And, let’s face it, Joe won’t last more than a year, he’s just not well mentally, so, then they’d have Comrade Harris
Progressives unveil new agenda to pressure Joe Biden to the left
A group of progressives — including “Squad†member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) — have unveiled their new vision for America in how a Joe Biden administration could address coronavirus aid, economic relief and other agenda items, according to reports.
The Working Families Party’s “People’s Charter,†released Thursday, calls for free public health care, a jobs program for 16 million people, retroactive hazard pay for essential workers and the reallocation of policing resources to education and other services, Politico reported.
It also calls for the cancellation of student debt, a $15 minimum wage and promotes giving the public an ownership stake in companies that receive bailouts.
Who pays for that free public health care? Jobs program means working for Los Federales. Rellocation of policing resources means getting rid of police officers. What about students who paid off their debt, you know, the debt incurred at colleges that are run by Democrats? $15 an hour? People voting to reduce available jobs, have their hours limited, and be replaced by machines. Ownership in companies? That sounds like….Socialism! If you’re a small business, would you be happy if the government had a “stake” in your business?
Eight members of Congress — including AOC and Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) — are backing the program.
Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), one of the liberal policy agenda’s backers, said it will serve as the legislative blueprint for what House progressives would push during a Biden administration, Fox News reported.
“The aim is a clear agenda that progressives in the House will advance focuses on these big items,†Khanna told the network.
If you’re voting Biden, you’re voting for this kind of Progressive (nice Fascism) agenda. It sound great on the surface, but, like Durian fruit and pure chocolate, it doesn’t work out on the inside.
“We’ve always said that electing Joe Biden was a doorway, not a destination,†Working Families Party national director Maurice Mitchell said in a statement, according to Fox.
“The People’s Charter is that destination: a nation that cares for all of us, no matter what we look like, where we come from, or how much money is in our pockets.
Joe should watch his back if he wins. If he’s cognizant enough. “A nation that cares for all of us” is exactly what it means: government in charge of all our lives just like when we were kids and mom and dad run the ship.

Well that should kill the Democrats as a party for the next 40 years.
Dr. TEACH types: ..Joe won’t last more than a year, he’s just not well mentally…
Do you think Mr. Trump is well mentally? Physically? Really? Trump was an impaired person BEFORE he was elected and has regressed.
How dare the Democrats call for health care, jobs, education, addressing the unsustainable wealth/income inequality and police reform for Americans?
TEACH asks who pays for a better America? Who will pay for the failures of Republican policies? Who will pay for a lack of sufficient health care, unemployment, uneducated citizens, inequality? Who will pay for the trillions given to millionaires and corporations in the past year?
TEACH is not blind. He sees what’s happening in NC and America. Trump is a catastrophe and he has destroyed what was left of the GOP. But TEACH can’t admit it to his hapless readers. Biden is ahead in NC.
Whatcha worried about Rimjob?
Biden is already a WINNER!
Do you think Mr. Trump is well mentally? Physically? Really? Trump was an impaired person BEFORE he was elected and has regressed.
He beat the Whitmer Wheeze and keeps outsmarting you guys.
How dare the Democrats call for health care, jobs, education, addressing the unsustainable wealth/income inequality and police reform for Americans?
It’s called Communism.
TEACH asks who pays for a better America? Who will pay for the failures of Republican policies? Who will pay for a lack of sufficient health care, unemployment, uneducated citizens, inequality? Who will pay for the trillions given to millionaires and corporations in the past year?
a lack of sufficient health care is what we’d have if the Demos got their way, look at Italy during the past year.
unemployment is what the Demos gave us when they crashed the markets
uneducated citizens, thank your pals in the teacher unions
inequality does not extend to opportunity, only to result
And I don’t see anybody demonstrating in the streets except a bunch of spoiled white kids burning down black businesses
Like so many on the left, the esteemed Mr Dowd equates policies he hates with some form of ‘impairment.’
Mr Trump wasn’t the one who collapsed at the World Trade Center site in 2016. Mr Trump isn’t the one who has been hiding in his basement and putting an early lid on his campaign activities most days.
Mr Trump, despite being 74 years old and obese, is a big, strong man, who has survived the Wuhan Chinese Bat Soup virus with ease. He fathered a son at age 59, long after you were able to achieve an erection. He outsmarted the Smartest Woman in the World in 2016. All of the evidence points to a smart, canny, physically strong, dominant individual.
