I’d love to let this bit of cultism go, but, they’re keeping it alive, like the Walking Dead which went on too long, or the Halloween franchise. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, Police Academy 4, Jaws The Revenge, Ghostbusters 2016, Fast And Furious 28….
We are in a climate crisis, not simply experiencing climate change
Buffalo and western New York clearly just suffered through one of the worst and deadliest snowstorms in memory. Severe and almost unheard of events are now apparent everywhere you look.
In just the last year we have seen droughts scattered throughout the U.S., major wildfires, record heat in Europe, unusually strong storms and tornados in December, disastrous flooding in our heartland, a hurricane that seemed to last forever, and severe loss of life and trillions in damage from floods in Pakistan.
We can’t keep saying that we are experiencing 100-year events, because you can be sure they will recur again in far less than 100 years. We need language and action that matches the urgency of our situation: We are in a climate crisis, not simply experiencing climate change.
And what can solve this?
Current legislation is attempting to address the crisis with financial incentives, often described as “carrots.” To really get serious, we also need “sticks” that raise the costs of all products and activities that are heavily reliant on fossil fuels.
A slowly rising price on carbon emissions with revenue returned to Americans can provide the “stick” in a manner that doesn’t harm the economy or hurt consumers, including those with lesser incomes. Virtually all economists agree on this approach, Canada is already using it, and new Climate Leadership Council and Americans for Carbon Dividends polling shows Republican voters want to see meaningful solutions as well.
Let your members of Congress know that you want to see bipartisan climate action in 2023.
Let Congress know you want them to raise your cost of living while reducing your modern life. Why do most Warmists not live the carbon neutral life?
Can you blame climate change for a ‘once in a lifetime’ winter storm?
It is tempting to blame climate change for any anomaly in the weather. Some of the blame is justified – like long droughts and extraordinary rainstorms – but winter storms do not fit neatly in the climate change narrative. The researchers at Climate Central say that winter temperatures in the United States have increased by more than 3 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 50 years and that northern areas of the U.S. have warmed the fastest.
Yeah, they’re blaming you for driving a fossil fueled vehicle for massive winter storms.

what did you think would happen?? putting up all those wind generators in the mid west has and is changing the weather patterns. taking energy out of the wind currents slows the wind and cannot help but alter weather patterns in ways nobody has studied, or can predict.
same thing with solar panels. energy is taken from the light to produce electricity. that leaves less energy that would normally heat the ground which is now shaded by the panel. at some point, the summers will get shorter and the winters get longer, because of this solar shading.
the law of unintended consequences at work here. man has contributed a very small amount to global warming, but may be in the process of causing the next mini ice age.
Frankly xtron, I don’t think this stuff was so “unintentional”. The left in this country announced under Hussein they wanted to “fundamentally change” America. If you love something you don’t want to fundamentally change it. They have succeeded in turning us into a second world power and are well on their way to a third world shithole.
For “diversity” because White people are bad.
For “equity” because equality under law is a White man’s rule.
For “inclusion” because nothin’ says unity like bringing in all kinds of foreigners unable or unwilling to assimilate.
Only people who viscerally hate America and Americans could do something this evil. And do it all with stolen elections.
xtrin do you really think that putting solar panels over 0.000000000000%of the USA is going to change the climate significantly ? That energy to that is removed, doesn’t it simply appear in a different place? Or are you suggesting that matter is being created someplace ?
CarolAnn these foreigners coming in now, you see them as being unable or unwilling to assimilate? You think they what, don’t want to learn English? Don’t want to work? Are in some way different than immigrants who came here in the past? During their multi year wait for a court hearing on their asylum requests, do you think they should be forced/allowed to work and pay taxes, should their kids be forced/allowed to go to school, or allowed to just do whatever it is that kids want to do? The Christian Bible says they aliens should be treated the same as citizens, do you agree with that? Leviticus 19:34
I myself am a 2nd generation American, none of my grandparents were born in the USA
The Christian Bible says they aliens should be treated the same as citizens, do you agree with that? Leviticus 19:34
Gee H, I wasn’t aware you are Christian. However, nowhere in the “Christian Bible” *(as you term it) does treating illegal invaders the same as citizens. I do treat legal immigrants as friends and neighbors but anyone who invades my country deserves death as does anyone supporting their invasion.
