Why Is It So Hot? Well, Your Fault, Plus Natural Processes Like A Volcano

The Arizona Republic’s Phil Boas attempts to give a dose of reality while still pushing the climate cult line

Why is it so hot in Phoenix this year? Climate change may not be the only explanation

This year’s summer heat wave in Arizona has already killed 59 people with 345 deaths now under investigation.

Our July set a new record for the most consecutive days (31) with high temperatures at or above 110 degrees, reports The Arizona Republic’s Fernando Cervantes Jr.

That we know.

What we don’t know is why.

Why are we seeing these record-smashing temperatures this year in metro Phoenix and across the globe?

I’ve been reliably informed that this is solely your fault. You could have given up your use of fossil fuels, stopped eating meat, moved into a tiny home, and given your money and freedom to government. But, no, you didn’t

Some will scoff at the question. But it’s actually a mystery that will take time to study and understand.

Yes, climate change undoubtedly played a roll.

I’m sure it did. The Earth goes through warm and cool cycles, as it’s done numerous times throughout the Holocene. Mankind does play a part, as I’ve always maintained. How much is the question. Certainly, land use and the Urban Heat Island effect plays a part, as does the release of greenhouse gas from more humans, agriculture, landfills, and ocean pollution (messes with the plankton, the number one converter of CO2 to oxygen). Yes, and fossil fuels. Certainly, air pollution traps heat, especially at night. Lower radiative cooling. So, how much is local from Man, how much is global from Man, and how much is natural?

One of those factors was a massive underwater earthquake near the island nation of Tonga more than a year and a half ago.

On Jan. 15, 2022, the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai underwater volcano erupted.

A year later, January 2023, scientists mostly from Oxford University published a study in the peer-reviewed Nature Climate Change that noted the Tonga-Hunga volcanic eruption was extraordinary in that it pushed an enormous amount of water into the atmosphere.

Most volcanic eruptions spew large amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere that form particles that can actually reflect the sun and cool the planet.

This one did that as well, but was offset and exceeded by the amount of moisture it sent skyward — roughly the equivalent of 58,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools, according to separate research done by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Because water vapor is a greenhouse gas, “it is possible that over a multiyear period Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai will cause a temporary increase in global surface temperatures,” the Oxford group noted.


Of course, the climate cult will say that the loss of glaciers because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles and have gas stoves is messing with tectonics and caused this. Because cult.

Anyhow, Mr. Boas also mentions the El Nino conditions and pollution control. Yes, that last one is Man-induced: we created the pollution, and removing it can also let in more sunlight to heat up the buildings and roadways. But, that’s localized.

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9 Responses to “Why Is It So Hot? Well, Your Fault, Plus Natural Processes Like A Volcano”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach trusts climate scientists when they describe the impact of El Nino and the Hunga-Tonga volcano, but they’re lying about everything else.

    Undersea volcanoes can add water vapor to the atmosphere which temporarily increases temperatures. Terrestrial volcanoes emit sulfur particles and dust the temporarily decreases temperatures. El Ninos transfer Pacific ocean heat to atmosphere and La Ninas transfer atmospheric heat to the Pacific ocean, either case being temporary. And the Earth continues to warm as steadily increasing CO2 levels causes warming.

  2. Up Yours says:

    Drink that koolaid, elwood.
    We don’t even know what we don’t know, but lets go ahead and arrogantly think we know everything.
    The planets been around for 4.3 billion, according to people who may know.
    What fraction of a percent has the climate activity of the earth’s history been recorded?
    Maybe a few thousand years?
    Doesn’t take a math genius to see that’s a decimal with a lot of zeros in front of it.

  3. L'Roy White says:

    Mr Teach trusts climate scientists when they describe the impact of El Nino and the Hunga-Tonga volcano, but they’re lying about everything else.

    Unlike many people including you leftists we don’t trust climate scientists just because they’re climate scientists. In fact we don’t trust any “experts” just because they’re “experts”. You see Elwood climate scientist are paid by somebody to give the opinions that they give. You should know what that’s like you used to work for Pfizer you told the people what they wanted to hear cause Pfizer paid your check.

    We believe that you listen to what they’re saying and then you consider it in the form of logic and common sense. You don’t just accept it because they said it. You seem of the mind to believe everything that a climate scientist says strictly because he says it. We don’t, just like we don’t believe everything that Trump says whereas you believe every single thing that Biden says. We know they’re both liars the question is to what degree.

    The radical left in America has lost all reason, sensibility, rational thought, and common sense. And that’s why it has morphed from a political party into a freaking religion.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      So you’re a cowardly cyberstalker too. LOL. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

      The reactionary right in America has lost all reason, sensibility, rational thought, and common sense. And that’s why it has morphed from a political party into a freaking personality cult.

      What does Trump say that you don’t believe?

      Your common sense tells you that a volcanic eruption in 2022 caused global warming?

      You believe that 5% increase in water vapor causes warming but a 50% increase in carbon dioxide does not?

      You believe that Zelensky is funneling millions of US tax dollars to the “Biden Crime Family”?

  4. david7134 says:

    The climate may be changing, we will know in about 100 years. We are experiencing some weather that is of note, but hardly excessive or establishing a pattern. Numerous factors are responsible for this weather, there are issues with the sun, magnetic changes and greenhouse gas release from volcanos and other natural producers from our earth. Man’s contribution is minor to insignificant. This is borne out by our politicians reactions which are confined to taxes, global communism and destruction of western economies. There are so many lies manufactured by liberals in the name of climate change that it is impossible to catalogue all. The “science” of climate has proven to be a farce. To understand the goal of these experts (almost barfed writing that) you only have to look at their desire for resolution which as noted above is pure political and represents the usual liberal mind set of destroying those that are successful producers.

  5. Jl says:

    Good-any evidence that it’s CO2? Still no peer-reviewed paper showing man’s emissions as the cause of warming, though there are several showing alternate causes

  6. H says:

    “as I have always maintained…….”
    Teach besides that miniscule part that you say man contributed, what are the other causes of our rapid temp increases ? Certainly not the Sun which is reducing its radiance

  7. H says:

    Volcanic activity is thought to contribute to global cooling. Not warming

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