Wow. Sounds like Mr. Dana fantasizes about the uber-manly trump. Do you have one of those fake shirtless Trump pics hidden from your wife?
What is wrong with connies these days? You’re all hard for Donald J. Trump with his orange spackled face, manicured nails, fancy suits, pompadour hairdo, cruelty toward everyone and general assholery? And he was about 55 when he raped E. Jean Carroll, even more manly, right?
It’s hardly surprising that Mr. Dana finds this loudmouth bully, accused of multiple rapes, multiple sexual assaults, a liar, a coward, draft dodger, tax cheat, with at least 5 babies from 3 different baby mamas is the apex of masculinity. Do you know for certain that Barren is his son? Anyway, men in their 90s have fathered children.
Trump is the one hiding from another debate, isn’t he? And when does Donnie EVER face even a remotely skeptical questioner? He calls in to FOX and Friends, Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and show up in front of only adoring crowds.
Trumpism is a cult.
So, Rimjob, how old were you when you ass raped your grandson?
How old was he?
Do you get hard just thinking about it?
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Wow. Sounds like Mr. Dana fantasizes about the uber-manly trump. Do you have one of those fake shirtless Trump pics hidden from your wife?
Sounds more like you do. Those homosexual fantasies must be a bitch.
What is wrong with connies these days? You’re all hard for Donald J. Trump with his orange spackled face, manicured nails, fancy suits, pompadour hairdo, cruelty toward everyone and general assholery? And he was about 55 when he raped E. Jean Carroll, even more manly, right?
Sounds like you think so. Her allegations have yet to be proven in a court of law and, since we believe in the rule of law, unlike you who believes in lynch law, we’ll wait to see what a trial says.
It’s hardly surprising that Mr. Dana finds this loudmouth bully, accused of multiple rapes, multiple sexual assaults, a liar, a coward, draft dodger, tax cheat, with at least 5 babies from 3 different baby mamas is the apex of masculinity. Do you know for certain that Barren is his son? Anyway, men in their 90s have fathered children.
He really is getting desperate. Even he knows the Demos will go down in flames this year.
He forgets accused is not convicted.
Trump is the one hiding from another debate, isn’t he? And when does Donnie EVER face even a remotely skeptical questioner? He calls in to FOX and Friends, Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and show up in front of only adoring crowds.
Gropin’ Joe can agree to a face-to-face anytime.
Donnie the Virus claimed he had a Covid test yesterday, but refused even today to reveal the results meaning he tested positive.
Now he plans a Covita type campaign proclamation from the Truman Balcony of White Supremacist Central.
“Don’t cry for me, as I infect you…”
Gropin’ Joe was asked for his views on court packing and said voters don’t deserve to know them.
Covid Donnie blamed Gold Star families for giving him Covid-19. Classy guy. Then again he considers our fighting men and women “losers” and “suckers”.
No, he didn’t. Anything but. And the loser comment, published in The Atlantic, is anonymous, so when you find an actual source, tell somebody.
It was Gropin’ Joe that called the troops stupid bastards, a very dull bunch (of all people)
Is there not ONE lie from your handlers that you won’t obediently bleet?
I don’t know where you these crazy rumors and lies from but you really need to think about what you write. You sound like a complete and total idiot with the “covid Donnie, blaming Gold Star families, Covita type proclamation” and such You’re going out of your skull because President Trump is now 5 points ahead of BJHarris and the Sniffy.
Trump 2020 Keep the Elwoods crazy
Rimjob’s all puckered up for all the ass he’ll be tasting.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Donnie DID blame his infection on Gold Star parents that HE invited to a mask-free indoor meeting.
Donnie DOES plan a campaign speech from the White House balcony today.
Will BJ Ivanka keep her “position” if Daddy Pussy-Grabber is re-elected?
Show me the exact news quotes about Gold Star parents since I just can’t seem to find them. Or are they like when you commies INSISTED he called white supremacists in Charlottesville “good people” even though the EXACT quotes were on the the net within 5 minutes so you were lying then too.
That’s your whole problem and the reason Trump’s gonna win. You hated Trump so much you just couldn’t keep from lying and insulting not only him but his supporters for four fukin years now NOBODY believe anything you say. Not even other real Democrats (few that there are).
Now why is it he can’t make a speech from the White House balcony? Somehow you think he should be prohibited? On what basis?
BTW, you’re massive TDS is really busting out with the childish “Daddy Pussy Grabber” dumb assed comment. Is there actually a point so low and vulgar you won’t stoop to or do you need to go as low as BJ Harris to make a very poor point?
