It’s not like the Democrats were going to give up their own use of fossil fuels, especially the Elites. They were just going to disallow fossil fuels companies to use the same tax breaks, what Dems call “subsidies”, as every other company, which would lead to massive lawsuits involving the phrase “equal treatment under the law”
Democrats backtrack and remove demand to end fossil fuel tax breaks from platform
In the midst of the convention, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has dropped from its party platform a demand for no more oil and gas subsidies and tax breaks, Huffington Post reported on Tuesday.
The statement – “Democrats support eliminating tax breaks and subsidies for fossil fuels, and will fight to defend and extend tax incentives for energy efficiency and clean energy†– originally appeared as an amendment to party demands last month and was approved, the report said.
However, the final draft of the platform was missing the statement, HuffPost reported. The Independent has contacted the DNC for comment.
Unsurprisingly, many climate cultists are upset, such as Excitable Bill McKibben
Bill McKibben, environmentalist and founder of climate non-profit, tweeted: “Hoping this was just a mistake, because ending fossil fuel subsidies is a no-brainer. Pretty sure it was in the 2016 platform (pretty sure I wrote it in, in fact) Seems like something they could and should fix easily.”
You could charitably call all the tax breaks to fossil fuels companies as “subsidies”, considering the definition “A subsidy is a benefit given to an individual, business, or institution, usually by the government. It is usually in the form of a cash payment or a tax reduction. The subsidy is typically given to remove some type of burden, and it is often considered to be in the overall interest of the public, given to promote a social good or an economic policy.” But, government does that across all industries, some more than others. Tax the very specific tax breaks away from the fossil fuels industry and it will survive. Sure, costs will go up and the cost of fuels will go up and the cost of living will go up, but, it will survive. Look at Europe, where oil and gas costs much more. People still drive.
Take those same very specific tax breaks away from the “green” energy companies, specifically wind and solar, and they will barely survive, if not die. That isn’t even accounting for the direct loans, which never seem to get repaid, to these companies using the People’s Money. The only people who would be able to afford it would be the uber-rich, and they didn’t use it much prior to all the massive tax breaks and such. Most R&D would end. Private companies aren’t going to piss money away when it won’t eventually make them a profit.
Anyhow, can’t wait for the continued freakout from the climate cultists.
Today the @DNC back tracked on eliminating fossil fuel subsidies. It’s only the second time, after Tom Perez back tracked last year as well. We need a party that puts the welfare of the planet over profits.
— The People’s Party (@PeoplesParty_US) August 19, 2020
Says the Marxists.

They’ll lose Jeffery.
Whatever they call them, subsidies and tax breaks are two very different things. With a subsidy, the government gives you money that wasn’t yours. With a tax break, you get to keep money that was yours to begin with.
That’s the way I see it, Jl.
Trump 2020 Let’s keep or money. White children’s lives matter.
Dropping it from the platform doesn’t mean they’ll drop it from their plans. It simply means that they recognize it as an electoral loser, and want to hide their plans from the voters.