Hey, remember this?
“I will take care of this. I will end this,” Joe Biden says of the coronavirus pandemic.
Watch Biden's full opening statement #debates2020 https://t.co/MVrVuhr0pW pic.twitter.com/D3JZEQd3tQ
— Bloomberg (@business) October 23, 2020
And then just 5 days before he took office?
Biden proposes a science-led New Deal to end pandemic suffering
There have been lots and lots of plans, lots of pledges and promises. All sorts of mandates, with more mandates in the works. Yet
Despite Vaccines, the U.S. Has Lost More Lives to COVID This Year Than Last
This was supposed to be the year vaccines brought the pandemic under control. Instead, more people in the United States have died from COVID-19 this year than died last year, before vaccines were available.
As of Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had recorded 386,233 deaths involving COVID-19 in 2021, compared with 385,343 in 2020. The final number for this year will be higher, not only because there is more than a month left but because it takes time for local agencies to report deaths to the CDC.
COVID-19 has also accounted for a higher percentage of U.S. deaths this year than it did last year: about 13% compared with 11%.
Experts say the higher death toll is a result of a confluence of factors: most crucially lower-than-needed vaccination rates, but also the relaxation of everyday precautions, like masks and social distancing, and the rise of the highly contagious delta variant.
Essentially, public health experts said, many Americans are behaving as if COVID-19 is now a manageable, endemic disease rather than a crisis — a transition that will happen eventually but has not happened yet.
OK, let’s consider: in January 2021 there were about 95,000 deaths. Let’s cut a third of, as Joe took office on the 20th. That would leave us with around 323,233 deaths since Biden took office. Will there be enough deaths by the end of the year? Hopefully not, but, this was just about the only other reason that Biden was elected, dealing with COVID, over Trump. The other being Trump was a big meanie. But, Trump dealt with a novel virus released by China (intentionally or unintentionally). Biden has been dealing with the known. His plans do not work. He loves restricting citizens (while playing Mask Theater himself), but, what’s working?
They can blame this on some refusing vaccination and other things, but, Joe said he would end this. The masking hasn’t worked. Trying to force vaccination hasn’t worked. And Joe has nary a bad word for China. You know if Trump was president this would be top of the page reporting for every Credentialed News outlet, Blamestorming him and his administration.

How is it possible that there can be higher deaths in a year when there is universal availability of vaccines plus a year of learning from treating the disease?
The only explanations are:
1. Some one is lying about the death statistics.
2. Someone lied about how effective COVID vaccines are.
3. There is a different disease that is being called COVID, but is worse than COVID and doesn’t respond to COVID treatments or Vaccines.
If we are to believe the messaging from the US government today, the only thing we can conclude is that they are lying to us, and have been all along.
Hell, I concluded that ten years ago. The Covid lies just made the lying worse.
Professor Hale: 3. There is a different disease that is being called COVID, but is worse than COVID and doesn’t respond to COVID treatments or Vaccines.
It’s called a variant due to the evolution of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, which was much more transmissible than the original strain.
It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the vaccines.
Fuck off KiddieZ.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Our esteemed host quoted:
Translation: as the government has relaxed its dictatorial controls, and people had been doing their best to ignore them anyway, more government controls must be imposed, at gunpoint if necessary.
Translations: The vax, distancing, and masks didn’t work so we need more of each of them.
New data from England show boosters do not merely top up immunity, they elevate protection well above the peak level from two doses
Data provided by Pfizer

As if.
Fuck off KiddieZ.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Hahahaha. Getting the truth about anything to do with Covid from a leftist is like trying to get the truth about anything to do with man made global warming from a leftist. Impossible. They are so thoroughly brain washed their ability to reason has been literally erased. Even as they watch the “experts” on both subjects constantly change their minds, lie, cook the books, hide numbers, support hoaxes, and generally do anything in their power to keep the lies going and growing they refuse to question their masters. They are the True Believers Eric Hoffer was talking about.
For example: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/huge-breaking-news-pfizer-hid-public-number-deaths-covid-clinical-trials-actual-number-21-6-reported-4-unvaccinated-group/
Now if they lied like a rug during the clinical trials to get their drug “approved” why would anyone think they weren’t lying before or after that? Duh!
