…is an overly bright day from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on fast food anarchy.
Doubleshot below the fold, check out The O.K. Corral, with a post on some Darwin Awards candidates.
And tripleshot, because I forgot to do an IAYS post Friday, check out The Lid, with a post on US credit card debt soaring.

Last weekend to celebrate black history month.

Pretty sure Rimjob is having a sadz.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Poor Lumpy.
What a gal!

Bwaha! Lolgf
What’s your point? Black Lives Matter is an anti white hate group, so is La Raza. We could name a dozen other left and right hate groups. So we ask again, what’s your point?
We have anti-Semitic neo-Nazis among us and the likely Repubicun candidates refuse to condemn them.
BLM is a pro-Black org that opposes police violence.
The National Council of La Raza is a pro-immigration org that opposes much of US immigration law.
That’s good-“BLM opposes police violence”. But they appear to be very pro-violence themselves
You can repeat all their publicity statements as well as their propaganda but they are anti white and anti American. they are anti Christian too as well as anti capitalist. BTW, in America most anti Semitic groups are on the left and we think being an anti Semite or a nazi or commie is legal even though they shouldn’t be. In fact no group which is anti American should be tolerated. This as they say is not a suicide pact. If you want to practice Nazism, communism, Islam, or any other organization or group that espouses the destruction of America go someplace else to do it. We Heritage Americans are tired if being blamed for and paying the price of every problem that exists. We’re also tired of hearing over and over continuously about shit that we didn’t do that occurred 50, 100 or 500 years ago. I’d throw the entire cult of climatology into that bunch too. All of those ideologies/religions are anti American and are open about it.
Tolerance is one thing but why should we tolerate people who don’t tolerate us?
Rimjob: BLM is a pro-Black org that opposes police violence.
Bwaha! Again you’re full of shit. Do you enjoy sharing your stupidity?

Bwaha! Lolgf
It’s CPAC time!!
The Master of Ceremonies, Matt Schlapp, was found “grooming” a young male staffer! Anyone who’s seen Matt Schlapp understands his secrets.
The rogue’s gallery of, well, rogues, includes Ben Carson, Marsha Blackburn, Ted Cruz, Lorena Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ronny Jackson, Gym Jordan, Scott Perry, Elise Stefanik, Stephen Miller (the Goebbels impersonator, not the singer), Sean Spicer, Devin Nunes, Don Jr and his g/f Kimberly with big addresses from The Don himself and Krazy Kari Lake! In addition, Trump antagonists Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo and Vivek Ramaswamy will speak.
Obvious by his absence, Ron DeSantis (described as having the charisma of a toaster over), will skip. Said Rick Wilson “DeSantis is not going: I think that’s because Schlapp, like many other Republicans, has made the probably correct calculus that Ron DeSantis is an overpriced stock and Donald Trump is still the best-known quantity in the Republican Party.” DeSantis’ Trump-lite imitation may not work – “If you like Trump, why not the real thing?”
“Grooming”/parents’ rights, sick trannies, border protection, “urban” crime, pro-Putinism, The Big Steal, old sick weak Biden, and TRUMP! are likely to dominate.
Wilson again: “The party’s run by the mob, not by the intellectuals, and it’s never going to go back. Once a movement becomes a populist movement dominated by the grassroots of the base, it never goes back to being a thoughtful, intellectually driven movement.”
The thoughtful, intellectual conservatism of William F Buckley, George Will, Milton Friedman, Irving Kristol, Russell Kirk, Thomas Sowell etc has been swamped by populist grievance and bigotry and lust for power. The Tea Party and Sarah Palin brought “the stupid” to the forefront. The mentality of the John Birch Society used to burble beneath the surface.
Rimjob seems to have only one mode and that is evidence-free accusation, tossing out one accusation after another that he can’t ever back up (like johnnie boy). He’s a true believer. The trouble is, he believes things just because he wants to believe them.
Well, that and being a total dumbass.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Elwood, you are entitled to your opinions regardless of how racist and bigoted they are but so are we. You as a radical leftist are known for projection since you all do it. This is just another classic example. You left the liberal American movement years ago and perhaps unknowingly slipped into the radical left nuNazi demofascist party like putting on new socks. It seems to fit you well. Your ability to project , lie and generally deny anything that does not force others to do your bidding fits right in. So does your closed minded approach to anything politic. In short you have become an activist for the worst of human nature and fascist programs from forced fake vaccinations to fake sex transitions which any sane person knows are impossible.
Elwood is proof of what Mark Twain meant when he stated: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” There is never enough evidence to make you curious let alone change your mind so any further discussion is worthless.
Elwood and H locate another white nationaliast Christian:
In America we all have the right to express our opinions! But – and this is important – the First Amendment does not immunize any of us against criticism.
None of is as vile in person as social media commenters tend to be. You’re probably not an asshole in person. I have many conservative and Christian friends, relatives, acquaintances and colleagues. I attended a funeral yesterday for a former colleague’s daughter. He’s a conservative Catholic, a wonderful father, friend, scientist and man. The service reflected his and his family’s Catholic faith. Although I’m a religious agnostic I followed their rituals. BTW, how does an agnostic live in a largely Christian nation – simple – although there is no credible evidence to support the belief of gods, miracles, demons, angels or an afterlife – I may be wrong, and there could be things I don’t understand.
Unless they’re in a mob, few far-rightists will call people fags, dykes, wetbacks, coons or child molesters to their face. The anonymity of the internet enables that behavior.
Many in the Trump movement claim that the election was stolen, even with scant evidence to support the notion. If belief in the Big Steal is the dividing line between fools (me) and non-fools (you), then most Americans are fools. That seems unlikely. Not all who claim the Big Steal actually believe it, not even Perp #1). The unpopular Trump is the likely 2024 candidate and is likely to lose again. Note that the Republicuns have won the popular vote only once (2004) since 1998.
64% of Americans believe that almost all abortions should be legal. This FACT hurt the GOP in 2022. The Supreme Court did the Democrats and favor and harmed the GOP when they overturned Roe v Wade.
Did the government force you to get vaccinated? Me neither. Coincidentally, vaccinated Americans are four-fold LESS likely to die of Covid than our unvaccinated brethren.
We understand why Mr Teach thinks other people’s sex or gender is his business. It’s big magic in the nuGOP biosphere! It’s none of my business, though. Why is it yours?
Yeah, sure you do.

