Once Upon A Time, Link Between Volcanoes And Climate Crisis (scam) Is Maybe Possibly We Think

Seriously, at this point what is the difference between “scientists say” and “once upon a time”?

Scientists Find a Possible Connection Between Climate Change and Earthquake Risk

Earth’s climate is changing rapidly. In some areas, escalating temperatures are increasing the frequency and likelihood of wildfires and drought. In others, they are making downpours and storms more intense or accelerating the pace of glacial melting.

No matter what happens it’s your fault, because they also Blame snow, ice, cold weather, etc on Hotcoldwetdry

But research suggests that our changing climate may not solely influence hazards at the Earth’s surface. Climate change — and specifically rising rainfall rates and glacial melting — could also exacerbate dangers beneath the Earth’s surface, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

“Suggests” is not science. It simply means they have no f’ing idea, they just want to suggest (sic) the link because that’s what’s required from “scientists” these days. A bunch of paragraphs on earthquakes following, till we get to

Evidence from Scandinavia suggests that such an uplift, coupled with the destabilization of the region’s tectonics, triggered numerous earthquake events between 11,000 and 7,000 years ago. Some of these earthquakes even exceeded a magnitude of 8.0 which indicates severe destruction and loss of life. The concern is that the continued melting of glacial ice today could result in similar effects elsewhere.

Research has also found a correlation between glacial-load changes on the Earth’s crust and the occurrence of volcanic activity. Approximately 5,500–4,500 years ago, Earth’s climate briefly cooled, and glaciers began to expand in Iceland. Analysis of volcanic ash deposits spread throughout Europe suggests that volcanic activity in Iceland markedly reduced during this period.

There was a subsequent increase in volcanic activity following the end of this cool period, albeit with a delay of several hundred years.

What fossil fueled vehicles caused that? Why is it different then? And is there more volcanic activity now? Mount Etna in Italy is again going off (check the webcam here): it’s not exactly close to the glacier areas.

Even today, this process is responsible for driving some volcanic activity in Iceland. Eruptions at two volcanoes, Grímsvötn and Katla, consistently occur during the summer period when glaciers retreat.

It’s an island created due to tectonic forces where the North American and European plates meet, hence, volcanoes. This has been going on for around 20 million years. What caused that to happen?

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14 Responses to “Once Upon A Time, Link Between Volcanoes And Climate Crisis (scam) Is Maybe Possibly We Think”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach: “Suggests” is not science. It simply means they have no f’ing idea, they just want to suggest the link because that’s what’s required from “scientists” these days.

    In this case Mr Teach knows not of what he types – he insists on absolute proof before the scientists make any suggestions. Correlation may not prove causation, but it is still evidence.

    Further, Mr Teach insults his hapless readers by trotting out the old saw, “What fossil-fueled vehicles caused that?”, LOL.

    • James Lewis says:

      Dear Elwood:

      Along with “suggests” we also have “could also.”

      Two qualifiers in the same paragraph.

      That puts the whole article into the Chicken Little pile.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        Scientists rarely speak in declarations, since the next set of observations or experiments ‘could also suggest’ a new conclusion.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine describes the effects of thymectomy on patients, concluding that the thymus in adults “may” protect against cancer development and progression.

        A subset of patients in the study who had undergone a thymectomy showed less diverse T-cell receptors in their bloodwork, which could possibly contribute to the development of cancer or autoimmune diseases after surgery.

        “Together, these findings support a role for the thymus contributing to new T-cell production in adulthood and to the maintenance of adult human health,” the authors of the study conclude.

        Their results, they say, strongly suggest that the thymus plays a functionally important role in our continued health, right up to the bitter end.

        See how they described their results?

    • Jl says:

      “Correlation may not prove causation, but it’s still evidence.”
      Evidence of what?

  2. L'Roy White says:

    he {Teach} insists on absolute proof before the scientists make any suggestions.

    No he doesn’t Elwood but it would be nice if they were right once in a while. Especially when they’re gonna start passing laws that affect us personally and financially.

    he insists on absolute proof before the scientists make any suggestions. Correlation may not prove causation, but it is still evidence.

    It would be nice if you held yourself to that same standard. Since every time we talk about the election or every time we talk about January 6th or every time we talk about the moron in the White House you keep telling us we have no proof. We have no evidence.

    81 million votes my black ass.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Mr White,

      The evidence that Fat Donnie won the election is weak, if not non-existent. It’s a phantasm of accusations, lies and wishful fantasies.

      Do you REALLY believe 8 millions votes or so were created, but no one could find even 10??

  3. david7134 says:

    The real issue is if global communism and extremely high taxes will have any influence on the weather, especially since only western countries would be influenced by the destruction of their government and way of life. And do consequences for China and India, the real polluters.

  4. Jl says:

    I have a solution-Solar panels to stop volcanoes..

  5. James Lewis says:

    Dear Elwood:

    In both cases the intent is to say something without taking responsibility for it being correct.

    And thanks for making my point.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      Should scientists keep their results to themselves until they’re positively, absolutely, 100% certain they are correct?

      • James Lewis says:

        Dear Elwood:

        Depends. If the guesstimates spread fear and panic and done only for money and political gain, yes, they should restrain themselves.

        Note that I didn’t write that someone else should restrain them, they should do it themselves.

        And then there is the danger of something actually being a problem but the warnings are ignored because the Henny Pennys have lost all credibility.

        A perfect example is the cries of global cooling, starvation, etc. in the 90’s were replaced by cries of global warming supported by dozens of forecasts that didn’t happen. That causes an odor of bull shit to hover over the subject.

        Another example of lies by the liars is Fauci telling us we didn’t need masks. He later claimed that he had lied for our own good because it was feared that we wouldn’t have enough for medical workers. He was wrong but when he said we should wear masks his credibility was jack shit low and many rejected the claim.

        Yet he was right. Note that the deaths per million in the US and other western countries is in the 3500 range while in Japan and other Asian countries that have historically worn masks the death rate is in the 600 range.

        So his lies killed people.

        That’s what happens.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          The global cooling scare was in the 70s, and was hyped by media outlets, not scientists. The “deniers” re-hype that same story.

          The planet has been warming as the CO2 has increased. But understand, CO2 is not the only input into the mean global surface temperature. Volcanoes, El Nino, La Nina, ocean currents, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, changes in insolation, albedo all can influence temperature either up or down. All these inputs make the temperature record variable.

          While Fauci, along with several other US health leaders, initially advised people not to wear masks, Fauci later said that he was concerned that there wouldn’t be enough protective equipment for health care workers. This was also early in the pandemic before public health experts fully knew how contagious the disease was and how it spread.

          Fauci explained that at that time, “we were not aware that 40 to 45% of people were asymptomatic, nor were we aware that a substantial proportion of people who get infected get infected from people who are without symptoms. That makes it overwhelmingly important for everyone to wear a mask.”

          “So when people say, ‘Well, why did you change your stance? And why are you emphasizing masks so much now when back then you didn’t — and in fact you even said you shouldn’t because there was a shortage of masks?’ Well the data now are very, very clear,” he said.

          Yes, East Asians have always worn masks. In the US, right-wingers mocked mask wearers. They argued that they spread Covid. That masks couldn’t stop those tiny viruses. Or did you forget all that BS?

          • James Lewis says:

            Dear Elwood:

            The facts remain. Fauci lied “for your own good.” And when he was forced to admit his lie he lost all credibility. There is no evidence that it was conservatives alone who who didn’t buy the revised BS from Fauci and others.

            As for who said it was cooling… “If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder by the year 2000. … This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age. —Kenneth E.F. Watt

            I have others but you get my point.

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