…are horrible bricks laid with terrible concrete, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on not being able to get rid of Afghan refuges who fail vetting.

…are horrible bricks laid with terrible concrete, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on not being able to get rid of Afghan refuges who fail vetting.
Hello! It’s a start.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Pfizer CEO just revealed that the company is in stage three trials of a 2X per day PILL for Covid-19.
What did I tell you?
Big Pharma don’t make no money if they are not shoving pills down our throat 24x7x365.
Covid however is here to stay.
As I am typing my wife is lying on the couch with Covid-19. I have my second bout of covid in 2 months even after a vacination. My Granddaughter gave it to us, and lucky her. She had a sleepover and so did her younger brother. Turns out she is the one who had covid and now 11 kids have covid thanks to one non symptomatic child.
My wife is vaccinated. Her symptoms are mild. Mine are mild.
Get your shot. Seriously. Vitamin D, and take care of your health. Fix underlying health problems… aka keep your blood pressure under control, fix your diabetes, lose weight, stop eating so much sugar and cut back on High Fructose Corn Syrup which interrupts the bodies ability to utilize VITAMIN D.
Covid is here to stay folks and I firmly believed that we are at about 70 percent herd immunity. Because of so many who have had the virus but never tested. Eventually we will all have had it at least once. When that happens the virus is going to start mutating into a more benign version of itself to keep itself alive.
At least thats why our doctors are telling me.
So you oppose an orally bioavailable antiviral drug that actually inhibits SARS-CoV-2? Why?
Don’t want a pill that actually works against Covid-19? We have people taking hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin based on rumors and lies.
You may note that there are now very effective oral anti-HIV drugs, so it is possible.
And if big pharma doesn’t discover and develop the drug, who will? Are you proposing that the federal government finance all pharmaceutical development or buy up all the patents?
Or a Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf

Bwaha! Lolgf
Wow! Fair and open elections!
What a concept!

Bwaha! Lolgf
More leftist hypocrisy’
Around the country college football crowds yell, “Fuk Joe Biden”!

Bwaha! Lolgf
what bricks?
Disgraced former Prezzy and entremanure DJ Trump is going to honor the 9/11 victims and heroes by being a guest commentator at the Evander Holyfield vs Vidor Belfort boxing exhibition. You can watch for $50!
You can’t buy class.
He’s probably being paid a couple million bucks for that gig, money on which he will have to pay taxes. Do you object to the former President paying taxes?
tRump’s record on paying taxes has not been in America’s favor, has it?
Tell us about Trumps taxes, not the made up stuff you usually spout. For that matter, your corporation takes a number of deductions that prevent you from paying your fair share. Of course your corporation is not doing to good on making money to begin with.
Doogie Hoser,
Based on available tax data, billionaire tRump paid $750 in federal taxes in each of 2016 and 2017. You can look up the rest.
You just don’t understand anything.
Doogie Hoser,
You are incapable of understanding anything.
“You can’t buy class.”
Sure can’t which is why the fascist Hollywood demofascist scum is classless. As are every loud mouthed blathering demofascist politician like Nazi Pelousey or that mooslem Hussein.
Disgraced? How? He did have the national election stolen from him, what response should we have for your communist friend being fraudulent.
There is no evidence that tRump had the election stolen.
Disgraced? Impeached twice, led an attempt to stop the certification of a national election, lost the popular vote in two consecutive elections, surrendered to the Taliban and is an ass.
Apparently you don’t keep up with the news. His so called impeachment’s are a bag of honor.
tRump is a “bag” of something. His impeachments were real. His so-called election was a hoax.
Bag is supposed to be badge. But you knew that. Funny how you hate Trump so bad yet he was our best president.
david duke,
I respect your opinion on tRump, but disagree with you.