By now it is obvious to everyone that Covid has become a bizarre mystery cult embraced by those into left-wing politics. A few normie dissidents were gripped by the great fear, but most have recovered. The bulk of the people hooked on Covid, however, are the sorts of people who obsess over climate change or check under their beds at night to make sure Hitler, Qanon or white supremacists are not hiding there.
The Covidian proper is someone who traffics in the usual fads. She totes her groceries home in grimy canvas sacks because Gaia supposedly hates plastic. At one time, she had a weird food allergy, maybe a series of them. The overlap between Covidians and Glutenites is near 100%. Of course, she was sure that Trump was Hitler and she was also sure Kavanaugh was going to stuff her uterus full of Bibles. Covid is just the latest stop on the crazy train for her.
These people think mankind is the enemy so anything that is bad for humanity is good. That is the appeal of Covid. To the Covidian, it feels like Mother Earth is getting her revenge.
Revenge is a big part of left-wing politics and always has been. The Wisconsin massacre was immediately hailed as revenge for the Rittenhouse verdict. Social justice, of course, is just a dog whistle for racial vengeance. Environmental justice, according to the EPA, is where the nonwhite populations exact revenge on white people on behalf of Gaia. The word “justice” is a universal dog whistle for vengeance. As a result, the Department of Justice is now the inquisition of the new religion. The believers in this nonsense don’t understand that “Justice” needs no qualifiers and once you add one like “racial” the word justice loses all meaning. Hence the blindfolded chick with the scales.
Of course, vengeance has always been a traveling partner of radical politics because radical politics is at odds with nature. The great smashing of the system never ushers in the promised Utopia, so someone has to pay for it like Jews, intellectuals or kulaks. Covid, however, reveals that the thirst for vengeance is what draws people into radical politics. Like the bitter, self-loathing wife beater looking for an excuse to knock around the old lady, the radical seeks out politics that promise the chance for vengeance. They aren’t happy just stealing an election from Trump. They want to incarcerate or murder him, his family and all his supporters. Give them the Romanov treatment and give their supporters the kulak ultimatum.
There is more to the Covid phenomenon than vengeance. The ritualized mask wearing and obsession with vaccines suggest there is a mystery element. There is something magical about all of this that appeals to the Covidian. Talk to a Covidian and few have a high school level understanding of biology. They talk about Covid as if it is an evil spirit, some dangerous miasma. The mask has become a talisman and the vaccine is a blessing from the shaman to ward of the evil. And Dr. Anthony Fauci is their Pope and all the assorted army of COVID clergy with titles like “public health director,” “governor,” “mayor,” “human resources director,” “Silicon Valley billionaire,” “editor,” “producer” and “reporter” all of whom are the keepers of The Word when it comes to COVID. Each has front-line authority to make decisions on enforcement of COVID ideology. Each the ability and authority to ruin your life, your family, your fortune and your reputation.
This is why the phenomenon of so many women (and feminized men of the Left) insist they have Covid despite testing negative lately. It’s not a lot different than saying you have been touched by Old Scratch or bewitched by the old woman who lives in the woods. First, it elevates her status. The evil one has targeted her for some reason. Second, she is a victim and gets sympathy. Of course, she is a hero for battling this great plague on her own. The negative test ties it all together allowing the accursed to suffer for all of our sins on Twitter.
What Covid has revealed is that something has gone horribly wrong with Western people. The self-loathing, the thirst for vengeance and the paralyzing fear of existence all point to a common cause. The West has reached a point where we hate our very existence and especially the very existence of men, Caucasians, Jews and Christians. Those nasty systemic bringers of Western Culture that has brought us to this point. We have evolved down a cultural dead end and we have no way to escape it, so we are hoping for a great destruction, or “reset” if you will. A great plague or natural disaster is seen as the hope of mankind, because it promises a do-over, a Build Back Better once we’re all dead.
Yeah, the left devoid of any real morality or compassion fully intends to “fundamentally change” America into a giant swirling shithole of communist ideology and Covidian/Climate theology. Why, it’s almost as if the Great Prophet Barack was seeing the future and St. George Floyd was there beside him guiding it in.
Some of the above are excerpts from:
COVID: A New State Religion?
