It’s amazing the lengths that Democrats will go to oppose President Trump ordering the drone strike that took out a stone cold terrorist, a guy with the blood of thousands of American soldiers killed and wounded, because Democrats are infested with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Had it been President Hillary Clinton, they would be lauding her for taking Suleimani out. Perhaps they should have read the opinion piece by Tom Cotton in the Times on how bad a person Soleimani actually was before they published this front page opinion piece disguised as news
Trump Sold Voters on Stopping ‘Endless Wars.’ What if a New One Starts?
Almost exactly four years ago, Donald J. Trump touched down at an airport hangar here, delivered a donation to a group that provides service dogs to veterans and, before inviting a few kids to run around on his Boeing 757, criticized the wars in the Middle East that many local families had sent their sons and daughters to fight in.
“I’m the guy that didn’t want to go to war,†he told a crowd of several hundred. “It’s just unjust, it’s a mess,†Mr. Trump went on, promising that if he ever did deploy the military anywhere, it would be “so strong, so powerful that nobody is going to mess with us anymore.â€
That November, Dubuque County voted Republican in the presidential election for the first time since 1956, when Dwight Eisenhower was on the ballot.
Mr. Trump’s success in places like Dubuque — heavily white, working class, union-friendly and Catholic — remade the Republican electorate. And his path to a second term depends heavily on whether those voters turn their backs on the Democratic Party again.
But the specter of a new conflict in the Middle East — this time with Iran — threatens the political coalition that Mr. Trump built in 2016 by running against a national Republican Party that many voters came to see as indifferent and unresponsive, particularly when it came to the human cost of war.
A couple points. First, a lot of us disagreed with Trump’s notion of not getting involved in Afghanistan and Iraq. We do agree that they way they were fought was dumb, turning into quagmires. Second, most of us were not considering this part of Trump’s campaign as more than a minor point, especially since we know that once a person takes office things often look quite different. Barack Obama was almost going down the same roads in 2008, and was quickly educated on the Way The World Works, to the point that an opinion piece in the same NY Times was taking him to task. In late 2016, of course, rather than back in his first term. After starting a war in Libya, sort of maybe getting involved in Syria. Drone striking jihadis all across the Middle East, Northern Africa, and southern Asia.
Anyhow, let’s hear from a Trump voter who’s upset
“All he’s been saying is, ‘We’re getting out of there, we’re getting out of there, we’re getting out of there,’†said Mark Blume, a contractor in Dubuque who stopped into the local American Legion after work one evening last week for a beer.
Mr. Blume, who was raised in a Democratic household in New York and said he voted for Republicans and Democrats in presidential elections but did not vote for either Mr. Trump or Hillary Clinton in 2016, expressed fatigue with the president’s erratic style. If it weren’t for that, he would be less uncertain about voting for Mr. Trump, who he believes has done a better than expected job as president.
Oh, he didn’t vote for Trump. Huh. They did find some other quotes by a few people who never said they voted for Trump, and even from Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carleson, but, at the end of the day, Trump is not starting a forever war with Iran. Heck, there’s essentially been a cold war going on with Iran since 1979. And, if Iran doesn’t want any, then they should stop killing and wounding Americans. Trump did not start this.
And, I dare say that the vast majority of people who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 approve of killing Soleimani. We also approved of Obama killing Osama Bin Laden. This is just the NY Times attempting to slam Trump for killing Soleimani. Funny, how the same paper doesn’t slam Iran and Soleimani. Though writer Jeremy Peters lost the Narrative at the end
As Mr. Blume ordered another round at the American Legion, he considered the last three years under Mr. Trump. “He’s made my life better,†he said, citing the steady stream of contracting work he had been getting because of the healthy economy. “I haven’t lacked.â€
Wait, life is good? Huh.

Year to year — since December 2018 — 1,858,000 more workers have been added to American payrolls.
-Labor Department Bureau of Labor Statistics
tRumpo hasn’t screwed it up. Yet.
He’s keeping up with President Obama!
No, he’s outpacing the Magic Negro on all fronts.
And all I see is everything moving up, not flat.
WizDumb typed: he’s outpacing the (racial slur) on all fronts
Actually Don Raper is not. Cons believe what their handlers tell them.
