We’re In The First Stage Of Civilizations Collapse Or Something

Oh, not because of liberal policies that allow criminality with no consequences, unfettered illegal immigration, abortion on demand, etc. Nope

We Are Witnessing the First Stages of Civilization’s Collapse

In his 2005 bestseller Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, geographer Jared Diamond focused on past civilizations that confronted severe climate shocks, either adapting and surviving or failing to adapt and disintegrating. Among those were the Puebloan culture of Chaco Canyon, N.M., the ancient Mayan civilization of Mesoamerica, and the Viking settlers of Greenland. Such societies, having achieved great success, imploded when their governing elites failed to adopt new survival mechanisms to face radically changing climate conditions.

Yeah, they ended as the Earth moved into a cooling period from a warm period. Yeah, the Spanish conquistadors created a major issue for the Mayans, but, their civilization was already collapsing. Most civilizations that collapsed over the past 5-6 thousands years do so as a cool period hit. Not a warm period. And previous warm periods were the same or warmer.

Bear in mind that, for their time and place, the societies Diamond studied supported large, sophisticated populations. Pueblo Bonito, a six-story structure in Chaco Canyon, contained up to 600 rooms, making it the largest building in North America until the first skyscrapers rose in New York some 800 years later. Mayan civilization is believed to have supported a population of more than 10 million people at its peak between 250 and 900 A.D., while the Norse Greenlanders established a distinctively European society around 1000 A.D. in the middle of a frozen wasteland. Still, in the end, each collapsed utterly and their inhabitants either died of starvation, slaughtered each other, or migrated elsewhere, leaving nothing but ruins behind.

That’s what’s going to happen to modern civilization because you won’t give up your money and freedom to government

These historical examples of social disintegration spurred lively discussion among my students when, as a professor at Hampshire College, I regularly assigned Collapse as a required text. Even then, a decade ago, many of them suggested that we were beginning to face severe climate challenges akin to those encountered by earlier societies—and that our contemporary civilization also risked collapse if we failed to take adequate measures to slow global warming and adapt to its inescapable consequences.

We can fix that with a tax

But in those discussions (which continued until I retired from teaching in 2018), our analyses seemed entirely theoretical: Yes, contemporary civilization might collapse, but if so, not any time soon. Five years later, it’s increasingly difficult to support such a relatively optimistic outlook. Not only does the collapse of modern industrial civilization appear ever more likely, but the process already seems underway.

So, yeah, doomed, as the very, very long piece attempts to show, ending with

When and how we might slip over the brink into catastrophe is impossible to foresee. But as the events of this summer suggest, we are already all too close to the edge of the kind of systemic failure experienced so many centuries ago by the Mayans, the ancient Puebloans, and the Viking Greenlanders. The only difference is that we may have no place else to go. Call it, if you want, Collapse 2.0.

So, it could maybe possibly happen soon, they’re not sure when or even if, but, ditch that fossil fueled vehicle, move to a tiny house, and vote Democrat or something.

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3 Responses to “We’re In The First Stage Of Civilizations Collapse Or Something”

  1. wildman says:

    collapse? sorta like democratic run cities?

  2. Jl says:

    Of course-“weak hurricane Hilary performance blamed on Russian interference…”

  3. david7134 says:

    The weaponize toon of the Justice and FBI and the subsequent reaction that will occur will topple our system.

Pirate's Cove