Speaking of vaccines
Just noticed the front page of USA Today: know who else thought it could be done? @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/K7IGbHMTZS
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) December 3, 2020
Remember when they were telling us it couldn’t be done, that it would be years before a vaccine was ready? Now there are multiple vaccines approved for use
Vaccination cards will be issued to everyone getting Covid-19 vaccine, health officials say
The Department of Defense released the first images of a Covid-19 vaccination record card and vaccination kits Wednesday.
Vaccination cards will be used as the “simplest” way to keep track of Covid-19 shots, said Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, which is supporting frontline workers who will administer Covid-19 vaccinations.
“Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due,” Moore said. “Let’s do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone’s going to get that.”
Vaccination clinics will also be reporting to their state immunization registries what vaccine was given, so that, for example, an entity could run a query if it didn’t know where a patient got a first dose.
Moore said many places are planning to ask patients to voluntarily provide a cell phone number, so they can get a text message telling them when and where their next dose is scheduled to be administered.
Every dose administered will be reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Claire Hannan, executive director of the Association of Immunization Managers.
On one hand, this makes complete sense. Having health authorities know this information is necessary for many reasons, such as if the particular version worked for you, did you get COVID even with the vaccine, are you double dipping, and to let you know when the next dose should be taken. Your doctor/medical facility does this, right? The bad part is that the Government is now tracking you even more, which will keep lots of people from getting. We can all trust government with this information, though, right? Further, will companies start requiring you to show this? The company you work for, the supermarket you shop at, etc?
Yes, your company can require it as a term of employment. Want to fly? Show you card. Want to this and that? Show your card.
US reports 3,100 COVID-19 deaths in one day, surpassing previous record by 20 percent
The U.S. saw its highest single-day coronavirus death toll to date on Wednesday with 3,157.
The number was 20 percent higher than the previous single-day high of 2,603 on April 15, and brings the total U.S. death toll to 273,799, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.
The record high came the same day new hospitalizations exceeded 100,000 for the first time ever and newly reported infections hit 200,000 for only the second time, according to the COVID Tracking Project. Of those hospitalized, 19,396 were intensive care patients, another new high.
The thing is, we’re seeing these types of numbers throughout Europe, as well, along with huge spikes in Canada, Mexico, Russia, even Nepal (which is strange). There are very few countries reporting no new cases. One has to wonder why it is hitting so hard in the 1st World, especially with all the mask mandates.
Elsewhere, both Barack Obama and George W. Bush say they will take the vaccine when available, which should appeal to the Trump haters in the Democratic Party who would refuse to take something developed under Trump and the Never Trumpers on the Right who are equally unhinged.

Remember ? You really want us to remember when at the end of Feb Trump told us that there were only 15-20 people infected and they were all getting better ?
OR when he told us it was “all under control”
Remember when Biden lied and said he had a plan to deal with the virus but that he continued to let people die because he wouldnt reveal it until he was elected. NOW he wont reveal his super plan until he is sworn in.
Remember that Hairy. Remember Biden killed all those people not Trump. Biden HAD A PLAN and would not tell us what to do to fix all this until he was president.
Remember. Biden is a mass murderer!!
Every statement uttered by Trump was put there by a US government “expert” like Dr. Fauci. Trump’s not a doctor he had to rely on the CDC for information so take it up with them. I understand WHY you try and blame Trump for every aspect of the Red Chinese created flu but the election is over. You can now admit the truth, that he did exactly what any other President would do in his position and that is rely on the “experts”. You guys can stop the gaslighting now.
That’s bull. You should stop the gaslighting now. No one put words in trump’s mouth. He ignored, downplayed, dismissed and happy-talked the viral spread. Granted, if he had his way he would have viewed the pandemic as you do and it would have been even worse, as if 420,000 dead by inauguration is not bad enough.
No, he did not do what any other president would have done.
2009 = Obama and BIDEN f*cked up SOOO bad that they simply stopped all testing and tracking of the virus!
While you are masturbating to Chelsea Clinton in your Mom’s basement, read about how the CDC is lying about the number of deaths they report. 90% of the deaths have comorbidities, OR the deceased had at one point tested positive. Read about the motorcycle accident where the driver was nearly DECAPITATED in the accident, but the CDC coded this as a COVID death.
