There have been some climate cultists who have stated that all the fearmongering needs to stop, since it really doesn’t help. Other than those heavily into the climate cult, does it bring anyone into the cult? Does it sway them? Motivate them? Or do the base level Warmists and non-Warmists think these people are as wacko as the ancient aliens folks, the 9/11 Truthers, and Scientologists? Warmists will never give up their fearmongering, even as it makes Warmists wacko
Remaining “Calm” About Climate Change Will Kill Us
The “calm down” set fancy themselves as professional and sober-minded, a tasteful levee protecting the marvel of our civilization from the uninformed and hysterical masses.
The “calm down” person’s business is the business as usual.
They defend the status quo with a practiced rueful resignation: “Believe me, I wish things were different too, but it’s just the way things are.” Only “the way things are” is on an historic and murderous losing streak.
This line of wackadoodle continues on for quite a bit, and, it’s not just going after Skeptics, but, Warmists who refuse to dive deep into the climate cult, like Scientology members buying the books, paying to move up, and disconnecting from their friends and family. Or drinking the Koolaid in Jonestown
A world climate plan that after hundreds of forums, treaties, and “net-zero pledges” still saw emissions reach their highest levels ever this past year?
Yet, the computer models which predict doom for these emissions do not accord with the actual minor trajectory of warming, which is nothing abnormal for a Holocene warm period.
“A troubling look into our climate future.” The “calm down” expert intones vague ideas of a three-part series and maybe an award comes to mind.
“But it’s all happening right now,” you say, scratching your head with an almost manic fervency.
“It’s happened before. Winter tornados, El Niño, droughts. Let’s not overreact,” he says or posts or op-edifies. “Calm down.”
And it is then that you realize this perfectly smooth stone of a person will kill us all.
So, give up your money and freedom or we all die.

[…] Pirates Cove notes that Climate Panic is still all the rage […]
I disagree with this article. We humans haven’t the capacity to work together to solve global problems.
The ONLY sane approach is to continue business as usual and to respond to “micro”-crises as they occur – the floods; heat waves; distributive changes in flora, fauna and diseases; storms; wildfires; droughts; etc.
The controlling elites assume the climate scientists, scientific organizations, governments, major religions, non-climate scientists, corporations, media and universities are correct that in 100 or 200 or 500 years there will be a reckoning, the Earth will have 12 billion innovative individuals to respond. By then, if pressed, humanity can move to the moon, Mars, the clouds of Venus or under the sea. But if the climate scientists, scientific organizations, governments, major religions, non-climate scientists, corporations, media and universities are wrong – what then?
In the meantime, resist. Human history has taught us that individuals each acting in their OWN best self-interest, doing what THEY need and want to do and not some idyllic peoples’ collective guarantees the broadest good and satisfaction for our societies in flux.
Now, if only there really was a “climate crisis”. But funny-“remaining calm will doom us”. Hard to find a cult member ever remaining calm about all this-it’s non-stop fear porn…