One would be willing to bet you don’t point them towards the Cove and the hypocritical sewage you spout daily about Christians and consevatives.
Bwaha! Lolgf
The First Amendment is there to specifically protect criticism. Even ugly criticism. Like Teach’s motto states:”If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all”
Unfortunately it seems radical leftists or nuDems seem to tend more toward censorship and to demonize rather than just criticize. We see and hear people like Joy(less) Reid and Joy (less) Behar rant about anyone with whom they disagree in the nastiest, most degrading and hostile ways with zero repercussions by either their sponsors or their networks. That could only mean they agree with them. Even their presumed political parties have nothing to say.
You have been presented with tons of evidence that would require any sane and honest person to at least ask for and investigation and audit of that election. Constantly typing there is no evidence is not an argument when confronted with actual evidence. It’s the insanity of repeating the same thing over and over without even looking at it. We who believe the election was suspicious at the very least have been pushed by a coordinated collaboration of government, media, disinformation propaganda and entertainment to the point our frustration could erupt into riots like the Jan 6 kerfuffel. Calling a protest and small riot an “INSURRECTION!!!” for two years doesn’t help either. No reasonable person can believe a 2 time loser who campaigned from his basement and when he came out drew massive crowds of 4-500 won with 81 million votes more than even Obama. That’s just plain denial and bullshit.
At this point it no longer matters. Our country in rapidly deconstructing and an illegal junta won’t make a difference. Almost daily some new info is quietly presented making the entire election fantasy a chrade but it’s too late now. Like yesterday:
“Carbon County Montana residents filed a complaint after video surfaced of local election workers shredding ballots on election night last November.
The witnesses say they saw 21 batches of ballots being shredded on election night by an election worker.
County officials later came out and said it was OK because they were just “copies” of the military and overseas ballots.
KTVQ reported:
An investigation is underway in Carbon County into allegations of possible ballot shredding on election night last November.
It all started with a complaint from a poll watcher.
The case was first reported to the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office. It was handed off to the Red Lodge Police Department and is now with the Montana Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI).
A poll worker says he witnessed the shredding of election material on county surveillance video.
It’s video that has Carbon County poll watcher Chip Bennett concerned and asking questions.
It was captured on Nov. 8, election night, on the county’s election office security cameras.
“We see our election administrator shredding what appears to us to be absentee ballots,” said Lisa Bennett, Chip’s wife.
She says the video is partially blocked with a privacy screen but says the video shows 21 batches of documents being run through a shredder.
“We know that there are multiple pages going through,” Bennett said. “We can’t quite tell how many pages that she’s counting.”
The Bennetts contacted the county and filed a complaint.
The County responded.
The county says the video doesn’t capture with some think.
While no one from the county would speak with MTN News on camera, County Attorney Alex Nixon provided a statement, saying Carbon County officials and employees did not shred ballots as alleged in the video.
“The shredding undertaken by the Carbon County elections administrator, which is depicted in the circulated video, is the shredding of ballot copies received via email from Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) voters.”
That explanation makes no sense to Christina Barsky, a professor of public administration and policy at the University of Montana School of Law School.”
But it’s too late now.
We imagine the nuDems are at this very moment working on and perfecting their operation for their next election steal in 2024.