While you are masturbating to your shirtless-trump poster in your mom’s basement, you imagined that in 2009 President Obama and Vice-President Biden stopped tracking the SARS-CoV-2 virus that didn’t appear until 2019. You’re the poster boy for f*cking right-wing ignorance and dumbassery.
Trump is not tracking SARS-CoV-5, which will appear in humans in 2030 and kill over 1 million Americans!! That sounds silly doesn’t it?
The number of deaths of attributed to Covid-19 is UNDERREPORTED.
The dead motorcycle rider was mistakenly added to the list but was removed 2 days later. The CDC doesn’t code the deaths.
Instead of 270,001 dead, the value is 270,000.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Ve need to see your papers!
Our esteemed host wrote:
Once ‘everybody’ has been vaccinated, why would anybody need to track individuals to se if they have been vaccinated? After all, if you’ve been vaccinated, what danger do those who have not been vaccinated pose to you?
Oh, wait, I know! Since the vaccines are not 100% effective, if you are not vaccinated then you pose a mortal threat to the 5% or 10% of those who were vaccinated but for whom the vaccine proved ineffective. Democratic Governors, and even the federal government, if Senators Edward Markey and Richard ‘Stolen Valor’ Blumenthal have their way, would still want to mandate that people wear face masks, to protect those for whom the vaccine might not have been effective.
Allies of President Trump concerned DOJ will not conduct meaningful investigation into voter fraud
Our government is in bed with billionaires and big business and big Pharma and Big corporations and BIG TECH and CORRUPT UNIONS. Our government wants to bomb the shit out of other countries. Our government wants you to STFU. They know what they are doing.
They do not care about the little guy. They only care about their gravy train. It will be hysterical to watch the left spend 2 years screaming about the GOP even after they win 2 seats in the Georgia run off.
Biden now says he wont lift the Trump tarrifs immediately on China. Gee Imagine that. The billionaires found out they could make money manipulating money rather than using Muslims in concentration camps for cheap labor.
Gee Imagine mega donor Jeff Bezos who owns Amazon made 70 billion personally over the pandemic because the left scared the shit out of everyone and closed you all down except for Amazon, HOME DEPOT….yeah buying a hammer was real important in the pandemic. But at least you could do all your shopping with online Amazon and walmart.
Oh yeah and remember all those mom and pop stores online. Well it seems if you order from them, Jeff Treasonous has paid the post office to deliver his shit first. Cha…CHING. Mom and POP orders sit in warehouses for months unable to move.
Amazon combined with the pandemic has ruined millions of small businesses and not a fuking soul in WASHINGTON DC has stepped in to help them and even the Democrats refuse to help the small business owner.
Why is that? Because under Trump Black ownership of small businesses surged to historic levels thanks to his policies and lifting of regulations. And the BILLIONAIRES SHOUTED HALLELUJAH…put those black bastards back on the plantation shouts the left.
WHO NEEDS COMMERCE we will just do what our IDOL SOROS DOES and manipulate currency.
At the current rate, 420,000 Americans will have died by the time Donald the Terrible is evicted from our White House. Unfortunately, Don the Plague is still in charge (although he’s clearly “checked out”). He was never up to the challenge and there’s no way his phalanx of lawyers can sue a virus.
420,000 Americans dying under The Don’s watch. Anyway, The Don is too busy pressing his supporters to keep him in office at any cost to be bothered by dead Americans.
We know, we know, it’s all a hoax to “get” Don.
Global warming is a hoax, the pandemic is a hoax, the elections were rigged against The Don by Hugo Chavez, communists have infiltrated the American people and government, Satan and the communists brought down The Don who was only trying to stop the pedophiles and cannibals… One thing’s for certain, MAGAts aim high!! All your conspiracy tales are BIGLY big!
Papers. We don’t need no stinkin’ papers.
Permanent tattoos would probably be more efficient and cheaper.
Heil Biden!
Would you get your tattoo after the initial shot, or only when you’ve had the second one?
If this turns out to be like influenza, with a different iteration each year, will we have to get new tats each year?
The second shot will be at the base of the neck.
Seig Heil!