Trump 2020 Maybe then Elwood will get out of the gutter?
Right, Kye. You criticize “Pussy Grabber” but refer to Senator Harris as BJ Harris. Have you no self-awareness? None? Just a whiner?
Didn’t Donnie Trump actually claim he could “Grab Them by the Pussy”?
Why do you call a US Senator BJ? Confused about the name?
“I meet a lot of people and I have to. I’m the president of the country. I can’t hang around in a basement,†Trump said. “So, I figured there would be a chance that I would catch it. Sometimes I’d be with — in groups of — for instance, Gold Star families.â€
“I met with Gold Star families. I didn’t want to cancel that. But they all came in and they all talked about their son and daughter and father. And they all came up to me and they tell me a story, Maria,†Trump said. “And they tell me these stories and I can’t say, ‘Back up, stand 10 feet.’ I just can’t do it.â€
About Charlottesville: “You also had some very fine people on both sides,” Trump said in 2017. “You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. You had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists; they should be condemned totally — you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists.”
It was a white supremacy march pure and simple. Torches and chants of You won’t replace us! and JEWS won’t replace us! It wasn’t a few bad guys, they were almost all bad guys. Trump has made it clear he’s afraid of insulting the white supremacists of his base. He sometimes says he doesn’t (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) support but you guys know the truth.
Right, Kye. You criticize “Pussy Grabber†but refer to Senator Harris as BJ Harris. Have you no self-awareness? None? Just a whiner?
Didn’t Donnie Trump actually claim he could “Grab Them by the Pussy�
Why do you call a US Senator BJ? Confused about the name?
Trump said it was possible, Chlamydia was Willie Brown’s main squeeze for how long?
“You also had some very fine people on both sides,†Trump said in 2017. “You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. You had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists; they should be condemned totally — you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists.â€
It was a white supremacy march pure and simple. Torches and chants of You won’t replace us! and JEWS won’t replace us! It wasn’t a few bad guys, they were almost all bad guys. Trump has made it clear he’s afraid of insulting the white supremacists of his base. He sometimes says he doesn’t (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) support but you guys know the truth.
Trump condemned that
Yeah, Gropin’ Joe lionized segregationist Senators and was happy to work with them. He authored many a crime bill intended at putting blacks in jail.
He also told us (here it comes) many fine people flew the Confederate flag.
Elwood, as a dishonest leftist I probably can’t explain the difference between an off hand unsubstantiated gosh remark made twenty years ago compares to a woman who literally got on her knees and sucked Willie Brown’s dick to advance her career. So I won’t try.
“It was a white supremacy march pure and simple.” You do realize a half-truth is still a fukin lie, right Elwood? There was a white supremacy march, YES. But other people came that were NOT WHITE SUPREMACISTS and that’s to whom Trump was referring. I really don’t care how stupid you think Trump is but if you think anybody is stupid enough to mean white supremacist’s while running for pres. then you are the stupid moron, not us.
Are all of your fictional white supremacists burning down cities? No, that would be blacks and leftist white women. Are the white supremacists murdering cops and civilians and assaulting people on the streets and in restaurants and stores? NO that would be the ACTUAL black supremacists and leftist Antifa again.
You dream of white supremacists because you’re a guilty ridden commie leftist who hates white people (your own race), America (your own country) and as you so snidely call them “EEEvangelicals” but basically all Christians because they believe in a higher power than your commie government.
I bet your family were slave owners and you just can’t square with that so you just hate, hate, hate.
Trump 2020 Gert the communist haters out of America.
Look at all the crowds for a Biden engagement. We’re so fukin scared, Elwood.
Pussy Grabber Don’s remarks were made in 2005, therefore 15 years ago. Ms. Harris dated Mr. Brown 25 years ago. So you lied.
And didn’t St. Donald pay a porn star $130,000 hush money to keep quiet about his extramarital affair while his wife was home with their infant son. Stormy Daniels said she spanked St. Don with Trump The Magazine. That was 2006.
Ms. Harris was single, Brown was separated from his wife. Do you ever speculate on Melania Trump on her knees servicing Lil Don? Or the other dicks she sucked before snagging herself a rich guy? How about the photos from her stripper days including her lesbian pics?
Rather than Pussy Grabber would it be OK to call him ManWhore Donnie? Or Rapin’ Donnie because of all his rape accusations? Remember when MahWhore Donnie called not getting AIDS his “personal Vietnam”? What a guy.
