Does anyone remember the movie The Day After? It was based on Pentagon scenarios where things broke down quickly, in days and weeks, leading to a nuclear exchange. It really scared the bejesus out of people. This is like a slow motion version
Zelensky says Russia must be stopped from destabilizing Moldova
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russia will continue to try to destabilize Moldova, and that Moscow’s attempts should be stopped with “more weapons” and “more sanctions.”
Zelensky’s comments came after Russia sought to flip the narrative Friday, claiming Kyiv was the government provoking tensions in the nation on its southern border, not Moscow. The Ukrainian president responded during an address marking one year of Russia’s full-scale invasion.
Zelensky said his government respects the territorial integrity of Moldova, and that Transnistria — a sliver of land where Russia has inserted a so-called peacekeeping force to back pro-Moscow separatists — is included in that rightful Moldovan territory.
More weapons. There are reports that Ukraine is staging troops to go into Moldova, where a huge cache of artillery is stored.
More background: Officials in Moldova and in several Western governments have expressed concern in recent weeks that Moscow is mirroring some of the steps it used as a pretext for invasions in Georgia and Ukraine.
Moldovan President Maia Sandu has warned of an alleged Russian plot to destabilize her government, and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken voiced “deep concern” about the prospect of Moscow meddling with the tiny country.
Russia has leveled its own accusations at Ukraine, warning against NATO or Kyiv taking “adventurous steps”in Transnistria, and claiming that an attack on Moscow’s compatriots in the territory would be considered an attack on Russia itself.
Just the other day Putin cancelled a decree that essentially gave Moldova sovereignty. Even though Moldova is not a NATO member, and doesn’t want to be, a chunk of its citizens are part dual Moldovan-Romanian, which affords them protection as citizens of NATO. And, while Moldova proclaims neutrality, it has also applied for EU membership. Fortunately, Joe Biden is on top of this, just like his the Ohio train disaster….oh, right, he’s in Delaware again for the weekend.
No. Fuck off. Stop trying to get us into WWIII
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) February 24, 2023

Our esteemed host began:
Does anyone remember the movie War Games? As the WOPR computer tries to figure things out, in the end it says, “Strange game. The only winning move is not to play.”
Teach thinks it might be personally safer to be the friend of the bad bulky rather then risk confrontation. Just let Putin have whatever parts if Europe he wants, allow nuclear Kim to reunify Korea, and let Xi take Taiwan.
Sleepy Joe Biden says no.
I say show Putin we are not afraid stand with the Commander in Chief and all under him
You just put a shit load of words in Teach’s mouth which none of us has read hear. What are your sources?
Mr H wrote:
Not being afraid of a thermonuclear war is the definition of insanity.
Would Reagan provide aid to Ukraine? Would be call Zelensky a freedom fighter ?
Hard to say, johnnie boy.

You do realize the man has been dead for a few years, right?
What would Buddha do?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Putin wants Moldova back. Duh! Moldova helps him surround Ukraine.
He has inserted “peacekeeping” forces into Transnistria (a narrow sliver of Moldova about the size of Rhode Island along the Ukraine-Moldova border).
Mr Putin should get what he wants, since he is a madman with nukes. Ukraine, Moldova for now. Then Belarus – which is non-NATO and already supporting Putin. Kaliningrad Oblast (about the size of Connecticut) is a Russian district separated from Mother Russia by Lithuania! Although Lithuania is a NATO member, would NATO risk nuclear war over Lithuania?? Or Latvia or Estonia? These are all former USSR districts. How about the -stans – Kazakhstan etc? Non-NATO and no one cares.
A President Trump (2024) would not object to reconstituting the USSR!
Mr Teach lambastes President Zelensky for “playing games in Moldova”. Just as Mr Teach claims Ukraine is at war with Russia!
Russia invaded Ukraine. Period.
And America once invaded Germany. Seems the only way to get rid of Nazis.
There are more Communists than Nazis in Ukraine. There are more Nazis in America than in Ukraine.
Nice try equating the US liberation of the Nazi death camps to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
Note too that Hitler’s forces occupied Norway, Poland, Belgium, France, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Greece, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarussia, part of Ukraine, part of Western Russia, Albania, Hungary, parts of North Africa…
Putin is more similar to Hitler than he is the United States.
The US instigated the war in Ukraine with a coup on its democratically-elected government in 2014, and then sabotaged a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in March. Pursue an immediate ceasefire and diplomacy to end the war.
NATO expansion to Russia’s border provoked the war in Ukraine. NATO is a warmongering relic of the Cold War. Disband it like the Warsaw Pact. The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.
Half of the federal discretionary budget goes to Pentagon. The military budget is $857 billion per year, and the Pentagon just failed its fifth straight audit. (That’s why the radLeft won’t audit the election).The Pentagon can only account for 39 percent of its $3.5 trillion in assets. Cut the military budget in half and return those funds to the American people.
War and empire subjugate billions of people around the world to enrich a small group of elites, mostly leftist nuDem donors. In just the past two decades, the US has waged and backed wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Ukraine, and other countries. End all US wars and regime change. Stop all military aid to other countries. End drone strikes. Close all US military bases abroad. Bring all US troops home. Build a world that guarantees every person freedom from war and empire in place of the collapsing US hegemonic world order.
Restore the constitutional liberties taken from us in the name of war and empire, including freedom of speech, the press, and assembly. End mass surveillance, repeal the Patriot Act, and restore the right to privacy and habeas corpus.
Disban (by force if necessary) all anti American nuLeftist/communist/nazi/racist organizations in America. We were the greatest nation on earth once. We can make America great again but first we need to make America good again and as long as atheist commies and fascists are in charge we can never be good. We can’t be good or great when our leaders are evil motherfuckers.
Is this consistent with your desire to expand freedom of speech, the press and assembly?
The Repubicuns are in charge of the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court and the majority of statehouses. They were in charge of the White House for 4 years.
Should the First Amendment be repealed (at least temporarily) to enable expunging non-Christians from gubmint?
Anyway, it sounds like a recipe from the white, Christian nationalist cookbook!