If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled transportation causing sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Hamas thanking Iran for the weapons.

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15 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    When the House suspends aid to Ukraine should they also suspend aid to Israel? If not, why not?

    With the hundreds of billions of aid that the US has given to Israel (F16s, F35s, Iron Dome Defense, state of the art intelligence), are you surprised that a band of primitive Iron Age Islamists were able to invade them? They flew into Israel on paragliders!!!!

    • CarolAnn says:

      Do you think the house should suspend aid to Israel? United States is giving aid to Israel for decades. As we all know neither Israel northern Ukraine are members of NATO. The United States and the Ukraine have investment treaties and business treaties and all that kind of stuff but we are not military allies. Israel in the United states have trade agreements, business agreements but have no military agreements that I’m aware of.

      So right back at you buddy should the United states be supplying either Ukraine or Israel with our blood sweat and money? And I think the only reasonable answer is no.

      As you pointed out flying into Israel’s themed Iron Dome with nothing but power gliders proves the silliness of these hyperbolic names they call things. Line of death. The Dome of iron the circle of steel et cetera.

      I’m still trying to figure out what NATO is doing. NATO was created to protect allies against the Warsaw Pact allies when the Soviet Union was around. Soviet union’s been gone since 1981? Why the hell are we still supporting NATO? NATO was to protect us from Soviets there are no Soviets we don’t need NATO.

      Let these people fight their own wars we should take our money and our manpower and fully close our borders to illegal aliens and invaders of all kinds coming here from any country. We should also make sure that we are secure from terrorists and I’m not talking about little old ladies marching on the capital I’m talking about Mohammed blowing up the building. Furthermore we should use that manpower to arrest and incarcerate people who are having riots tearing up businesses and people’s property and All in all destroying every city in the country. We don’t need that crap and we don’t need those people. We might be better off just dropping them in the middle of the Ukraine.

    • Dana says:

      Fortunately, the IDF has the resources needed to defeat and destroy Hamas without our intervention. I would guess that we’ll continue our support of Israel after the fighting is over, but we shouldn’t need to do anything beyond what we’ve always done.

      Thye real question is: will Israel do what is necessary? Hamas and its supporters need to be eliminated; if Israel accepts a cease-fire before Hamas are eliminated, this same s(tuff) will happen again and again and again. Wars are not won by accepting cease fires; wars are won by killing and killing and killing until the ability of the enemy to fight on, and his will to keep fighting, are destroyed.

      It took turning Germany into a heap of rubble, and Japan into a smoldering, burned out ruin, to utterly destroy the will of the Germans and Japanese to keep fighting, and the will of the boys growing into men to resume the fight.

      This is where Israel has failed in all of her wars. Yes, she has beaten the Arabs time and time and time again, but once the Arabs were routed and sued for peace, Israel accepted, but not once did Israel continue on to destroy the will of the next generation growing up to take up arms again.

      Israel also failed in 1967, when she should have rounded up and expelled all of the Arabs from the territories they conquered. It would have been a horrible humanitarian crisis, but it would have been over, and Israel wouldn’t have been trying to control the Arab population for the last 56 years. Had they done that, Israel would have shortened, more defensible borders with far fewer internal security risks.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    No big deal for the kiddie diddler.
    Rimjob probably has a chubby.

    As the bloody attack unfolded on Israeli soil on Saturday, jubilant Hamas terrorists uploaded to social media brutal video clips of their work: bodies of civilians lying dead in pools of blood at city bus stops, elderly people hauled away on motorbikes, and women and children hustled into jeeps and trucks as fighters battered and spat and screamed “God is great” at their bewildered captives.


  3. We like to think of Israelis as armed, but they are not. Private ownership of firearms is seriously restricted, requires a permit from the Ministry of the Interior, permits granted on the basis of special need, not just willy-nilly. While most adult Israelis have had military training, their weapons are not kept at home but in armories. Hamas have shown Israel just how foolish that policy is.

    Had Israel something like our Second Amendment, many of the Hamas invaders would have met withering gunfire from those Israeli towns close to the border.

  4. H says:

    Most of the major fossil fuels exporting countries offer support for Hamas
    Fossil fuel use supports our enemies
    Even Iraq (Teach was a big cheerleader of that war) offered strong support.
    All the countries supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (Iran China North Korea) also support Hamas

  5. H says:

    Every gal of gas you buy supports the oil exporting countries that support Hamas

  6. H says:

    Every gal of gas you buy supports countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Russia, the Gulf Arabs all of whom support Hamas
    Trump approved the same of THE largest oil refinery in the USA to the Saudis. Oil Production under Biden at record highs !

    • Jl says:

      Funny-“oil production under Brandon at record highs..”. And you’re bragging about that? Oh, wait-it’s Carbon boy..
      So in other words Brandon must really be fu*king up his get rid of fossil fuels program. Thanks, Johnny

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Every gal of gas you buy supports countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Russia, the Gulf Arabs all of whom support Hamas

      Are you stating that no gas comes from countries other than those you listed? If America is supposedly producing more gas (which it is not it’s all a lie) then most of the gas we’re buying we’re buying from ourselves correct? If we’re producing so much gas how come but Nazi lover biden hasn’t replaced the strategic oil reserve?

      If we’re producing more oil than ever (according to you) then why isn’t the price of gasoline at the pumps 89.9? Is that idiot president lying to us again? Do you actually believe everything the government tells you? You must you’re a brain dead leftist. You still wearing a mask stupid?

  7. drowningpuppies says:

    This is the enemy.

    This is who the democrats support.

  8. drowningpuppies says:

    Just a matter of time…

    They’re already here.

  9. drowningpuppies says:

    New York. Times Square.

    Earlier today.

  10. drowningpuppies says:

    Since our media has a problem honestly reporting what’s happening.

    The Israel Defense Forces says it is still fighting Palestinian terrorists in Israeli territory, 40 hours into the war launched by the Hamas terror group.



  11. drowningpuppies says:


    Karen Attiah, a prominent journalist, echoed a social media post by a fringe Somali that said, “what did y’all think decolonization meant? vibes? papers? essays? losers.”



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