A shade of things to come, where all flights require COVID tests, not just international arrivals? Also, isn’t Canada about 8 months too late? (misspelling of travelers not mine)
What You Need To Know About Canada’s New COVID-19 Test Requirements For International Travellers
The Canadian government has just announced that pre-departure COVID-19 testing and proof of negative results are now required for all air travellers coming into Canada as of January 7, 2021.
The news release states that “The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global crisis that is having a significant impact on the air industry and all travellers. The Government of Canada has multiple measures in place to protect the health and safety of Canadians, and to help prevent air travel from being a source of further introduction and spread of COVID-19 and new variants of the virus into Canada. Since March 13, 2020, the Government of Canada has strongly advised against non-essential travel, and that travel restrictions and measures can be amended at any time as necessary for public health reasons.â€
However, these measures have proven not as effective as the government would like so that is why the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Marc Garneau, is requiring that, effective January 7, 2021, at 12:01 a.m. EST, all air passengers five years of age or older will be required to test negative for COVID-19 before travelling from another country to Canada. It’s believed that waiting until January 7 will provide all airlines, both foreign and domestic, adequate time to comply with the new requirements.
According to the press release: “Documentation of a negative laboratory test result must be presented to the airline prior to boarding a flight to Canada. The test must be performed using a COVID-19 molecular polymerase chain reaction (or PCR) test and must be taken within 72 hours prior to the traveller’s scheduled departure to Canada.â€
The PCR test is the more invasive “stick it way up your nose or in your throat” test, vs the rapid test which just goes about half an inch up your nose. On one hand, you can completely understand the caution, on the other hand, it’s January 2021, why is this suddenly important now? One would have thought it would have been important months and months ago. Is this a precursor to more movement crackdowns? Or just a one off?

Teach do you think the Trump is also “8 months too lateâ€
Teach when did you think that Covid should have been recognized by Trump as being a f of a lot worse than the flu?
I can understand the Canucks doing this; they have no real rights, other, of course, than the right not to have people ‘misgender’ them.
Americans are supposed to have rights, not that Bill de Blasio recognizes them. Oberbürgermeister Bill de Blasio (NSDAP-New York City) has decided that violating your First Amendment rights isn’t enough, and now he’s going to violate your Fourth Amendment rights as well:
The Fourth Amendment provides that:
Under Katz v United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967), the Supreme Court held that the Fourth Amendment protected anyplace in which a subject had a reasonable expectation of privacy. If the Oberbürgermeister sends the sheriff’s deputies to anyplace the subject of the visit has a reasonable expectation of privacy, which would seem to include “the home or the hotel of every single traveler coming in from the UK,†those deputies are all going to need warrants.
Note that some people traveling to the New York City from the United Kingdom will be American citizens.
Does travel from one country to another constitute probable cause? Can a city or state impose regulations against free travel from another country, or is that solely a federal power?
Remember how the left were complaining that President Trump was an authoritarian fascist? Well, it isn’t President Trump threatening to send in the gendarmerie to everyone’s home.
” Well, it isn’t President Trump threatening to send in the gendarmerie to everyone’s home.”
It never was. Remember Leftist=Projection.
William Teach: why is this suddenly important now?
There’s a new variant of COVID.
William Teach: One would have thought it would have been important months and months ago.
Canada has less than half the death rate of the U.S., so they’ve apparently had a better organized response so far.
No, it means that they are a larger country with a tenth our population; Canadians outside of the major cities — only two cities in Canada exceed a million population — Canada’s population density is much lower than ours, more comparable to the American west than our eastern regions. Canadians are naturally ‘socially distant.’
That makes sense. So nations with population densities greater than the US should have greater or at least similar death rates.
For example, nations such as Japan (10 times more densely populated than US) Taiwan (20 times), South Korea (15 times), Germany (8 times), Switzerland (6 times).
US has 91 deaths per 100,000 population, Japan (2) Taiwan (.03), South Korea (1), Germany (26), Switzerland (70). BTW, Canada has 36 deaths/100,000.