Guess little sissybitch didn’t actually read the links he posted or he doesn’t understand the numbers.
Or both.
Bwaha! Lolgfy sissybitch
Magic Negro is a racial slur? Isn’t that what you morons thought he was?
I mean, He’s sort of God, identify Obama as a Lightworker, who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet
And actually Trump is. We go by the facts. Even ones you post and are too dumb to see what they say.
And the rapist is Willie. See him with one of Epstein’s sex slaves? Nice big picture?
Magic Negro is a racial slur? Isn’t that what you morons thought he was?
I mean, Obama’s standing above the country, above above the world, he’s sort of God, identify Obama as a Lightworker, who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet.
And actually Trump is. We go by the facts. Even ones you post and are too dumb to see what they say.
And the rapist is Willie. See him with one of Epstein’s sex slaves? Nice big picture?
Lil puppy with more “Is Not”ism. You’ve actually boasted about your inability to understand graphical representations of data.
The fact is, the “Magic Mangoloid’s” economy is not doing any better than the Obama economy. It’s around 2% growth, not tRump’s promised “3,4,5, even 6%!” Job growth is the same as under President Obama. Stock market increased 150% with Obama, and 44% (so far) for the Magic Mangoloid.
There’s nothing special about the Mangoloid’s economy other than the needless explosion of the national debt. It’s built on low paying retail and service jobs, welfare for farmers ($25 billion!) and fewer high paying manufacturing job.
Now that tRump has succored his rich constituency with tax cuts he has to whittle the debt by cutting SS, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP.
Mango has two active civil suits related to sexual assault.
WizDumb believes that because Rushbo says it, it must be true!
You’re just confirming that you didn’t quite understand the numbers in the links you posted.
Dodgeball is your little game.
Bwaha! Lolgfy sissybitch
I really don’t know where you get your information from but for 8 years under the Mocha God our economy was basically STAGNANT which is why you leftist nut jobs kept blaming everything on Bush. Or are you casually forgetting repeating how it was “Bush’s economy” every time they “unexpectedly reevaluated the numbers DOWN” after announcing some propaganda stupidity?
But it was all good for illegals, African immigrants, criminals, abortionists and communist sympathizers withing the DoJ. So that’s some accomplishment for the Magic Negro.
Trump 2020 Keep the liars and propaganda in China not here.
The jobs reports I linked above. Pretty clear that the rate of jobs growth hasn’t changed.
Yesterday, I listed a number of articles demonstrating that manufacturing jobs were decreasing and farmers were being given an extra $25 billion or so to compensate for the damage done by tariffs.
Where do YOU get your information?
The Mango Messiah/Magic Mangoloid has not stopped the 10 yr economic expansion, so yay! And it’s about all he has to brag about. You DO remember his tax cuts for wealthy whites don’t you?
What is the reason that the Milky Messiah’s approval rating stays around 43%? Shouldn’t it be much higher with this “booming” economy?
Here’s a year summation of the Obama-Trump expansion.
March 12, 2019?
Try to keep current, little dumbass. You’re not fooling anyone… except yourself.
How stupid can you be?
Lolgfy sissybitch
Actually, under Trump the bottom 50% of wage earners have seen their net worth go up much more than “the richâ€. Tax cuts!
I see where thee problem is Fredo, you use CNN as your “reliable source”. Sorry I wouldn’t believe a word they say. They’ve been lying their asses off for three years about everything trump does what would this be any different?
You proved my point with “The Mango Messiah/Magic Mangoloid has not stopped the 10 yr economic expansion, so yay!” so even though the economy grew at a larger rate than under Hussein The Liar you can’t admit it because it’s just too fukin’ painful to admit.
Sorry but according to CNN Trump almost started World War III. Trump almost catalyzed the entire destruction of the Kurds. Trump almost started war with North Korea. Trump almost started a full-blown war between the Palestinian-Arabs and the Israelis. Trump almost devastated the economy by slapping tariffs on Chinese goods. Both they and you just lie because you refuse to praise Trump as President. Your hate transcends truth and logic. All you guys have left is hate.
Trump 2020 Please get rid of the liars in the media we need a real fourth estate not a propaganda machine for the commies among us.