By Tim O’Brien And Idle Hands from the Z Blog
L.G.Brandon: Now if they lied like a rug during the clinical trials to get their drug “approved” why would anyone think they weren’t lying before or after that? {snipped unrelated content}
Uh, the data didn’t come from the drugmaker.
Did the KiddieZ ignore this report?
Fuck off Kiddiez.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Or this one?
Again, fuck off KiddieZ!

Bwaha! Lolgf
How do you “elevate well above” the 95% that Pfizer/CDC/NIH promised wad included in the first two doses? For a disease that was already 99% survivable even without treatment?
Professor Hale: How do you “elevate well above” the 95% that Pfizer/CDC/NIH promised wad included in the first two doses? For a disease that was already 99% survivable even without treatment?
The rate of symptomatic infections in the vaccinated group is only 5% that of the unvaccinated group.
Horse poop. If you believe those sliced, diced and regurgitated numbers and faux facts I got a bridge to sell you.
They’ve been peddling this phony vax crap for a year and Brandon’s death toll just passed Trump’s. They change their minds, redefine the words and definitions, cook the numbers and outright lie but loyal butt kissers still by the crap.
L.G.Brandon: If you believe those sliced, diced and regurgitated numbers . . . Brandon’s death toll just passed Trump’s.
If the numbers are “sliced, diced and regurgitated,” then how do you know Brandon’s death toll just passed Trump’s?
We don’t, now do we? But since we know this is a political disease if they say Brandon’s numbers surpass Trump’s then they must be afraid of being found out. We are at a point where absolutely nothing can be trusted and yet many of you still trust the government and the paid “experts” from Big Pharma, Fake Media and Hollywood to direct your thinking rather than reason. I assume by your defense of the numbers you actually believe them? All of them?
And they are the very last people we should be trusting in a political pandemic.
Why you would trust the CDC or NIH after Fauci and his minions politicized the Covid (most likely to cover his butt) and forced the hospitals, doctors and businesses to support the lie under threat of unemployment or falling into most unfavored business status is a mystery to me.
After watching mostly Democrat governors close people’s private businesses willy-nilly with no rhyme or reason to those they closed or “allowed” to remain open and watching these same bigoted animals divide America into “essential” and “non-essential” employees based on no scientific nor moral basis thereby stigmatizing Americans is revolting. Yet you still obey.
You were made to be slaves and we were made to be free. You can’t even comprehend the idea we don’t need a reason to refuse to be jabbed. It’s our right nor to be forced to take an unproven drug into our bodies. Period. We don’t need “exemptions”. Owning our own bodies is reason enough.
L.G.Brandon: We don’t, now do we?
So, you made a claim, which by your own words is unsupported. Let us know when you have a coherent point to make.
L.G.Brandon: Why you would trust the CDC or NIH
The data didn’t come from the drugmaker or CDC or NIH.
In something that isn’t a surprise in the slightest, The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Communist columnist Will Bunch wants a reimposition of mask mandates.
So, you made a claim, which by your own words is unsupported.
No I didn’t.
Let us know when you have a coherent point to make.
Soooooo, you’re wrong, won’t admit it so your natural leftist response is an insult. Check.
You can believe the government, Fauci, CDC, Big Pharma, Wall Street, Jeff Bezos and George Soros all you want. You can agree with the lies of the CDC, the Fake Media, the FBI and AOC for all I care. The point is don’t be surprised when reasoning people disagree.
I find your responses spurious at best but most likely deliberately deceptive. You have come down firmly on the side of despotism and tyranny and that’s a pretty deep and historically bloody hole to clime out of. But in a somewhat free (as long as one does not disagree with you, your mentors and masters) country so far so please go ahead. Just keep your paws off my freedom.
You actually believe masks can’t stop Covid nor can the redefined vax yet want to not only wear and receive both yourself but force other do so also. Including children, pregnant women and those of us who refuse will be punished for refusing the items you admit don’t work!
And you claim I don’t have a coherent point to make?
L.G.Brandon: No I didn’t.
These claims are contradictory:
LGB: If you believe those sliced, diced and regurgitated numbers and faux facts I got a bridge to sell you.