You’re a disgusting, racist pig, Kye. A disgusting, racist pig.
As always, you lie.
He theorized he may have gotten it from the many no-mask meetings he had. Gold Star Mothers was one of them.
“Sometimes, I’d be in groups of, for instance, Gold Star families. I met with Gold Star families. I didn’t want to cancel that,†Trump explained. “But they all came in, and they all talk about their son and daughter and father. And, you know, they all came up to me, and they tell me a story.â€
“I can’t say, ‘Back up, stand 10 feet,’ you know? I just can’t do it,†Trump added. “They want to hug me, and they want to kiss me. And they do. And, frankly, I’m not telling them to back up. I’m not doing it.â€
People like you make the scum of the earth look good.
TEACH types: “A nation that cares for all of usâ€, thinking it means authoritarianism. Actually it means a nation sharing its greatness with all Americans, not just the wealthy.
The plutocratic ideals that subsumed America from the 80s until today has rewarded the wealthy at the expense of those who actually work for a living. This imbalance has reached critical mass.
An example of this imbalance came to light from Mr. Trump’s tax returns (coincidentally released just before Trump was infected with Covid) showing in 2016 and 2017 our fearless, “billionaire” paid less in federal income tax than a WalMart stocker. Even Trump-worshipers recognize this is unsustainable. Slashing taxes for the wealthy and corporations while giving trillions in contracts to the wealthy and corporations is unsustainable.
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to understand Trump worship. Is it the fear of losing white privileges; is it the adoration of the wealthy; is it hope for an Evangelical nation?
“A nation that cares for all of usâ€, thinking it means authoritarianism. Actually it means a nation sharing its greatness with all Americans, not just the wealthy.
English translation. Government authoritarianism.
The plutocratic ideals that subsumed America from the 80s until today has rewarded the wealthy at the expense of those who actually work for a living. This imbalance has reached critical mass.
No, it means the Lefty revolution starting in the 30s is finally being pushed back.
An example of this imbalance came to light from Mr. Trump’s tax returns (coincidentally released just before Trump was infected with Covid) showing in 2016 and 2017 our fearless, “billionaire†paid less in federal income tax than a WalMart stocker. Even Trump-worshipers recognize this is unsustainable. Slashing taxes for the wealthy and corporations while giving trillions in contracts to the wealthy and corporations is unsustainable.
I didn’t know Wally World stock boys paid 5.2B over 2 years.
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to understand Trump worship. Is it the fear of losing white privileges; is it the adoration of the wealthy; is it hope for an Evangelical nation?
No, it’s quite simple. People finally realize we can live without Commie benevolence.
Drama Queen boy is here again-“slashing taxes for the wealthy..â€. If a couple of percentage points is slashing, then he “slashed†the other income groups, too. I sure you just forgot to mention that.. Of course the correct way to phrase it would be “he cut taxes for those who pay most of the federal income taxâ€. But not enough drama in that statement for the libs…
“He paid less in federal income tax than…â€. We’re any laws broken..? No. But if so, then most of his money wasn’t from what the IRS determines as income, or he had losses that offset the income. Someone could make a million a year in capital gains and pay zero income tax, but of course they’d pay capital gains tax. Liberals for some reason always forget to mention that last part, but I’m sure it’s not on purpose…..
Teach has gone months now without mentioning hurricanes
Senator Lindsey Graham at last night’s SC Senate debate: “I care about everybody, if you are a young African-American, an immigrant, you can go anywhere in this state, you just need to be conservative…”
Polls have it as a dead heat.
And polls gave Gropin’ Joe the lead in PA, too, but Yahoo just pushed a story “In campaign’s final stretch, Democrats claw their way back in Pennsylvania”.
So maybe those leads are for the birds.
Dark Money in SC is absurd. The Democrat candidate has received 3x’s the money Graham has received. No doubt Bloomberg. The man wants Trump gone because he is denting Bloomberg’s CHINA connection where Bloomy gets to operate in China unimpeded writing propaganda stories for the most brutal dictatorship since……Hell since no one. China cannot be out done in the history of the world.
And Bloomberg and the Never Trumper’s are unhinged that Trump would dare stand against China.
More fun.
Posted by Kevin McCullough, who called last time right.
Remember the National Popular Vote Compact? 15 states agreed to throw their electoral votes behind whoever takes the popular vote. This would include (hold on to your corset) DE, HI, RI, VT, CO, CT, MD, MA, NJ, NM, OR, WA, CA, IL, and NY.