If the US had Germany’s Covid death rate we’d have 100,000 dead instead of 350,000. That’s 250,000 fewer grieving families. Mr Trump doesn’t consider 250,000 dead Americans of much concern. If the US was as effective as South Korea we’d only have some 4,000 dead, just only slightly worse than 9/11, the most tragic event in American history. If we had Taiwan’s rate… 100 dead Americans.
How much is a dead American worth? Is death the ultimate loss of freedom?
The response by the US, the world’s richest and most technologically advanced of all nations, has sucked bigly.
Well, it’s certainly true that other nations imposed much more draconian controls, just as it’s true that other nations do not have our respect for freedom and individual rights. Are our rights worth people dying for them? We have said any times, in our history, and it is as true now as it ever was.
Except, of course, for the Special Snowflakesâ„¢, who, unlike Benjamin Franklin, thought that they did deserve a bit of temporary security at the price of essential liberty.
You’d make a great O’Brien in a remake of 1984, because you would truly believe in the part.
Of course other nations did not have a feckless bureaucracy such as the FDA and/or the CDC running the response.
Dana: Canada’s population density is much lower than ours
Region, deaths per million
Canada, 36
North Dakota, 1719
Dana: Are our rights worth people dying for them?
Not unnecessarily. South Korea and Germany are free democratic countries that have significantly lower COVID death rates than the U.S.
Dana: Benjamin Franklin, thought that they did deserve a bit of temporary security at the price of essential liberty.
The American founders used much more stringent measures to deal with epidemics.
The test is only 50% sensitive and specific and thus any report should be divided by 2, you might not have gotten to division as yet
Poor, poor devo. Can you be more specific about the test(s), maybe even link to the source of your false information.
If the test(s) are only 50% sensitive (it isn’t) it means it detects a “true” result only half the time, missing 50% of the true positive cases! So wouldn’t you MULTIPLY by two?
Remember when the right wing wanted all those with HIV quarantined ?
I fo
“Remember when the right wing wanted all those with HIV quarantined ?”
Remember when the commies on the left wanted all those WITHOUT Red Chinese Democrat Flu to be locked down, be tossed out of business and their jobs taken away? Oh wait, they still do.
350,000 dead Americans so far. It’s another 9/11 each day.
Veterans, grandfathers, grandmothers, teachers, coaches, dads, moms, nurses, doctors, store clerks, waitresses…
You’re bitching and moaning because the taxpayers only paid you part of what you think you’re entitled?
How much again did you get paid for your inconveniences? Compare that to the ICU nurse who died from Covid after 6 months of 70 hr weeks trying to keep Covid patients alive.
As bad as the US response has been, it could have been much, much worse.
You run a day spa or massage parlor or something, right? As non-essential as it gets, anyway. Would your insurance company have been comfortable with you running your business per normal if the city or county or state had recommended closing? Would the insurance company that services your employee health insurance?
Mr Dowd wrote:
I don’t believe that happened. Seventy hour weeks lead to exhaustion, and while some nurses might work a couple of them, six months of them? I call bovine feces on that! Even if she wanted to do that, the hospital administration would not have allowed it; too much chance of making a mistake, and too much chance that the hospital gets sued.
“350,000 dead Americans so far. It’s another 9/11 each day.”
Bullshit. The numbers have been cooked since day one. But you know that and ignore, gaslight and deny it just as you do with the fraudulent election. I can’t talk to someone as hateful and ignorant as you.
“Veterans, grandfathers, grandmothers, teachers, coaches, dads, moms, nurses, doctors, store clerks, waitresses…”
The same can be said about car accidents or any other fuking disease. BUT WE DON”T GO ALL NAZI OVER IT!!!
“You’re bitching and moaning because the taxpayers only paid you part of what you think you’re entitled?”
I’m bitching and moaning because they had deprived me of my property without due process, JUST COMPENSATION, and my right to assemble. They should pay me what I lost under JUST COMPENSATION wouldn’t you agree? That is what it means. Unless to communists just compensation means whatever some bureaucrat decides.
“How much again did you get paid for your inconveniences? Compare that to the ICU nurse who died from Covid after 6 months of 70 hr weeks trying to keep Covid patients alive.”