Most of what Con Men believe to be true, is not, Globo. Cons listen to tRumpo and FOX. You live in a fantasy world, not reality.
2020: Get rid of the liar in the WH.
Obama ordered 587 drone strikes during his tenure as president.
However it is now a crime for Trump to order even one.
In the meantime:
President Trump is urging Iranian leaders not to kill protesters in the Middle Eastern nation. The president issued a stern warning to the Iranian regime on Sunday amid protesters’ calls for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei to step down.
I thought all those people LOVED Salami and the Ayatollah and wanted to KILL AMERICA????
Keep up the good work left. Filling voters heads with lies.
As for New Zealand. It is a good country. Believe it or not I was actually in New Zealand and Australia on a cruise sponsored by a very wealthy family member. Im so poor I can’t pay attention. But my Sister is not. I had done a ton of work for her and well blah, blah, blah.
Anyway this poor older man was able to visit New Zealand at the end of the world and they are a different breed of people. Friendly. Close knit and trusting. Their towns are well taken care of and they have no problems it seems on the surface. They are pacific people. Their culture is very different than our own.
They are also sitting right on top of a bunch of active volcanos and now people have them convinced that volcanos are caused by Global warming.
It is sad what billionaires have done to this world all in the name of getting richer. They heavy over reaction with severe gun laws when their country was shot up by that terrorist last year had to have been such a shock for them. It would be like Mormons finding out its not normal to have more than one wife.
New Zealand needs a Greta of their own. You are all seeing what the left is doing right? They are attacking our children, brainwashing our children and then letting them grow up to be radical AGW crazies who then ascend to the thrones of power.
As the Commies always said, give me your children and in 5 years I will make them a commie or something like that. They had a plan. BRAINWASH THEIR CHILDREN.
New Zealand is also socialist. A great place for John and Jeff. Only thing is that to immigrate there you must have an income stream and many other characteristics, obviously our resident socialist would not be able to go there.
I’ve been to NZ, great place, great people, but my home is here even as the radical right wants all liberals gone.
Democrats stay silent on Iran protests, continue to attack President Trump
Yes. It would be nirvana if the left suddenly picked up and moved to Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, China, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan and a whole host of other places that are WAY BETTER THAN THE USA.
Even as the Iranians who hated Trump for killing the man they most hated in their country, the Left continues to make up lies about the whole episode.
Trump really needs to pull us out of Syria and Iraq. NOW. He is going to run against Bernie and Warren in 2020. They are anti-war and so is 2/3rds of America. He got 22 percent of the Bernie Bro votes in 2016 because he promised to do that.
Fuk the MIC and the establishment, we need to start bringing the boys and girls home.
Lil puppy with more “Is Notâ€ism. You’ve actually boasted about your inability to understand graphical representations of data.</i.
The fact is, the “Magic Mangoloid’s†economy is not doing any better than the Obama economy. It’s around 2% growth, not tRump’s promised “3,4,5, even 6%!†Job growth is the same as under President Obama. Stock market increased 150% with Obama, and 44% (so far) for the Magic Mangoloid.
Growth was hampered by Jerome Powell. Duh
Zippy had 8 years, Trump’s done better in just 2 1/2.
Under Trump gain is > 10,000.
There’s nothing special about the Mangoloid’s economy other than the needless explosion of the national debt. It’s built on low paying retail and service jobs, welfare for farmers ($25 billion!) and fewer high paying manufacturing job.
Most manufacturing jobs aren’t high paying because most manufacturers are small biz. And farm policy has always been help out the farmers.
Ever hear of parity? Now that the Reds are going hungry, that will be cut back.
Now that tRump has succored his rich constituency with tax cuts he has to whittle the debt by cutting SS, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP.
That’s where the rot is, so thank you, Captain Obvious.
Mango has two active civil suits related to sexual assault.
Civil, not criminal, so it’s a big nothing.
WizDumb believes that because Rushbo says it, it must be true!
Try again. Don’t listen to Rush.
Funny thing is that Trump has accomplished many of the dreams that the liberals desire, for instance, he is the only leader in recent memory to actually narrow the income gap. The poor have increased their wealth by 46% versus the rich with 13%. If John and Jeff did not hate so much they might actually like Trump.
