Even before Donald Trump won the 2016 general election, Democrats were floating the notion of Russia Russia Russia, showing they would not be willing to except the outcome of the election if he won, which, of course, everyone thought he wouldn’t. Be, he did, so they ramped up the Russia collusion stuff, because they aren’t able to accept election results when they lose. They always have to have some excuse. They’ve kept this going, throwing in obstruction, because that’s all they have. No matter what some Lefties are saying in the media and within the ranks of the Democratic Party, the Mueller hearing was a disaster for them. So…
Democrats now have one option to end Trump’s presidency: The 2020 election
Many Democrats long have considered Robert S. Mueller III a potential savior, as the agent of President Trump’s eventual undoing. Wednesday’s hearings on Capitol Hill probably shattered those illusions once and for all. If Democrats hope to end the Trump presidency, they will have to do so by defeating him at the ballot box in November 2020.
In reality, that has been the case for months. Still, scheduled testimony by the former special counsel before two House committees offered the possibility that he would say something that would suddenly change public perceptions and dramatically jump-start long-stalled prospects for an impeachment inquiry. That was certainly the Democrats’ goal. If anything, things could move in the opposite direction.
Regardless of the evidence of obstruction contained in Mueller’s report, impeachment is a fraught strategy for the Democrats, given public opinion and the dynamics in the Senate. After Wednesday, the prospects for impeachment appear more remote, which means it will be left to the eventual Democratic presidential nominee, with the help of the party, to develop a comprehensive case against the president, one that can win 270 electoral votes. To date, that hasn’t happened.
Democrats won’t give up on Russia Russia Russia, of course. Too many have invested too much. Even after seeing the vote go way against them in the House, they won’t stop. Nancy Pelosi may continue to attempt to tamp down the impeachment talk, but, the nutters will continue their push. Eric Swalwell and Jerry Nadler will continue their idiocy, along with AOC, Ilhan Omar, and the rest of The Squad. Don’t be surprised if Democrats now attempt to call other people involved in the Mueller inquiry to testify in an attempt to find something, anything, to hurt Trump. Many Democrats, such as Excitable Ted Lieu, certainly came away with the wrong impression, and won’t quit.
Most would be smart to move on. It would have been wise to move on once the big nothingburger of the Mueller report was released. They can’t, and they won’t. And, the fact that they won’t will make it that much easier for Trump to win in 2020, especially with what the Democrat candidates for president are pushing.

Flash! A possible attempted Arkancide may have been attempted against convicted Democrat Communist child predator, rapist and pornographer Jeff “The Jerker” Epstein last night. He was discovered in his cell in a fetal position with marks on his neck and check for the Democrat National Committee for The Preservation of Leftist Perverts for $50 million clasped in his hand.
Hillary was not available for comment.
Flash! Pedophiles do not fare well in prison! Epstein was found in his cell in a fetal position clutching a note on White House letterhead with the message, “I beg your “pardon”, Keep your mouth shut and see you at Little James!”, written in crayon.
Don Raper Trump was not available for comment.
The GOP just blocked two bills to address foreign influence in US elections:
Requiring campaigns to notify the FBI and FEC if contacted by foreign entities.
Offering voluntary assistance for cybersecurity to Senators and staff.
Russia (and others) are actively attacking the 2020 elections.
The democrats have two strategies for defeating Trump.
Impeach him because he won and they dont like it.
Impeach him because he won and they dont like it.
In short. They have no sound strategy for defeating Trump. They are asking the American people to trust them when the networks asked the same of their viewers who then tuned out in droves once they realized they had been lied to for years. CNN is firing people right and left but keeping up the WE HATE TRUMP MONTAGE which is causing people to tune out in the first place. Brilliant business model.
They are running on abolishing ICE. OPEN borders. Allowing millions of illegal ignorants to come into the country annually to turn the nation into a cesspool with no jobs, no education and no skills. They want to spend 3.5 trillion per year on Medicare for all. Eliminate the healthcare industry and replace it with government workers.
The Democrats want to eliminate many sectors of our economy to save a few molecules of co2. They want to raze, pillage and plunder our economy. Make college Free for all, fill it with liberal brainwashing professors who will turn all our children into good little commies for their cesspool of a nation.
Their very business model ensures a gigantic gap between the haves and have nots. Millions and millions of illegals with zero education vs FREELY educated College workers who will all have the jobs like working at McDonalds and Home Depot and Walmart creating a ginormous wealth gap in this nation benefiting no one.
Do not worry though the left wants you to have free healthcare and free housing, free college, free food, free medicine, free movies and free walks in the park and free baby sitters and free what ever else they could possibly wish to make free.
Nirvana only exists in a leftists mind. Its called communism but it just wasn’t done right else where. THEY…..THEY will do it right for all of us. YOULL SEE. JUST TRUST THEM.