INCOMVENIENCES? INCONVENIENCES? The mother fukers stripped me of my ability to earn a living. I won’t play your little game which assumes if I didn’t DIE I deserve no credibility. People DIE every day from all sorts of things but now a days they only seem to die of Commie Flu. In 2019 2,839,205 Americans died from all causes. So far according to the CDC it looks like 73,000 more Americans died in 2020 than died in 2019. So unless we cured COPD (159,486) AND nobody died of strokes your 350,000 phony Commie/Democommie flu is as phony as you are. That’s not even accounting for the increase in population, BTW.
“As bad as the US response has been, it could have been much, much worse.”
The US response was exactly what was recommended by the “experts” at the CDC, NIH and WHO either together or separately and fluctuated and changed according to THEIR recommendations. So if you got a complaint tell them, not us. You want Fauci’s number?
“You run a day spa or massage parlor or something, right? As non-essential as it gets, anyway.”
Very cute. You’re trying to insinuate my wife runs a whore house because she’s Asian. So now she and I by marriage are pimps, I guess. Correct? Yeah, you’re about as racist and white supremacist as one old commie can get and you just proved it here.
Who the fuk are you or anyone else to determine which American is or is not essential? Is that how you commies decide who to arrest and murder, by who’s “essential”? ALL Americans are essential to someone and all businesses are essential to the economy or do you think the economy is better now that you commies in blue cities and states shut down about 25% of small business FOREVER? You’re a typical commie elitist determining who and what should be and who shouldn’t. You’re next gonna tell me that people who shop at Walmart won’t get Commie Flu but women who go to my wife’s place for a body treatment will? Just like if you’re in a bar at 9pm you’re safe but at 10 pm you’ll get sick. That’s the shit PA pulled.
The reason America’s response to Wuhan Democommie Flu was not as it should have been was: 1. Cuomo and others gave the elderly a death sentence with their ridiculous anti-science edicts.
2. Lockdowns and masks don’t work-we’ve been doing the same thing over and over for a fukin year and expecting a different response. 3. Cute slogans like “flatten the curve” and “we’re in this together” don’t work when our Democommie overlords don’t abide by their own edicts. Notice all the asshole elitists who go to the French Laundry, Puerto Rico, hair salons (also our business) etc are Democommies. 4. When the CDC etc change their minds like you change your underpants, weekly, there is no continuity to the plan.
I also noticed YOU WEREN’T shut down. So you sit there with all your millions of government grants and contracts coming in and bitch about me complaining I was put out of business? You’re the WORST kind of hypocrite. I personally know at this point four guys permanently put out of business by people like YOU. A couple are now losing their homes. So far. May be more. And you sit there in your gated community crying that we expect just compensation for what the government took from us? You can take your lack of empathy and compassion and your cruel racist view of the American working class and go fuk yourself.
You and your Democommie comrades are the type of people who stand at the gate of the gulag and determines who goes to work (the essentials) and who gets gassed or shot (the non essentials). Well Heil Elwood and your new fuhrer Xiden. You have successfully broken American society into the new Reich where there are Jews and gypsy’s and whites and straights and Christians who are non essential and then the billionaires, the tech and Wall Street moguls, the Hollywood celebrities and the media who are the essentials and therefore the elite. Where do you fall?
Sorry. Forgot to ask. Which one of you goes to the food bank? You or the Mrs?
And seriously. You compare your condition to the Holocaust and the Gulag Archipelago. Anne Frank, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Kye.
And aren’t you a day trader? Can’t you still play on the internet during the pandemic?
I’ll save my sympathy for those millions of Americans about to lose jobless benefits, actually needing the help of food banks and about to lose their homes.
We told you in the spring that the way to keep the economy going was to address the pandemic.
Traitor Don has ignored the pandemic for at least the past 6 months.
The irate Mr Dowd wrote:
Given that you supported fascist policies which caused them to lose their jobs in the first place, you having “sympathy” for those same people losing their “Jobless benefits” rings pretty damned hollow.