Even if tRump has yet to crater the economy, there is still plenty to dislike.
And you represent 99% of it.
Now that tRump has succored his rich constituency with tax cuts he has to whittle the debt by cutting SS, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP.
That’s where the rot is
Not sure what the “rot” is. Tell that to the working classes. Didn’t tRump promise to NOT cut SS and Medicare?
Are you ready to sacrifice some SS and Medicare coverage?
“In order to afford tax cuts for the wealthy the working classes, the elderly, the poor and children need to tighten their belts as you’re bankrupting America!”
Do you admit that you’re part of the problem? Have you voluntarily given up SS and Medicare? LOL
Now that tRump has succored his rich constituency with tax cuts he has to whittle the debt by cutting SS, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP.
Most of those tax cuts have gone to the blue collar and no collar classes, so I guess the SNAP crowd gets to tighten their belts, for a change.
Not sure what the “rot†is. Tell that to the working classes. Didn’t tRump promise to NOT cut SS and Medicare?
SNAP is how the slugs get along without a job.
And the working classes don’t like the ones on SNAP. Sounds like you ought to talk to them.
Has he?
Are you ready to sacrifice some SS and Medicare coverage?
People did when Zippy was in. No COLAs, cutbacks on tests, IdiotCare.
People BTDT.
“In order to afford tax cuts for the wealthy the working classes, the elderly, the poor and children need to tighten their belts as you’re bankrupting America!â€
Sounds like Bloomie or Buffett. Funny how rich white Lefties want other people to cut back.
Do you admit that you’re part of the problem?
The only problem is you.
Have you voluntarily given up SS and Medicare? LOL
Have you? If you’re that concerned about the debt, you should have given it up 10 years ago. Shove that LOL up your urethra.
Not only would I not “give up” my Social Security or my Medicare because I paid for them, but I also won’t give up my four IRA’s and my old Keough plans since I paid for ALL of them too. Would you? If I wasn’t required by leftist law to pay into SS (since I was self employed I paid the entire tax) I could have built that money into a mil or two like I did my Ira’s. The government created a plan to steal our retirement money and our health care money and now you act as if we’re evil for wanting what we paid for. That figures though, you guys have a fuked up sense of morality. Hell, you all even side with mooslem terrorists because you hate Trump so much. Low intellect, no morals and total dishonesty. That’s the new Democrat party.
Trump 2020 Make government responsible to those who pay in not take out!–~C
Unfortunately, it’s not your choice whether to accept cuts in Social Security and Medicare. You and I may not suffer from cuts in SS/Medicare pushed by Republicans but many Americans depend on these programs.
But since SS/Medicare together are by far the largest of our fed expenses, why don’t you support severe cuts in the programs to help reduce the debt?
All Americans pay taxes, payroll taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes etc.
Where in the world do you come up with “tax cuts for the wealthyâ€? This should be good…..
The Demos had to say something to object to the tax cuts and this is standard class warfare out of Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal.
Yes, mantras repeated over and over again in lieu of numbers.
Most of what Con Men believe to be true, is not, Globo. Cons listen to tRumpo and FOX. You live in a fantasy world, not reality.
Says the molester who wants us to believe Bitchi Longstocking is for real and Zippy is responsible for the economy.
2020: Get rid of the liar in the WH.
did that 4 years ago.
2020: Get rid of the liar in the WH.
did that 4 years ago.
Actually, President Obama served his two terms and left office as required by the Constitution. If it had been allowed he would have won a third term, and next Nov, a fourth!
Says the molester…
Please call my local police dept and report me, you lying pussy. No? You’re a pussy blowhard. You don’t even have the minimu courage to report a molester? Pick up the phone. Haven’t you posted a name publicly and called that person a child molester? Pussy. Coward. Big talk. We’ll make you the same offer we made to the pussy and TEACH’s pet, drowningpuppies: We’ll fly you here first class and accompany you to the local gendarmes where you can make your charge. We’ll even pay your cab fare to Hopkins airport, it’s only 45 minutes. I’ll pick you up Lambert, buy you lunch, and drive you to the police. No? Pussy. Coward. Be a man.
If you prefer, I can drive to your house and we can discuss it.