NM probably goes Trump regardless, but imagine the screams if they stick to it in the event of a Trump landslide.
He can’t get the popular vote, you say. Consider all the people who went Trump holding their noses. Multiply that by 100 (no, we’re not taking percentages here) for all the Demos who won’t vote for socialism, riots, lockdowns, and the economy that goes with them.
23 days to election and Gropin’ Joe getting shakier by the hour and Chlamydia did not convince anybody she would be an acceptable Co-President in the debate.
Sounds about right. Trump has it wrapped up. He tore down the Blue Wall and the Dems have no chance for a generation. The polls are all rigged to favor the commie Dems because media are commies.
PA, MI and WI are forever lost to the Dems.
There may be hope for you yet, although I doubt it.
I notice you didn’t mention the National Popular Vote Compact. Think the demos will weasel out?
Do you really think that Rapin’ Don will win the popular vote? Good luck.
Why not?
The Demos have gone Full Court Commie. They’ve done everything possible to alienate American voters.
And luck has nothing to do with it. The Demos can’t win without Trump voters and they’re not budging.
Just like you, all they have is hate and that hate cost them this election 4 years ago. You’re still giving Trump voters every reason to stick with the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne when you should have been trying to win them away.
Stupid people never learn.
This should inspire a few more people to vote Biden!
Gropin’ Joe stumbles off a PA stage, mumbling, “Where am I going? Am I going this way?”, and then wiped his nose and mouth after removing his mask before going into the crowd.
On a more somber note, an Antifa creep in Denver murdered a Trump supporter as his buds cheered.
23 days before the election. I wouldn’t bet CO staying blue.
Pussy Grabber Don’s remarks were made in 2005, therefore 15 years ago. Ms. Harris dated Mr. Brown 25 years ago. So you lied.
And didn’t St. Donald pay a porn star $130,000 hush money to keep quiet about his extramarital affair while his wife was home with their infant son. Stormy Daniels said she spanked St. Don with Trump The Magazine. That was 2006.
no, apparently he didn’t unless you want to take the word of a convicted felon. and then there was Ms Daniels’ own insistence that nothing happened until the Creepy Porn Lawyer got to her.
Ms. Harris was single, Brown was separated from his wife. Do you ever speculate on Melania Trump on her knees servicing Lil Don? Or the other dicks she sucked before snagging herself a rich guy? How about the photos from her stripper days including her lesbian pics?
Whatever Chlamydia’s marital status, she still banged her way to the top, and that’s the issue. No real qualifications except her tongue and her twat.
And it seems like you’re the one speculating on Melania Trump on her knees servicing Lil Don or the other dicks she sucked.
Your homosexual fantasies are never far away, are they?
Rather than Pussy Grabber would it be OK to call him ManWhore Donnie? Or Rapin’ Donnie because of all his rape accusations? Remember when MahWhore Donnie called not getting AIDS his “personal Vietnam� What a guy.
At least he didn’t lie about going there the way you did.
You’re a disgusting, racist pig, Kye. A disgusting, racist pig.
Takes one to know one.
Bear suit is on. Joe and the Ho are going down in flames even though they’re ahead gazillions of points.
“You’re a disgusting, racist pig, Kye. A disgusting, racist pig.”
Looks like Elwood is so crazy over the upcoming Biden/Blow Job debacle he’s reverted once again to calling me a racist. I guess stupid never, never learns in his case. Although in his frustration at having a whore and a senile fool as candidates he may just be spouting off the usual hate. It’s hard to tell when all he does is call people names and spew anti Trump invectives and hate for four years.
He’s so fukin funny when he goes all Bear suit. BTW, I showed my Asian wife your comment and she actually thinks you’re a retard. A retard, Elwood. Knowing I have a Korean wife, two black foster sons, two Korean step children and my first wife was Jewish you still blather about me being racist.. June says that means you’re a retard. I’ll go with her diagnosis. retard.
Trump 2020 Let’s keep the retard off balance for another four years. UP 7 POINTS!!!
The retards time in Vietnam:
I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m having fun here.
Jeffery’s going the way of the RBG Screamer.
Porter Good’s Butt Boil, aka Lil Sibley, goes all blah, blah, blah, LOL.
And every time little Jeffery goes LOL, he’s covering up his fear I’m right.
And every time the Boil on Porter’s Butt, aka Sibley, types, he’s covering up his fears. LOL
Too bad I cite my stuff.