Th fake president is committing an impeachable offense by allowing, no encouraging this shit to happen. But being a commie democrat he will never be impeached. That’s exactly how a banana republic operates.
* I’d like to point out that Leviticus is Old Testament and the God of Moses was directing that to the Israelis and nowhere does it suggest they treat illegals as citizens. Since you now believe in God perhaps you will show your love of American citizens in red states as much as for illegal immigrants rather than being consumed with hate for your fellow Americans.
xtrin do you really think that putting solar panels over 0.000000000000%of the USA is going to change the climate significantly ? That energy to that is removed, doesn’t it simply appear in a different place? Or are you suggesting that matter is being created someplace ?
CarolAnn these foreigners coming in now, you see them as being unable or unwilling to assimilate? You think they what, don’t want to learn English? Don’t want to work? Are in some way different than immigrants who came here in the past? During their multi year wait for a court hearing on their asylum requests, do you think they should be forced/allowed to work and pay taxes, should their kids be forced/allowed to go to school, or allowed to just do whatever it is that kids want to do? The Christian Bible says they aliens should be treated the same as citizens, do you agree with that? Leviticus 19:34
I myself am a 2nd generation American, none of my grandparents were born in the USA
The stolen elections, CA do you how do you think that ess allowed to happen? Were Dominion election machines reprogrammed by using Italian satellites? Do you believe that the Dems have 100s of thousands of forgers matching the signatures on the 60% of total ballots cast in 2020?
Great claims of fraud require great proofs of fraud.
Go it proofs?
Trump 2024 and beyond !!!
CA do you how do you think that ess allowed to happen? Were Dominion election machines reprogrammed by using Italian satellites? Do you believe that the Dems have 100s of thousands of forgers matching the signatures on the 60% of total ballots cast in 2020?
I don’t know H and neither do you. What we both DO know is that a huge number of Americans (in the millions) think there were shenanigans having to do with the election. That alone in order to establish FAITH in our elections should be enough to investigate and audit nationally. The only thing that is stopping that is FEAR on the part of the democrats that cheating will be found. You commies spent 2 1/2 years investigating Russia, Russia, Russia just to come up empty. You’re afraid that would happen again here. You should be. You have delegitimized the presidency and the national elections of our once great republic.
Great claims of fraud require great proofs of fraud.
Go it proofs?
Wrong again White man. Claims require suspicion and evidence, CONVICTION requires proof. We haven’t gotten to the proof part yet. That’s why you are ignoring and denying all the claims and evidence so far. So you don’t have to face the Proof or the TRUTH.
You guys are experts at making everybody else live up to YOUR expectations. Except you!
You are a classic example of the type of individual that we really don’t desire. Thus a more strict policy on the invasion of our country may have left you in the shithole were you obtained your communist attitude.
Yes!! We leftists (socialist, Nazi, communist, fascist) have been in cahoots with the New World Order, global communists, Davos, Trilateral Commission, ACLU, Hollywood elites, Clinton/Obama for decades. We want absolute control! We believe we can control the weather! We want to force you to breath clean air and drink clean water! We want to force you to have easy access to health care. We want to force your grandchildren to live in a world not too different than ours. We want to force the law to respect all Americans equally. The horror.
And it’s all because we hate white Christians.
And we’re so brilliant we can steal national elections and leave nary a trace!
I love when you go crazy dowd. It reinforces your mental fragility and social depravity. Being sarcastic (I hope you were) does not hide your despotic inclinations. In fact it illuminates them.
You are already disreputable for lying, calling a decorated war veteran a coward and slandering my wife for no reason. Going batshit crazy to obfuscate the hate and moral bankruptcy of your political proclivities doesn’t help. So…proceed!
If you bother to look at cities run by liberals, you might find that water systems around the world are failing under their leadership. More of you comment can be taken apart, but it is useless as you really don’t understand issues.
oh porter…
You are so fugging goofy!
Johnny has a hard time differentiating legal from illegal…it’s a difficult concept..
It’s the weed. The gateway drug to ignoring the law.