Good News: Biden To Give Hawaiians A Whole Day Between Vacation

Isn’t he magnanimous? No just consider how this Associate Press article would have been written had Trump been in office, or some other Republican. Remember how much guff they gave Ted Cruz, a senator, for going to Mexico during a huge cold storm?

Biden goes west for his second vacation of the month

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden are heading west on Friday for more rest and relaxation.

The first couple will spend about a week in the area of Lake Tahoe, the massive alpine lake that abuts California and Nevada and is a tourist attraction, particularly in the winter for its ski resorts. The president is headed there from Camp David, where he was hosting a summit Friday with the leaders of South Korea and Japan.

The Bidens will halt their vacation for a day on Monday to visit Maui, where a wildfire ripped through the historic town of Lahaina and killed more than 100 people so far. They will meet with survivors, first responders, and local officials while surveying the damage.

Biden vacationed earlier this month at his home in Rehoboth Beach, where he went on bike rides, visited the Delaware beaches and went for a date night with the first lady to a showing of the blockbuster film “Oppenheimer.”

Wow, that is some seriously dry newscasting, wouldn’t you say? Just the facts. Let’s also not forget that Biden came back from his first vacation, flew to New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah, came back on a Thursday, then blew out to the beach as Maui was burning for the weekend. He spent most of this week flying around and saying “no comment” mostly about Hawaii. He flew into Camp David Thursday mid-afternoon, held some meetings with President Yoon Suk Yeol of the Republic of Korea and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio of Japan, then is heading to Reno Friday night.

And Biden is giving Maui a whole day. Maybe. It’ll be interesting to see the schedule come Monday to see how much time he will spend in Hawaii. And if there will be some sort of fundraiser.

I wonder if he will yammer about ‘climate change’, which no one in the Credentialed Media will call him on, considering how many fossil fueled trips he’s taken in just the last month. Nor will they point out that the economy is such that many cannot afford one vacation this year, much less two in a month. Will the people of Hawaii remember how much Biden didn’t care? Or, will they ignore that for politics?

This makes me done with Trump. Playing these absurd games is a massive turn-off for me. It’s something similar to what made me abandon Sarah Palin. Here’s always the problem: do you want to sit it out, vote 3rd party, and know that the other guy could win, ushering in crazy policies, like we’ve seen from Biden and the Democrats? Elections are often a choice between a bad choice and a worse choice. Republicans really do need Trump out. What are you going to do about Biden, Democrats?

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7 Responses to “Good News: Biden To Give Hawaiians A Whole Day Between Vacation”

  1. H says:

    Popular right-wing radio talk show host claims Hawaii wildfires were started by Directed Energy Weapons in order to clear land for new eco cities to be solar powered.

  2. Earle says:

    Nice link you posted there.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Elon Musk’s X has post after post on Space Lasers (Directed Energy Weapons aka DEWs) setting Maui on fire.

    Matt Wallace’s photo of a Space Laser hitting a church has been viewed nearly 10 million times!!

    It’s little wonder that cons believe so many things that just aren’t so.

    • James Lewis says:

      Dear Elwood:

      The post details that the picture has been digitally altered.

      Did you miss that???

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        Of course I didn’t miss that! I didn’t say that I believed that Space Lasers started the fires.

        10 million X-users viewed the picture. How many of those do you think now believe the fires were started by space lasers? Even you must admit that far-rightists are suggestible.

        And why would right-wing conspiracy tale guru Matt Wallace post a faked picture? Attention? Fortunately, X still allows commenters to correct false info from the likes of Wallace. For example, Wallace falsely claimed that the fire spared gov’t offices and Blackrock owned banks!

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach: This makes me done with Trump. It’s something similar to what made me abandon Sarah Palin.

    What? Mr Teach is done with Trump again? And he abandoned Palin?

    Are any other Covians “done with Trump”?

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