Again, I’m not against legal weed. I do not do it anymore, haven’t taken a toke in at least 15 years (it doesn’t interest me anyore), but, if you want to do it, feel free. It’s not as bad for you as alcohol. But, come on, be responsible with it. Back in my day we’d be very careful, as we did not want to waste it. A bud falls in the carpet? Believe me, we’d search till it was found. Now, though
Nausea, Wobbling, Confusion: Dogs Are Getting Sick From Discarded Weed
On a recent weekend, Lola Star’s dog Dazzle, a mini goldendoodle just shy of 2 years old, ate a joint she found on the ground in the borough of Staten Island. It wasn’t the first or even the 10th time the dog had done this, Star said with a prolonged sigh.
She had not seen it happen, but there was a telltale sign. “I was taking her out of the car, and I saw her little head bobble,” Star, who lives in the Prospect Park South neighborhood in the Brooklyn borough, said. “That’s when you know your dog is stoned.”
Her dog is not the only unwitting weed consumer. Now that marijuana is widely available in New York City — after the city legalized adult recreational use of the drug in 2021 and the first legal dispensary opened in December — veterinarians are saying they’ve recently noticed a steady increase in the number of cases of dogs accidentally eating cannabis products. And pet owners say their dogs are running into more dropped cannabis on streets and sidewalks during walks.
Seriously, you people are dropping joints on the ground instead of finishing them? Get with the program, Spicoli!
Veterinarians who used to see a case once a month now say they see several a week. Though most dogs recover, the symptoms can be scary: loss of balance and difficulty walking, nausea, sleepiness and even hallucinations. And some owners do not see right away when their dogs eat a small remnant of a joint while out on a walk.
Though dog owners are used to having to steer nosy pets away from trash, food and other dangers on the sidewalk, the weed is a new risk that’s suddenly everywhere, Star said. And so dogs like Dazzle get sick again and again.
Not cool, Cheech.
The trend is not exclusive to New York City. In the past six years, there’s been a more than 400% increase in calls about marijuana poisoning to the Pet Poison Helpline, a 24-hour animal poison control center — with most reported in New York and California. Last year, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ Animal Poison Control hotline fielded nearly 7,000 calls for marijuana toxicity, an 11% increase from the previous year.
Most dogs will recover….
But for particularly large doses of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis — such as when a small dog consumes food or candy infused with it — there can be risks of heart arrhythmia or seizures, she said.
Why are you discarding joints and stuff infused with THC? Just wait till people start leaving all their other drugs on the ground, like fentanyl, in Democratic Party run areas that are legalizing drugs and ignoring drug use.

It’s just a dog.
When we no longer care about adult humans abusing drugs, we really have no legitimate basis to keep dogs out of it.
Besides, on this very blog, commenters are fully supporting slavery and sexual exploitation of humans. Such things go hand in hand with recreational drug use. After all, “we can’t stop it”. may as well tax it.
Apparently after doing this repeatedly that golden doodle knows exactly what is being eaten and wants to eat more.
Should the dog be allowed to
Continue to choose?
Should cats be allowed to consume catnip