This WRAL article not only gives information about this event, but, also shows that the news media is lazy and incompetent, since the writer, who doesn’t even get a byline, failed to ask any questions. I’m actually wondering if the article was written by the Durham Public School System
Durham Public Schools will operate six “learning centers,” at W.G. Pearson, Southwest and Eno Valley elementary schools, and at Carrington, Githens and Shepard middle schools, for students who need supervision while classrooms are closed a learning is managed online.
“Opening our school year remotely is the right decision to protect our students and staff from COVID-19,†said DPS Superintendent Pascal Mubenga. “However, there are many families in Durham who need additional support during the school day. It will take a community effort to support each of these children, but DPS is doing its part.â€
The DPS Learning Centers will provide a safe space to complete online learning, meals and snacks, and social-emotional activities. Students will be assigned to small pods with daily wellness screenings, distribution and required use of facemasks, and planned circulation and seating of six feet social distancing.
So, the schools are too dangerous for teachers and students, yet, they’ll open a few up?
Access to the learning centers will be free from some students, such as those receiving McKinney-Vento services and in foster care, other families will pay a $35 registration fee and a monthly weekly rate as follows:
Regular rate: $140
DPS employee rate: $105
Rate for students receiving free or reduced-price lunches: $70
Are they publicly funded day care centers or private schools? What they are is un-Constitution, per the NC Constitution
North Carolina constitution:
"The General Assembly shall provide by taxation and otherwise for a general and uniform system of free public schools, which shall be maintained at least nine months in every year, and wherein equal opportunities shall be provided for all students.”
— Corey A. DeAngelis, school choice evangelist (@DeAngelisCorey) August 15, 2020
That would be Article 9, section 2(1). How is it Constitutional to do this with public schools? And who will be working them? Many cities across the country are doing something similar, turning public schools into private schools/day care centers, such as NYC.
Rockford Michigan is charging $200/kid/week
— NJV (@njv_njv) August 15, 2020
Plenty more of those tweets under the main on, and listed at Twitchy.

Hey, it takes a lot of $$$$$ to destroy the morality, family and national pride of kids whilst instilling communism, hate and racism in their little minds. Who ever said communism is cheap? So far this year alone it’s cost us trillions in blue state shut downs and government forced unemployment, add on billions to pay the Marxist BLM and fascist Antifa to then burn the blue cities down while blaming Trump ant top it off with the printing costs of massive fake mail-in b allots and putting commie lawyers on retainer and one can quickly see communism and the destruction of America is an expensive affair.
We haven’t even mentioned to costs of paying quislings and saboteurs like Elwood to spread racial hatred and anti American propaganda. This shit costs money!!
Trump 2020 Make the left pay in blood and treasure like we did.
What does Kye mean by “Make the left pay in blood…” ?
Smack you guys around the way you like to do with us.
BTW I see where the Antifa types that showed up at Sturgis stayed close to the cops and behaved themselves. I guess those fat white guys are a lot more intimidating up close than when you’re talking tough on a comment board.
What does Edward mean by “smack you guys around”? And how is that “pay(ing) in blood”?
Well, when most guys smack somebody around, there’s some bleeding eventually.
Funny how Mr Tough Talk didn’t get that. Or smack somebody around.
So Kye and Edward are advocating physical violence against Democrats. They’re waiting for the Covfefe signal from Dear Leader.
Does it all come together next week with the arrests of the Clintons and Obamas for treason?
They aren’t opening them up as schools; they’re opening them, up as daycare centers.
The way most skanky things are: by the time lawsuits work their way through the courts, it will have been a done deal.
Hey, it takes a lot of $$$$$ to destroy the morality, family and national pride of kids whilst instilling communism, hate and racism in their little minds. Who ever said communism is cheap? So far this year alone it’s cost us trillions in blue state shut downs and government forced unemployment, add on billions to pay the Marxist BLM and fascist Antifa to burn the blue cities down while blaming Trump and top it off with the printing costs of massive fake mail-in ballots and putting commie lawyers on retainer and one can quickly see communism and the destruction of America is an expensive affair.
