It was just more of the Republican “tinkle down” economic policy “theory” extant since the Reagan regimes. The hypothesis that giving the wealthy more of the fruits of productivity will cause the “rising tide will lift all boats” has been tested and falsified.

    Shouldn’t the Americans who do all the work – who build the roads, clerk at Wal-Mart and 7-11 and McDonalds, cut your lawn, fix your toilet, build cars and houses, teach children, fight fires, pick vegetables, dig ditches and and defend our nation – share in the successes of the economy? The rich get richer, the poor work harder.

    Republicans have expediently chosen to support and even promote “fake populism”. “They”, the “other”, are trying to take your America from you! The reality is that the Republicans (and some Dems) want to keep you “poor and hungry, working hard” while giving you targets to blame.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      So Rimjob how are those numbers both macro and micro working out for your the investors in your company, Galera Therapeutics?

      Shouldn’t they have shared in your successes too?

      Asking for an amigo.

      Bwaha! Lofgf

Pirate's Cove