LGB: Brandon’s death toll just passed Trump’s
L.G.Brandon: You can believe the government, Fauci, CDC, Big Pharma, Wall Street, Jeff Bezos and George Soros all you want.
The data in the link above didn’t come from any of those sources.
It came from UK Health Security Agency. After reading the wiki one can understand why the dishonest KiddieZ withheld the source of the citation.
Fuck off Kiddiez!

Bwaha! Lolgf
Those two items are not “claims, they are observations and prove the point. I am not “claiming” they are either true or false. I am claiming most of the sliced, diced and regurgitated faux facts coming from the government and “expert” sources are unreliable and you you leftists rely on them until they don’t fit then change them.
The data in the link above didn’t come from any of those sources.
I said “We are at a point where absolutely nothing can be trusted and yet many of you still trust the government……. You do realize your source came from the UK government, right? What part of “government” alludes you? Or are you under the impression the US government is the only one that lies? You believe everything the NHS claims is true when it’s run by socialists/communists who never, ever admit error, take responsibility or revisit mistakes that run counter to the socialist narrative? Nah, you ain’t naïve.
You are just frustrating yourself. The Z’s are high school kids in a debate club. They come here and say stupid things because they are stupid and in order to have you do their home work. There is no way to educate them or introduce logic.
L.G.Brandon: Those two items are not “claims, they are observations and prove the point.
So you say you yourself *observed* the deaths due to COVID during the Trump and Biden administrations? That’s just silly.
L.G.Brandon: I am not “claiming” they are either true or false.
Actually, you claimed that “Brandon’s death toll just passed Trump’s.” You could at least try to keep track of your own utterances.
If the world just started taking Ivermectin as soon as they felt sick, the world could just go on about their business because Ivermectin destroys Covid not only in a Petri dish but in the body.
As for the boosters. I fail to comprehend the left’s trust in big Pharma other than they have no backed themselves into a corner by going after Trump over Covid and now they can not back off their pit bull mentality without undoing the only thing that they have going for them. Fear mongering.
That being said. J&J works for literally 2 months but if you take a booster from Moderna or Pfizer you are saved. Pfizer, Moderna, and Astr Zeneca work for around 5-7 months before the efficacy falls off. This has been shown in numerous papers.
The question then becomes, how does anyone trust that a booster is going to give you long-lived efficacy when two shots fail after such a short period of time. Are we to keep taking boosters every 6 months from now until eternity when they have a six-cent pill that you take when you feel sick and voila you are good to go.
Of course not. You take a 3000 dollar per pill course brought to you by Merck and Pfizer which is Ivermectin repurposed to make insane amounts of money.
If we can just keep the world terrified. Now we have the O variant that will shuttle all the little rats back into their holes as the Great Reset, Billionaires, and AGW activists destroy the world without anyone to fight back if they are hiding in their hidey holes.
Est. 1950: If the world just started taking Ivermectin as soon as they felt sick, the world could just go on about their business because Ivermectin destroys Covid not only in a Petri dish but in the body.
“Currently available data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19. Clinical trials assessing ivermectin tablets for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in people are ongoing.”
Est. 1950: The question then becomes, how does anyone trust that a booster is going to give you long-lived efficacy when two shots fail after such a short period of time.
Boosters may or may not provide long term protection, but they do provide substantial protection.
I can see that as a typical leftist you are more interested in getting the last word than even trying to see things from a different perspective.
Tag, you’re it.
I can see that Zachriel guy is dancing in word circles to get the last word in on you too. It’s cute to watch. As david7134 said he seems like a kid in a debate class.
I like how you tagged him “it”.
It’s more than just COVID deaths. I did the math, and quickly realized that, ever since the election in which the vast majority of Philadelphians cast their ballots for Joe Biden, and it became apparent that President Trump had been defeated, the homicide rate in Philly had increased. The wicked, evil reich-winger Donald Trump was going to be gone, gone, gone, and the good people of the City of Brotherly Love ‘celebrated’ by killing more people.
Joe Biden was s’posed to bring all sweetness and light, but since he was elected, even more blood has flowed on Philly’s mean streets.
It will be argued that the President has nothing to do with homicide rates, and that’s true. But since the left blamed everything bad on President Trump, they can’t say much if normal people note that things are worse under Mr Biden.