Remember how masks were supposed to solve this?
Gov. Roy Cooper announced Wednesday that Phase 3 of his COVID-19 restrictions would remain in place for the next three weeks.
The state has been in Phase 3 since October 2. That allowed movie theatres, amusement parks, and outdoor venues to open at reduced capacity; it also allowed bars to open (with limited outdoor capacity) for the first time since March.
However, COVID-19 trends during the past week have been going in the wrong direction. Cases, hospitalizations, and positivity rates have all increased.
That increase in key metrics is not exclusive to North Carolina. In fact, many states are seeing a similar COVID-19 surge.
“Like states across the country, our numbers continue to be higher than we want. So our work to contain this virus remains critical,” Cooper said.
What could be causing this, something that isn’t unique to the United States: some countries, like Germany and the UK, are talking about rolling back reopening phases and even going back into lockdown
NCDHHS Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen said the surge in cases is not linked to any particular age group, activity, industry or community. She said that fact suggests fatigue associated with proven prevention measures — such as wearing a mask, waiting more than six feet apart, and washing hands — could be to blame.
America’s top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci echoed those sentiments recently by saying, “We’ve really got to double down on fundamental public health measures.”
Look, I’ll say again, wearing a mask is probably better than nothing, but, people wearing them makes many a little too careless. I was waiting in line to vote yesterday and this lady was standing about a foot behind me. I kinda looked at her, and when I moved up she moved with me. So I looked again. Still moved. Fortunately, a poll worker told her to just wait. Same at the grocery store, lady was way too close. But, let’s face it, a basic cloth covering does little. People who are sick should wear them, but, really, they should stay home.
Strangely, we aren’t hearing these problems in places like South Dakota, where the gov, Kristi Noem, has not slapped them with all these restrictions.

TEACH typed: we aren’t hearing these problems in places like South Dakota, where the gov(ernor), Kristi Noem, has not slapped them with all these restrictions
According to actual data SD has also seen a recent increase in cases. The population of SD is only 858,469.
*SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP)(Oct 22) — Gov. Kristi Noem has insisted South Dakota is excelling in its handling of the pandemic, even though the state surpassed 9,000 active coronavirus cases on Thursday and matched an all-time high for deaths reported in a day.
The state ranks second in the country in new infections per capita over the last two weeks, according to Johns Hopkins University data. There were about 1,036 new cases per 100,000 people in South Dakota, meaning that about one in every 97 people in the state has tested positive for the virus in the last two weeks. Health officials on Thursday also reported an all-time high of 973 new cases.*
But Noem told FOX “We’re doing really good in South Dakota. We’re managing COVID-19, but also our economy is thriving.â€
Perhaps TEACH isn’t hearing these things because politicos like Noem and Trump lie.
According to actual data SD has also seen a recent increase in cases. The population of SD is only 858,469.
Which actual data? The one based on gunshot wounds and care crashes?
And so close to an election. Funny that.
But Noem told FOX “We’re doing really good in South Dakota. We’re managing COVID-19, but also our economy is thriving.â€
No lockdown all year and none of the Newsom Nausea. But it happens just now.
Perhaps TEACH isn’t hearing these things because politicos like Noem and Trump lie.
Perhaps Lefties lie
At the bottom of the link – Data from: CDC · WHO · ECDC · Wikipedia · The New York Times · See full list.
Do you trust these people or have the lied in the past?
The people who are trying to tell us we must work from home, and that businesses must be restricted are the ones who can work from home, the ones who haven’t been thrown out of work, the ones who aren’t facing economic disaster from these ridiculous restrictions.
Notice how the same goals of the Pritzker Palsy crowd are the same ones of the global wahoo crowd.
Notice how Jeffery wants to talk about anything but the election.
You mean like Elwood, Dana?
Not very convincing coming from a millionaire given nearly a million taxpayer dollars by the government. Did he keep paying his employees?
People hiding in their homes collecting government checks find it easy to advocate that others risk their lives.
There’s little question that this pandemic has not been democratic in its distribution. Service employees, their employers and businesses that support these businesses have been disproportionately affected. This virus is spread in close indoor gatherings, bars, parties, churches, restaurants and political rallies. Over 220,000 Americans have died from Covid. That many more are expected to die before we find effective therapies or vaccines.