Actually, President Obama served his two terms and left office as required by the Constitution. If it had been allowed he would have won a third term, and next Nov, a fourth!
No, the blacks were wising up to the fact that he was all talk when it came to them. That’s why they support Trump this time.
That was why the Hildabeast had to manufacture 7 million fraudulent votes in CA.
And you’ve already been reported, according to several people here. But you can come to OH and report me for wife beating and my wife for selling sex.
That’s what you said. Love to call everybody else names, but you’re the lying pussy when it comes to taking it.
Typical Lefty.
Several people here reported me? Name one and let them admit it, you lying pussy. I live 1.5 mi from the county police and haven’t heard a word, you lying pussy.
You’re an idiot to boot.
I do recall you saying liljeffy did, so it’s your claim, not mine, but you’re the lying pussy because you call everybody here names and accuse them of being racists, rapists, anything you feel like, because you can’t take the idea Trump is rolling back all your little Commie dreams and you’re not man enough to suck it up.
And I’m not the one who wants everybody to buy into global idiocy and all the lies about Trump, so I guess the idiot is you.
You recall wrong, so it’s your claim not mine, you lying coward.
Well Elwood, like you I have no choice about the cuts in SS but I won’t be affected until next January 7th when I turn 70 and sign up. As far as my Medicare goes I have an Advantage plan so I have full coverage so far even under Trump and all those evil conservatives.
“But since SS/Medicare together are by far the largest of our fed expenses, why don’t you support severe cuts in the programs to help reduce the debt?”
I don’t support severe cuts in those programs because as I said I paid for them, I earned them, they are not gifts from someone else like Welfare-Medicaid-food stamps-pub.housing-foreign aide and the hundreds of other “free” programs constructed by leftists to buy votes. Sadly, the leftist Democrats who designed the plans didn’t care that SS was a Ponzi scheme or that Medicare would grow as fast as it did. Once again we got royally fuked by the leftists commie ideas and now we need to find a way to fix it. If you believe it’s such a problem why is it none, nada, zero, zilch Democrat candidate is for “fixing” the problem. Instead now they want to give these benefits to non-citizens. How fuking dumb is that? Why is it (as usual) you leftists create a fuked up problem then bitch to the rest of us we should fix it.
“All Americans pay taxes, payroll taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes etc.”
No, ALL Americans do not pay those taxes, only the WORKING Americans do. Non working layabouts don’t pay income tax nor payroll tax, they don’t own property so they don’t pay that and any sales tax they may pay is paid with money confiscated from the working man and redistributed ala commie style to them. You know, us working stiffs who try and support our families and build a future while your policies have us paying to take care of illegals and bums.
Trump 2020 Keep America Great
Sadly, the leftist Democrats who designed the plans didn’t care that SS was a Ponzi scheme or that Medicare would grow as fast as it did.
FWIW SS wasn’t initially designed that way. It was only intended for people who worked outside the home (men) and the retirement age was set at 65.
Life expectancy for men in them thar days was about 60 (smoking, antibiotics weren’t used much), so it was a swindle. Most of the people who were in it would never see it.
It was only after the war, when antibiotics came into general and widespread use, did life expectancy shoot up. The Demos realized they had a cash cow and expanded it as much as they could and also realized they had a club with which to beat the Rs when the subject of the debt came up.
Also, it’s pretty well accepted that, in your first 2 years on full benefits, you are paid back everything you paid in (sorry).
Still, if it was privatized, managed honestly, apply a means test, and put on a paying basis, you’d get about double (even if there was a lock box, it would only give you about 3.5% return, as opposed to working off the markets which average a 7% return).
Almost all of this is based on the politics of the Depression, like everything else the Demos do, so the whole thing is antiquated.
None of this is a shot at you, but, when you realize what a scam it’s always been, it’s even more annoying.
You recall wrong, so it’s your claim not mine, you lying coward.
You waited all day for that?
And it is your claim, so you’re the liar, you’re the coward.
I can’t believe the tantrum you threw when you got a taste of your own medicine. If you don’t like it, you can always shut your filthy mouth and argue the issues.
You like calling everyone else a piece of what you are? This is what you get.
Live with it or shut up.