This should work out well, eh?
New Zealand schools to teach students about climate crisis, activism and ‘eco anxiety’
Every school in New Zealand will this year have access to materials about the climate crisis written by the country’s leading science agencies – including tools for students to plan their own activism, and to process their feelings of “eco-anxiety†over global heating.
The curriculum will put New Zealand at the forefront of climate change education worldwide; governments in neighbouring Australia and the United Kingdom have both faced criticism for lack of cohesive teaching on the climate crisis. The New Zealand scheme, which will be offered to all schools that teach 11 to 15 year-old students, will not be compulsory, the government said.
“One of the pieces of feedback we’ve got from teachers around the country is that they’re really crying out for something like this, because kids are already in the conversation about climate change,†said James Shaw, New Zealand’s climate change minister and co-leader of the left-leaning Green Party.
They’ll be teaching the kids that everything is horrible and they are all doomed and the Earth is doomed and that they should feel horrible and anxious and neurotic, then tell them how to process those feelings of Doom, which shall surely involve activism and agitating for the Government to take Other People’s money, freedom, and choice.
“They’re seeing stuff on social media on a daily basis and none of it’s good news, and the sense of powerlessness that comes from that is extremely distressing.â€
Perhaps they need to stop reading unhinged doomsayers, put down the phone, and go outside and trek around a beautiful country.
Materials created for teachers that were provided to the Guardian suggest students keep a “feelings thermometer†to track their emotions, learn how to change defeatist self-talk, and consider how their feelings could generate action and response.
This won’t work out well. Perhaps it is a good thing that the government is banning firearms, because these kids are going to graduate with serious mental health issues.

Hey, if the Kiwis want to cripple their economy by going with some form of ‘climate action,’ that’s perfectly fine with me! If the Aussies and the Europeans want to make their plebeians — certainly not their patricians! — poorer, it’s no skin off of my nose. Who knows: if the warmunists are right, it might even lower the projected temperature by 0.2º C, which would, I suppose, be a good thing.
But leave us Americans alone!
Good for New Zealand. Teaching science in science class is a great idea.
Quote: it is a good thing that the government is banning firearms, because these kids are going to graduate with serious mental health issues.
But won’t banning firearms cause MORE violence (according to Cons and the NRA)? Anyway…
The right-wing, white supremacist who murdered 51 and wounded scores more in Christchurch, NZ was not taught about global warming is school, was he? He was a “great replacement” and “white genocide” conspiracy convert, like many commenters here, not to imply that any of you will erupt in a shooting spree when your political yearnings go south later this year.
a “feelings thermometer”
Bwaha! That’s a good one.
It´s a great one! I’m sure that in their “science”, feelings have measurable temperatures…
It looks like the left has taken over yet another free country and is determined to teach fake science in the name of “the collective”. Unarmed and ill informed is the way hate filled communists and leftists have subjugated people since Marx. They teach that supporting your own culture is great unless your culture happens to be a Caucasian or Western culture then you’re a “white supremacist” for wanting to maintain it. Have you noticed how since the Communist Revolution the left idolized Russia and it’s insane leaders like Stalin and Lenin but the second they tossed off the chains of communism the left suddenly decided Russia is the enemy and Putin the Devil himself. All those years under the yoke of oppression and Russia was a vacation spot for “woke” American leftists but the minute they threw the commies out Russia became a threat.
For years the left has systematically disarmed their people and used the schools to brainwash their children into doing unconscionable things and still many commenters here still persist in supporting their vile, evil program. Even today the communists murder more people around the world in a day than the supposedly “white supremacists” have in a hundred years yet some commenters here are in total fear of a few nut jobs while giving these killers a pass.
Going through life living in America and taking in your fill of all the freedom and opportunity so many of us and our families have fought for and created over theses few centuries then espousing anti American, anti Christian, anti white, and anti male hate is not the action of moral people but rather separatists, haters and small minded ignorant fools.
Trump 2020 Keep America, America
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. – Proverbs 22:6
Christians teach young children that unless they worship a vengeful god they will be cast into everlasting fire. Of course, there is no evidence to support gods, demons, miracles, angels, heaven or hell.
So why object to teaching children the physical basis of the universe?