We haven’t even mentioned to costs of paying quislings and saboteurs like Elwood to spread racial hatred and anti American propaganda. This shit costs money!!
Trump 2020 Make the left pay in blood and treasure like we did.
Kye claims the Durham NC school district is part of the commie plot to take over America.
Should they be made to pay in blood?
Is it communism to pay millionaires hundreds of thousands of dollars during a pandemic killing more than 170,000 Americans, seeing working class Americans being evicted and lining up at food banks? In the 2008 housing crash, America supported Wall Street while allowing main street Americans to lose their homes.
Sounds to us as if crony capitalists want to continue sucking the teat of mother America (paid for by working class Americans), and tRump is their man.
He said blood and treasure. Treasure should be adequate.
No such thing as a poor, white Liberal, after all.
Is it communism to pay millionaires hundreds of thousands of dollars during a pandemic killing more than 170,000 Americans, seeing working class Americans being evicted and lining up at food banks? In the 2008 housing crash, America supported Wall Street while allowing main street Americans to lose their homes.
2 biggest recipients of Wall St money, Hildabeast and Zippy. And we’re still talking about 340 dead from the Cooper Crud.
Unless you count car crashes and gunshot wounds. Demos can’t go anywhere without fake data.
Sounds to us as if crony capitalists want to continue sucking the teat of mother America (paid for by working class Americans), and tRump is their man.
You and your cartoon characters and sock puppets still believe in global wahoo, so nobody cares what you think.
What Edward means is he can’t rebut anything so you won’t even try. LOL.
Funny how when Jeffery has nothing to say, he usually says it.
we’re still talking about 340 dead from the (Trump Plague Virus)
Trump agrees with the 170,000 number. Is he lying to the American people or is Edward?
He does? care for a specific quote?
No, treasure is not adequate. The leftists in this country have been killing Americans for years from abortion to early release programs to allowing criminal illegals in to plain old murder. It’s time when we see a mob of “peaceful protesters” screaming and rioting and heading to our stores to burn and loot we start shooting and don’t stop till they’re all dead.
Problem solved. Let’s see how dedicated these commies are when their puny lives are on the line.
Trump 2020 It’s time to bring the fight to the enemy.
Democrat/commies did this:
Democrats No Longer Believe In Hard Work To Get Ahead, They Believe In Grift, Theft, And Redistribution To Get What They Want.
The Society They Envision Will Spiral Into Poverty, Despair, Starvation, Murder, Political Imprisonment And Finally Totalitarian Rule.
All Will Be Equal In Misery Except For The Ruling Class.
Vote Like Your Life Depends On It. It Does.
Edward is wrong. Kye demands blood AND treasure, advocating the shooting of liberals until they’re all dead. Voting is just too, too civilized.
The Kyes of America fear “The Great Replacement”, another conspiracy tale where Blacks and Hispanics replace white men as the privileged ones. The Kyes are so afraid of losing their white privilege that they advocate murder. Donald Trump is their champion and they’ll kill for him.
How does one remain “working class” and unemployed at the same time? Further, how does this unemployed “worker” continue to “pay for America on his back”? Must be from his stash, or maybe from his “white priveledge”.
The perfesser makes a rather silly semantic argument, surely the sign of losing. It must be the kind of sophistry that perfessers rely on.
Does he not understand that working class Americans here being furloughed, laid off and fired at record rates? He may be secure in his own Social Security and Medicare, but most of the pandemic-based unemployed are depending on unemployment benefits. The taxes they’ve paid were used to pay millionaires hundreds of thousands of dollars in “reparations”.
Some Americans have sympathy for hard-working Americans who are suffering from this pandemic, while other Americans prefer to mock them, as if they’re lazy. Pathetic, but predictable.
Jeffery doesn’t have an answer so he falls back on the usual class warfare nonsense. Pathetic, but predictable.
And the ones who are being furloughed live mostly in Blue States. This one’s on you, sweetie.
Reparations? I thought that what all the Lefty militants were calling their extortion.
Edward alludes to the GOPher war on the working class.
