Hmm, perhaps that graphic I made in 2020 and mentioned many, many times since wasn’t so out of bounds (via Watts Up With That? and Jo Nova)
Oxfordshire County Council Pass Climate Lockdown ‘trial’ to Begin in 2024
Oxfordshire County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones to ‘save the planet’ from global warming. The latest stage in the ’15 minute city’ agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighbourhoods.
Under the new scheme if residents want to leave their zone they will need permission from the Council who gets to decide who is worthy of freedom and who isn’t. Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year, but in order to even gain this every resident will have to register their car details with the council who will then track their movements via smart cameras round the city.
Communism will make the weather better.
Oxfordshire County Council, which is run by Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party, secretly decided to divide-up the city of Oxford into six ‘15 minute’ districts in 2021 soon after they were elected to office. None of the councillors declared their intention of imprisoning local residents in their manifestos of course, preferring to make vague claims about how they will ‘improve the environment’ instead.
Every resident will be required to register their car with the County Council who will then monitor how many times they leave their district via number plate recognition cameras. And don’t think you can beat the system if you’re a two car household. Those two cars will be counted as one meaning you will have to divide up the journeys between yourselves. 2 cars 50 journeys each; 3 cars 33 journeys each and so on.
Well, hey, Oxfordshire residents, you voted for this when you elected these left wing wackjobs, so, you’re good with this, right? You don’t mind being treated as commoners controlled by your Betters, right?
Eric Worrel at WUWT writes: The “15 Minute City” concept mentioned by Councillor Duncan Enright is intimately tied to sustainability and climate goals. From Introducing the “15-Minute City”: Sustainability, Resilience and Place Identity in Future Post-Pandemic Cities :-
And Jo Nova says “Apparently, not enough people are catching buses or riding bikes. But instead of making that more appealing, the totalitarians will force it through tracking and fines. Oxfordshire has just approved on November 29th, the “traffic filters” trial which will turn the city into a “fifteen minute city”. The Trial will start in Jan 2024.”
Also: And lookout — the 15 minute city is not just Oxford, but turning up in Brisbane, Melbourne, Barcelona, Paris, Portland and Buenos Aires. It’s everywhere.
You can bet the Progressives (nice Fascists, meaning, they’re doing this for your own good, not that they’re actually nice) want this to come to more cities. They saw how people Complied during COVID lockdowns, and think they can make this happen for the climate scam.

That is some batshit crazy lunacy right there.
but it won’t stop. Australia did this during covid. china today is welding people into their homes and even in some cases surrounding workplaces and refusing to let anyone leave as covid rages through their workplace with almost no care, food, water, or anything else.
Let them eat cake. Or DIE. Whichever comes first.
The tyranny has begun. OPENLY. Get out your copy of 1984 if you want to know what your country will look like in a decade or two.
China Rolls Back Strict COVID Measures after Widespread Protests
Wed, December 7, 2022 at 6:28 AM
After weeks of widespread protests, China’s government announced it will roll back some of its strict COVID-19 restrictions and lockdown policies.
China Relaxes COVID Restrictions After Nationwide Protests
Wed, December 7, 2022 at 5:22 AM
The Chinese government said it would be easing strict COVID-19 restrictions as of Wednesday, December 7, following recent nationwide anti-lockdown protests.
China’s National Health Commission published a new set of COVID measures which will allow at-home isolation for close contacts and those with mild symptoms. Previously, close contacts and positive cases were mandated to stay in quarantine facilities and hospitals.
This should be a lesson. Genuine public protests CAN result in change.
We already knew that. As Republicans we marched for change in the 60’s against the racist Democrat policies and people. We still are. Like this commie democrat bitch:
The real lesson is that democommies in the US want to villify any protests not their own and call anyone who disagrees a white supremacist, racist, traitor or insurrectionist. They are all commie liars.
Anyone but a democommie in ’24.
How very…Soviet of them.
Where are Jeffty and Hairy? I can’t wait to hear their defenses of this.
Oh Stormy. Bring back that sunny day.
I’m agin it! So, just suck it, sweetie pie.
Additionally, I’m agin us messing in the internal workings of other nations.
The US has its own problems that take priority, e.g., the recent terrorist attack on the North Carolina electricity infrastructure! Did far-righties even hear about this?
No one said we should, dear child. That doesn’t prevent us from commenting on it.
Why, yes we did. What’s your point? It has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
Ah. The Left is bringing back Feudalism. Good for them. Just another failed policy of the past that the Left thinks hasn’t been tried yet. Like windmills, passenger rail, Brown Shirts, and controlled central economies.
