This is a real shame, you know?
The United Nations is running low on liquid assets and may not have enough money to cover staffers’ salaries next month, according to Reuters.
“This month, we will reach the deepest deficit of the decade,” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to the UN’s General Assembly Budget Committee on October 8. “Our work and our reforms are at risk.”
Member states have not been paying the organization owed monies, and it has affected the UN’s bottom line. Without that influx of funds, Guterres said the UN is at risk of “entering November without enough cash to cover payrolls.”
There are 193 member states in the UN. As of this writing, only 129 have paid their regular contributions to the regular budget. At the end of May 2019, Guterres said the organization was in arrears for $492 million.
“We are at a tipping point,” Guterres said, “and what we do next will matter for years to come.”
Such a shame. I wonder who those countries are?
According to the Council for Foreign Relations, the U.S. contributed over $10 billion to the UN in 2017. That accounts for approximately one-fifth of the UN’s budget. Agencies that received the greatest amount of money were the World Food Program, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
The U.S. is responsible for 22 percent of the budget, which this year equals more than $3.3 billion. That means the U.S. owes $674 million for the 2019 budget alone. It still owes around $381 million for past budgets.
So, the U.S., which is the number one provider for the U.N., is shamed in this and the Reuters article, as well as the others based on the Reuters report? Did anyone even get close to our $10 billion? Perhaps we should evict the UN from the extremely valuable property in New York.
Perhaps they should stop pissing so much money away on climate change scam stuff. It’d be a real shame if they weren’t able to put on their yearly exotic vacation known as the Conference On The Parties in December, eh?

half those countries pay nothing at all. They get a total free ride.
Deport all the representatives, lock the doors, implode the building, bulldoze the rubble and salt it over.g
Get the US out of the UN and get the UN out of the US. They are nothing but corrupt bureaucrats getting a very well paid free ride on the backs of the taxpayers of their respective nations.