Yeah, I remember that, two weeks lockdown to ‘flatten the curve,’ and so we had almost every state force businesses to close, order people to stay at home, issue mandatory mask mandates, cancel ‘elective’ procedures, put people under quarantine, an entire year of education lost, all sorts of things, including those that violate our constitutional rights, to “address the pandemic,” and yet here we are, nine months later and the economy is still in the toilet, millions are still unemployed, travel still restricted, hundreds of thousands of businesses permanently closed, a vaccine finally developed but with rushed testing and several more months before most people receive it.
What you wanted done to “address the pandemic” was done, and it has devastated the economy and ruined lives! Some 350,000 people dead and our Constitution trashed, and all the left want to do is more of the same.
We’re not surprised that the increasingly irate and reactionary Mr Dana considers slowing the spread of a dangerous pandemic as “fascist”, in that he also considers any and all taxation as theft.
Dana: Given that you supported fascist policies
Not sure what you mean by fascist policies, but government powers during epidemics are embedded in common law. George Washington, for instance, mandated smallpox vaccination for every soldier in his army — and they used actual smallpox inoculation with considerable risk to the individual.
The Left: The numbers have been cooked since day one.
Excess deaths confirm the direct death count, which has occurred in countries or individual regions that have had outbreaks. Of course, even a cursory look would show that hospitals and morgues are being overrun.
The Left: The US response was exactly what was recommended by the “experts†at the CDC, NIH and WHO
Here’s an example of a high government official in the U.S. ignoring recommendations.
As has been pointed out before to you KiddieZ excess deaths is a made-up statistic that means nothing.
And of course hospitals and morgues
are NOT being overrun.
But go ahead a keep posting your silly little lies.
Y’all are worse than Rimjob.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Poor Lil Suckbutt. Excess deaths are based on simple arithmetic.
Perhaps you’re arguing that the increased 2020 death rate in nation after nation is a result of aging populations.
Are you also suggesting that hospital personnel are lying?
We can tell you are triggered.
How would you have continued business during the pandemic even if the local government hadn’t stopped you? Carry out? Or would you have been OK with spreading the infection? If the county recommended that businesses such as yours not stay open and an employee died from Covid would you fight a lawsuit from their family? You would likely fall back on the fact that the dead woman wouldn’t be able to prove absolutely that she had caught Covid on the job.
Do you really think that a “day spa” or something is as necessary as a food store during a pandemic?
It seems your main argument is that you don’t believe the pandemic is dangerous, or that it’s a hoax. Do you still get out a lot yourself?
Sorry. Forgot to ask. Which one of you goes to the food bank? You or the Mrs?
And seriously. You compare your condition to the Holocaust and the Gulag Archipelago. Anne Frank, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Kye.
And aren’t you a day trader? Can’t you still play on the internet during the pandemic?
I’ll save my sympathy for those millions of Americans about to lose jobless benefits, actually needing the help of food banks and about to lose their homes.
We told you in the spring that the way to keep the economy going was to address the pandemic.
Traitor Don has ignored the pandemic for at least the past 6 months.
Uh, no https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/12/trumps-coronavirus-vaccine-timeline-vindicated-corporate-media-hardest-hit/
Even a blind orange pig occasionally finds an acorn.
Der Trumpenfuhrer made many predictions, e.g., the virus would magically disappear by last Easter (it won’t disappear by next Easter); “15 cases, soon to be zero” (over 20 million confirmed, so far); “hydroxychloroquine!” (he didn’t demand hydroxychloroquine, but did get an antibody cocktail not readily available); only 50 or 60,000 deaths, like the flu (350,000 and climbing); we won’t need 5 million tests (we need hundreds of millions) and on and on.
He got one right by accident, not by insight.
And how is trump’s vaccine rollout going? At this rate we’ll have herd immunity in 10 years!
Jl: Uh, no
Keep in mind that it was experts who devised the vaccine.
At least since April 2020, the scientific consensus was that the vaccine could be ready in early 2021, which is about where we are. (The first vaccine was approved December 17, 2020 in the U.S., and it will be months before supply meets demand.)