Speaking of authoritarianism, it seems there has been little or no rightie criticism of the 2024 Republican presidential candidate typing this:
Oh Stormy? What say you? Do you agree with tRump that the US should suspend the Constitution, drag President Biden kicking and mumbling out of the White House, and ‘install’ trump as President??
Dana and Teach? D&G? Lucifer?
The man you promoted to the presidency in 2016 and supported in 2020 wants to tear up the US Constitution. If limiting where Brits can drive their cars is tyranny, communism, authoritarianism, what the ‘f’ is it when the leader of the US GOP wants to tear up the US Constitution?
I naively thought that this would finally be a bridge too far for the American ‘patriots’.
Is what the right-wing desires more important than the US Constitution?
dowd, the only time you traitorous bastards even mention the Constitution is when it either suits your purpose legally or it can be used to beat up your opponents. Other than that you filthy animals have no time for it.
We can no more tell Trump what to say than you can stop pedo joe from raping children. It just makes you feel good to try and tie us to every error made by every non-commie who ever lived. You still support the biden crime family even after we were all informed they conspired and colluded with the Ukrainians and Chinese communists to steal an election and get “jobs” on commie boards. They steal and lie and you swear to it. In case you haven’t noticed Trump is imploding but his self destruction does not make everything he ever said wrong. In fact it exemplifies the things he said that were correct by bringing the slime like you out into the light.
I don’t agree with your twisted interpretation, no. That’s likely because I don’t share your reading comprehension issues.
Dear Elwood:
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude,” Donald Trump wrote, “allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”
Given that in cases of fraud, retribution has long been considered justifiable. The question becomes, what is it to be, and what is the vehicle?
If someone has obtained your home through malfeasance and fraud and proven in a court of law, the retribution is having your home returned to you coupled with fines and monetary awards all delivered to you by the state’s justice system.
It is obvious that the election was stolen. The Twitter Tapes shows, beyond doubt, interference by the FBI via various media. Several states, PA among them, illegally changed election laws. Late night ballot dumps giving Biden 90% plus results, etc., etc., etc.
It follows then that a trial of the president, as the recipient, must occur. From the Constitution.
“Section 4
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
But what will happen when convicted and removed? Obviously, the Vice President will share with the President the President’s conviction or receive one of his own. That is no one can receive stolen goods. And given that all succession actions come from the poison well, what does the Constitution say?
“Presidential Succession
Article 2, Section 1, Clause 6, Constitution of the United States Article 2, Section 1,: In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.
If the vice president cannot serve, the line of succession falls to the speaker of the House, then to the Senate president pro tempore, then to Cabinet members.”
In this case the Speaker of the House is a Republican. Further, his/her election cannot be questioned given that the malfeasance was committed to help Democrats, especially the President and Vice President.
Where does this leave Trump? Unfortunately, it leaves him out.
Now, if Pence had refused to allow the Senate from verifying the results and if a fair and balanced investigation had ensued then the election would have been null and void, leading to a new election.
That’s the basis of Trump’s very rightful anger at Pence.
James typed: It is obvious that the election was stolen.
Total bullshit. But thanks for admitting you’re delusional.
Many of your braver and bolder brethren are plotting, hoping to seize power.
Right-wing terrorists attacked the North Carolina electrical infrastructure recently. We can expect more of these attacks from the frustrated and violent far-right. More disruptive shootings of schools, malls, churches, grocery stores and theaters.
Buh bye.
Remember: today’s left are pro-choice on exactly one thing. Other than that, they reserve the right to control your life.
Two issues, technically.
Who you can have sex with and whether you can kill the result.
All other choices will be made for you.
Which choices are the left preventing you from making?
Is it that you can’t read the wisdom of Kanye (Ye) on twitter if you choose?
You can’t dump used motor oil in the creek if you choose?
Dearest Elwood:
Actually, nothing more is needed than the Twitter emails.
Getting worried, eh?
In Jan, when House GOPhers start their investigations on the 2020 election and they ‘decide’ that Joe Biden stole the election and impeach him, and the Senate acquits him, then what?
What’s the mechanism for suspending the Constitution and installing a new, unelected person as president?
Are Americans worried that the fevered far-right terrorists will start blowing up bridges, dams, power plants and schools when they don’t get their way? Yes, but we can handle it.
The election wasn’t stolen. You are so partisan that it’s made you delusional.