Not very convincing coming from a millionaire given nearly a million taxpayer dollars by the government. Did he keep paying his employees?
How much did the Feds give you?
People hiding in their homes collecting government checks find it easy to advocate that others risk their lives.
Sure. They’re dropping like flies everywhere you look. And I doubt they’re “People hiding in their homes collecting government checks”.
Most are housebound because some Democrat tyrant ordered them to stay there.
There’s little question that this pandemic has not been democratic in its distribution. Service employees, their employers and businesses that support these businesses have been disproportionately affected.
Blame all those Democrat tyrants. They’ve closed things down with no real justification.
This virus is spread in close indoor gatherings, bars, parties, churches, restaurants and political rallies. Over 220,000 Americans have died from Covid.
Then why aren’t they dropping like flies in Sweden? Or SD?
And the real number is about 275. According to WHO.
That many more are expected to die before we find effective therapies or vaccines.
Well, you’re hoping they’ll die.
They are? Really? I thought Mr Gates had something with which to inject us now.
Which, of course, means the Democrats will be trying to keep people at home for years.
And I doubt they’re “People hiding in their homes collecting government checksâ€
We meant people such as you, Dana and Kye… sitting home collecting taxpayer monies, relying on taxpayer funded health care.
And I doubt they’re “People hiding in their homes collecting government checksâ€
We meant people such as you, Dana and Kye… sitting home collecting taxpayer monies, relying on taxpayer funded health care.
One of the signs of senility.
You keep repeating yourself.
“You keep repeating yourself.”
And he keeps repeating the same stupid lies over and over. Elwood, you know full well neither Dana nor myself are “collecting taxpayers monies”. As far as taxpayer funded health care is concerned you do realize we payed for Medicare for much of our working lives and still do and since we are both taxpayers it is OUR money which funds OUR healthcare.
Who funds your healthcare? Do you pay for Obamacare? How about your wife and family? Or are you just playing the old “point the crooked finger” grift you leftists are so well known for?
You all lie. Nobody in this country goes without healthCARE although not everybody pays for healthINSURANCE. That’s a fact, Jack. An ugly fact that we pay for but you bitch and lie about continuously.
Obamacare was a farce and a lie. Nobody got their “$2500” refund and very few got temporary rate reductions. And now they are all paying MORE than they were before Husseincare and face staggering deductibles of $4, $5 or $6 thousand per insured. That was the LIE that is Husseincare.
That’s why the crooked liar, thief and Communist Chinese Collaborator Nazi Pelousy said “We need to pass the ACA before we can see what was in it”. It was always nothing but a pack of lies and she and Schumer and Biden KNEW IT !!!
Trump 2020 No more leftist lies from Bidensky.
Joe Biden’s mansions purchased by a man whose highest salary is $169, 300 as Senator and $230,700 as vp.
We meant people such as you, Dana and Kye… sitting home collecting taxpayer monies, relying on taxpayer funded health care.
You’re just mad because you have to slave over a $15/hr minimum ewage typing drivel.
We have pensions, annuities, our own doctors, and eat out.
You believed the Lefties and you’re stuck in Mom’s basement.
It seems difficult for religious believers (leftists like Elwood) to understand and accept there seems to be two schools of thought on masks, maybe more. Power mad leftists drunk on their new found ability to force others to bend to their will insist we MUST wear masks or “we’re LITERALLY killing people”. They insist on “social distancing”, close down and terminate thousands of businesses and deliberately not employ the lower classes whilst calling themselves “essential” and blame the resultant economic tragedy “Trump’s fault”.
Then there’s people like me who think the mask is a way of controlling the citizens. It starts with small things like masks then the next you know they’re dictating whether you can go out, who you can see or visit etc. Plus, masks can be and mostly are breeding grounds for disease in that moist, humid pocket of spit that accumulates in them. Can’t see it, but it’s there and you all know it.
Then there’s the “I ain’t wearing no mask, period” people. They just refuse on their own terms. I imagine they would be shot first under Elwoods health czar.
Anyway, I thought this might help.