“Keep in mind it was the experts who decided the vaccineâ€. Yes, and who said otherwise? Trump predicted it would be ready this year, and it was.
As previously indicated, trump made several guesses, mostly wrong.
Meaning, obviously, 2020
Jl: Trump predicted it would be ready this year, and it was.
As that was what experts were saying, that doesn’t make it his prediction. He also said the pandemic would be over by April, contrary to what experts were saying.
And they also called him a “racist’†when he shut down flights from China, which of course saved lives.. Part of the reason they did that is because they also thought it may not be that bad-very inconvenient…. And remember the liberal media, and the media in general, were saying it wasn’t worse than the flu. https://twitter.com/alamerqld/status/1294206573573677057?s=21
Yes, Zach, he was listening to the experts-what’s one supposed to do if they’re not an epidemiologist? Again, he said by the end of the year and it came by the end of the year
Jl: he was listening to the experts-what’s one supposed to do if they’re not an epidemiologist?
That’s what he should do. However, he ignored the epidemic concerning the dangerousness of the epidemic claiming the disease would die out by April. We now have tapes which show that he knew it was dangerous, but lied about it for political purposes.
He ignored the dangerousness of the epidemic.â€. He shut down China flights, which the left thought was wrong. And as shown, the lib media at the beginning was saying it’s no worse than the flu.. So in other words, much of the liberal establishment was downplaying the seriousness of the epidemic
Jl: He shut down China flights, which the left thought was wrong.
Not completely and too late. Meanwhile, the contagion was coming in from Europe.
Jl: the lib media at the beginning was saying it’s no worse than the flu
You mean Trump, who in private said it was much worse than the flu, but in public downplayed the risks.
Still being in grade school prevents your understanding of much that occurred and the fact you clearly do not have an open mind. Trump responded in the best manner possible. And in the legal manner accepted. He was hampered by by every effort blocked by the Dems as well as having to defend himself in a trumped up false impeachment. He stopped Chinese flights but did not those with Europe as the illness seemed isolated to China and the attack was from China, it was not until later that it became evident that China had intentionally sent infected individuals to Europe and thus a back door, called the fog of war. As to his characterization of the illness. He was rights. My literature suggested the disease was not that bad. I’d you had knowledge that the illness was so bad but no treatment, how does a leader handle that. Advising patients for 50 years I often try to lessen the blow of bad news.
Now what is of concern is the response by the Dems/ socialist/ communist in putting infected people in nursing homes, refusing to isolate infected people, destroying business and all the other damage they have done, even giving false assessment of proven drugs. I have never seen such irresponsible actions as those by the liberals. Most should be put in jail.
Forgot, the illness is of minor significance in most groups and certainly does not deserve the concern given.
Trump repeatedly undermined expert recommendations.
Joe Biden right after Trump’s travel ban- “this is no time for Donald Trumps record of hysterical xenophobia and fear-mongeringâ€
“He shut down China flights too late..†Good one, Zach-if it had been Biden it would have been even later (see his comments above). But actually, he didn’t act late. Trump reacted immediately after China reported the virus to the WHO. He issued the travel restrictions, fast-tracked the use of testing kits, set up a Covid task force-all several weeks before the WHO declared it a pandemic. Remember, during all this is when Biden accused him of “fear-mongeringâ€. The WHO declared covid a pandemic on Mar.11th-the next day Trump declared a national emergency-there were fewer than 1300 confirmed cases at the time in the US. Trump then issued social distancing guidelines on March 16th- there were fewer than 3800 confirmed cases. Biden then flip-floped and said the country should have been shut down a month earlier. But of course during that month Biden was holding rallies. On Feb.16th, a month prior to Trump’s social distancing guidelines, there were only15 confirmed cases in the US. No one at the time was advocating for the country to be shut down- not Biden, not the experts and not even Congress. Pelosi toured San Frans Chinatown section, and told Americans “everything is fine, come to Chinatown to eat-we don’t want anyone to be afraid of Chinatownâ€. She further expressed confidence to the government’s response-“ I have confidence in Dr Fauci at the NIH, who has even further confidence at what we’re doingâ€.