Like children, once they got away with it it will never end. America is sinking into a One Party “democracy” which is why democracy doesn’t work.
Your example from Carbon County, Montana has changed my position!! I had not seen/heard of this solid evidence from Carbon County, MT (pop. 10,488). The link didn’t work but I trust your summary.
Poll Watcher Chip Bennett’s wife Lisa swears she saw poll workers shredding ballots!! I have no evidence to contradict Lisa’s accusation.
But read on:
From the KTVQ report:
So that’s how Biden won Montana’s 3 Electoral Votes! He cheated!
Montana President Results
The cheating Biden won Carbon County, MT (Biden) 2,421 to (Trump) 4,468!
Although Biden won Montana by cheating, it turns out Congress certified the 3 electoral votes to Trump!!!
In all seriousness. Does it make sense that officials in Carbon County MT cheated so that Trump would only won that county 2 to 1??
Also, what you supplied from Professor Barsky (“That explanation makes no sense to Christina Barsky, a professor of public administration and policy at the University of Montana School of Law School.”) at the University of Montana Law School differs 180 degrees from what was reported in the news stories. You’re an honorable man but your reference may have been misreported. Do you consider this “credible evidence” that President Biden “stole” the election?
We assume this is some of the better evidence…
[…] Fast Food Anarchy The Pirate’s Cove EBL 357 […]
Laura Croft Cosplay day?
Elwood, the Carbon County piece was just the latest in a series of both large and small irregularities and scams uncovered over the last three years. You desire to somehow prove cheating did not occur is silly since there is SO MUCH prima facie evidence it dwarfs your puny denials.
But as we’ve previously noted it matters not how much we show people like you who think they benefited by the corruption will never want the truth. You only want power. What you don’t realize is we would be satisfied if the country was honest enough to see the skullduggery and attempt to investigate it. Plus, should a thorough investigation and audit prove us wrong we would be satisfied by the result. Sad but satisfied. You people OTOH can’t live with a loss and rant like children. But holding all the power in America you nuFascists have eroded the trust in every single branch of government in just a few years.
Even now when it’s too late to change you refuse to visit the errors, discrepancies and cheating. We can only surmise you intend to repeat the cheat and don’t want to reveal all your nefarious tricks.
Again, the country is already gone so what difference would it make anyway? Once the coup was successful and the junta was installed we only had one opportunity to change things and that was Jan 6. We see how you turned a protest of unarmed working Americans who were just subjected to draconian shutdowns and now legal discriminations into an “insurrection” once again projecting your own actions. You killed America just as you killed most American cities and drove so many American states to the verge of bankruptcy.
A house divided against itself cannot stand. The democrat rebels did it again. This time their treason was successful. You and your communist benefactors are free to make the USA the China of the West.
One Lie at a Time!
It’s clear that evidence means little to you. You’ve decided, sans evidence, that the election was stolen. How could it not be stolen? Trump was very popular among the far right.
Can we agree that the Carbon County, MT case is a big nothingburger? What was alleged had NO effect on anything and the explanation was reasonable, despite Chip’s wife’s accusation.
Does it bother you that somehow in your chain of evidence someone inserted an outright lie in what the law professor said?
Anyway, do you have another case that is not so easily shown to be nonsense? How about the most ironclad, provable claim of cheating?
There have been numerous audits, recounts and court cases regarding Trump’s loss – with no proof of skullduggery.
Finally, can you describe in general terms what an election “audit” entails? Was the audit by CyberNinja in Arizona legitimate?