The people making it tough on the working stiffs are the Demos and the rioters. There’s your war on the working class, and Jeffery is behind it 100%.
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
Well, it’s true, they have been . . . on the orders of mostly Democratic governors who forced business closures in their states due to the overreaction to COVID-19.
Heather Long, the economics reporter for The Washington Post, tweeted:
It has been the hospitality industry hardest hit, as Governors have ordered bars and restaurants closed, and when allowed to reopen, at greatly reduced percentages of their listed capacity.
Some restaurants responded by opening or increasing their outdoor dining areas, but not all have that capability, and even for the ones which do, what is outdoor dining going to be like in October and November, much less the dead of winter?
But, I’ve got to admit: I love the outdoor dining are at Proud Mary BBQ, on the Kentucky River at the Fayette County line, ’cause Kentucky girls love them some Daisy Dukes in the summertime!
Anyone who likes outdoor BBQ joints can’t be all bad.
The $600 a week federal unemployment bonus (in addition to state aid) and the $1200 federal bonus check certainly helped sales.
But the $2400 extra a month (up to $4800/mo for 2) is gone. GOPhers suspect that the federal largesse was keeping those lazy workers from returning to work! But the trillions in fiscal stimulus kept the economy from complete collapse didn’t it?
Do conservatives support the aggressive actions of Congress and the Fed in keeping the “trump” economy on life-support? Conservatives limited stimulus to billions under President Obama, obviously hoping it would damage his reelection bid (their plot against America failed miserably).
Does Idiot think crashing the economy helps the working stiffs?
and they can’t be that aggressive or this wouldn’t be an issue.
Conservatives limited stimulus to billions under President Obama, obviously hoping it would damage his reelection bid (their plot against America failed miserably).
He was saved by all the vote fraud. Did you know, according to the polls on which you lean, that Trump has outpolled Zippy at the same point for at least the last year?
Surprised Jeffery hasn’t touched Zippy’s little revelation that’s been burning up the Interwebz over the weekend.
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fu(k things up”, this from the jerkoff who screwed up everything.
Edward Sibley Dutcher says: Surprised Jeffery hasn’t touched Zippy’s little revelation that’s been burning up the Interwebz over the weekend.
An unidentified “staffer” “recalled” it to a to FOX reporter.
So let’s start reporting all the things that Trump is alleged to have done or said.
Two witnesses, including the 13 yr old victim, claim trump raped the 13 yr old at tRump pal Epstein’s Manhattan mansion.
E. Jean Carroll claims tRump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room and is seeking a trump DNA sample to compare to his semen on the dress she was wearing (and didn’t wear since).
Or how about the litany of racist comments attributed to Rapin’ Don?
And what do his cabinet and advisers think of him?
Steve Mnuchin and Reince Priebus: ‘idiot’.
Gary Cohn: ‘dumb as shit’ and ‘an idiot surrounded by clowns’.
H.R. McMaster: he was a ‘dope.’ and “idiot” with the intelligence of a “kindergartener”.
Rex Tillerson: trump is a “moron”.
Astounding how Fake News has been treating it like it’s a real thing.
And all these “claims” have yet to appear in a court of law. Look us up when you actually have something. Besides, E Jean isn’t exactly Trump’s kind of woman. He likes them good-looking.
Or how about the litany of racist comments attributed to Rapin’ Don?
Care to list any sources or is thuis more unsubstantiated Lefty drivel?
And what do his cabinet and advisers think of him?
Former, you forgot former, all fired because they tried to undermine him. But he outsmarted them.
Funny that.
So Kye and Edward are advocating physical violence against Democrats. They’re waiting for the Covfefe signal from Dear Leader.
No need. Lefties have been jumping people for several years. Past time they got it back in spades.
Does it all come together next week with the arrests of the Clintons and Obamas for treason?
We can only hope, although people are starting to roll over on the Demo bigwigs, so you never know what the future holds.
Jeffery is going to town with the Recent Comments window down. He thinks he can put up a lot of stuff that will go unanswered.
Wrong again.
And the holiday will soon be over.