In China they teach science in science class.
No Mo’ Trump 2020: Keep America, America
Too bad you don’t get Scripture any more than anything else.
It says train, not indoctrinate. And using Scripture to advance Communism is blasphemy.
Christians teach young children that unless they worship a vengeful god they will be cast into everlasting fire. Of course, there is no evidence to support gods, demons, miracles, angels, heaven or hell.
And Communism says unless they worship a vengeful government, their world will end in 10 years*.
And there’s plenty of evidence. Where did the universe come from? How did life begin?
There are miracles all around, if one has the eyes to see. And plenty of people have had visions of Heaven and Hell when they were dead.
So why object to teaching children the physical basis of the universe?
Straw man. Really.
In China they teach science in science class.
No, they teach Communism in science class. Get real.
And who, exactly, is going to beat Trump in 10 months? Gropin’ Joe? Bernie?
I see Fauxcahontas and Buttpeg are dropping again.
Just another long list of “Is Not”isms. We call it WizDumb.
According to Biblical “scholars”, Train means to teach them there is a vengeful god who demands to be worshipped or be cast into hell.
Lack of evidence is not the same as evidence. You have questions, not answers. Things we don’t understand don’t require a supernatural or magical explanation. Just like Muslims, Christians believe in supernatural beings and events that are not supported by scientific evidence, but that’s OK as that’s the nature of religious beliefs. After all, we agnostics could be wrong. But just as Christians don’t have to abide by Islamic beliefs, non-Christians in America don’t have to abide by Christian beliefs.
We’ll take your word for it that in China children are taught communism in addition to science.
We’ll have to wait to see who beats Don Raper.
The only dumb around here is you. You keep believing in fantasies, like global nonsense and what a great Preezy Zippy was.
Which Biblical scholars? I’d love to see who they are.
Lack of evidence is not the same as evidence. You have questions, not answers.
Whatever that means, but keep babbling because you just admitted what’s wrong with your whole denial.
Things we don’t understand don’t require a supernatural or magical explanation.
Unless they advance the Lefty agenda. Then we have to fake the data to make it sound marginally plausible.
Just like Muslims, Christians believe in supernatural beings and events that are not supported by scientific evidence, but that’s OK as that’s the nature of religious beliefs.
Notice he says that here, not in Mecca or Qom, where it could get him killed.
After all, we agnostics could be wrong.
You are.
But just as Christians don’t have to abide by Islamic beliefs, non-Christians in America don’t have to abide by Christian beliefs.
That’s why there’s that Amendment thingy, but you do have to abide by Christian principles because that’s what law is based on.
We’ll take your word for it that in China children are taught communism in addition to science.
They have to teach Communism in religion class, so it figures…
We’ll have to wait to see who beats Don Raper.
The only rapist around is Willie – see that picture of him holding one of Epstein’s sex slaves? Real endorsement for the Democrats.
And even the Demos admit nobody’s beating Trump get used to it.
I am always amused by militant atheists telling me what is in the Bible.
Happened to catch Hot Shots! last night and DeadMeat telling his wife he had global warming solved.
Picture was made 30 years ago. All those prophecies that never came true.
Talk about a vengeful god, the Left is still trying to scare kids.
Of course, only the dumb ones buy it.
To be fair, New Zealand is the Disneyworld of countries. They have a thousand miles of shark infested water to protect them from unwanted migration and a dominant English culture that has no danger of changing demographically. The Crime rate is so low that they even have to import their mass murderers from Australia.
Professor Hale: To be fair, New Zealand is the Disneyworld of countries. They have a thousand miles of shark infested water to protect them from unwanted migration and a dominant English culture that has no danger of changing demographically.
About 30% of the population of New Zealand is not of European descent, with the largest minority being indigenous MÄori. The younger population tends to be even more diverse.
What about the word “dominant” confuses you?
Professor: What about the word “dominant†confuses you?
You indicated there was “no danger of changing demographically”, but the evidence is that the demographics are changing with influxes from Asia, with the younger (that is, replacement) generation being more diverse than the older generation. Demographic change is obviously occurring. There’s also a revival of indigenous culture, which will have a greater impact on the larger culture over time.