Meanwhile the viewers are tuning out and Trumps poll numbers are rising. A flawed president who looks like Jesus compared to what the Democrats are offering. Perhaps it might be 538-0 in 2020.
The tRUMP campaign and administration welcomed help from Russians, having over 100 contacts with Russian officials and operatives, and many lied about their contacts (and some in jail now for covering up). According to Mr. Mueller, his team didn’t find sufficient evidence to recommend charges against tRUMP.
The Mueller report listed several examples of tRUMP committing obstruction of justice in an effort to tamp down the conspiracy investigation, and that tRUMP was protected by DOJ OCL guidance. Obviously, tRUMP can and may actually be indicted when he is no longer president.
The problem my friend was Mueller was directly asked the very question of Obstruction. Was your investigation impeded in any way. Mueller simply said NO.
Yet you say the report listed several examples of Trump committing obstruction. Yet their was no crime in which the president could IMPEDE or obstruct.
So I read this article. Speculation by VOX which is a far left wing outlet. None of this can be considered obstruction because nothing Mueller’s team ever did was ever obstructed.
Trump could have 10,000 contacts with Russians it’s NOT ILLEGAL!!! Especially when he has business interests in Russia. I have contacts with Chicoms because we own a business in Hong Kong. Does that make me a spy, idiot?
Your party has been trying an illegal coup against the legitimate elected President Of The United States for three years. We call that TREASON!!
Your party brings in non Americans to vote against Real Americans. Let’s see how you DemComs cheat this election. How many illegal alien and non American votes, dead people, harvested and forged ballots and boxes of “found” ballots your lawyers and Antifa operatives can come up with to cheat your way to the White House.
AND YOU’LL STILL LOSE!!! Because you’re all liars. Because the blacks are wising up to your lies and tricks. Soon so will the Hispanics.
Trump 2020 America for Americans!
The President of the United States has business interests in Russia? For real? President Carter had to divest himself of his little peanut farm in Georgia, yet tRUMP gets to make deals with a nation buggering our elections? Nothin’ to see here, folks, just keep movin’ along. Maybe next he’ll strike a $1 billion deal to put a resort on North Korea’s “beautiful coast”.
Kye: Agreed. Your contacts with Chinese Communists isn’t what makes you an idiot. Note too, you are not the President of the US, so it’s unlikely you can mold foreign policy to help your bottom line. tRUMP can. See the difference? But are you a spy for the commies?
Do you consider the impeachment of President Clinton an illegal coup, what you call TREASON? If not, why not? Clinton was elected twice by overwhelming majorities, but the GOPhers kept up the “presidential harassment” over a minuscule land deal and a sexcapade.
An awful lot of neurotic whining there, you silly little sissybitch.
Lolgf. Loser.
tRUMP gets to make deals with a nation buggering our elections?
No evidence of collusion (and note the homosexual reference).
Maybe next he’ll strike a $1 billion deal to put a resort on North Korea’s “beautiful coastâ€.
Or maybe Poland, where they’re building Fort Trump.
Your contacts with Chinese Communists isn’t what makes you an idiot.
Contacts don’t make anyone an idiot. The things they think are true do.
Which brings us to you.
it’s unlikely you can mold foreign policy to help your bottom line. tRUMP can. See the difference? But are you a spy for the commies?
Now he’s a spy, not just a tool?
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away
Do you consider the impeachment of President Clinton an illegal coup, what you call TREASON? If not, why not? Clinton was elected twice by overwhelming majorities
Actually, he wasn’t. He never got better than 49% of the popular vote.
Or are we now suddenly in favor of the Electoral College?
the GOPhers kept up the “presidential harassment†over a minuscule land deal and a sexcapade.
No, it was perjury in a Federal court, aggravated by a string of scandals and a host of sexcapades.
As always, he is as ignorant of history as everything else.
“President Carter had to divest himself of his little peanut farm in Georgia, yet tRUMP gets to make deals with a nation buggering our elections? ”
Jim Carter didn’t “have” to divest anything, he chose to. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson (among many others) chose to keep all their businesses running while in office even while they made deals with nations “buggering” our elections and country with wars and intrigue.
Trump has made your party rip itself apart and you still can’t stop. We are having a field day watching you bend like pretzels to show some semblance of sanity. And it ain’t workin’
So which of the brilliant field of DemCom candidates are YOU supporting or are you afraid to say? You seem to be either a Spartacus or Buttpeg kinda’ guy. I mean with all your talk of “buggering” and all.
Trump 2020 Who does Elwood support?
The President of the United States has business interests in Russia? For real? President Carter had to divest himself of his little peanut farm in Georgia, yet tRUMP gets to make deals with a nation buggering our elections?
Carter did not “divest” himself in the way that you are trying to say. Carter put his interests in the peanut farm into a blind trust which means it was run by others during his presidency.
Trump has done the same thing. He is not in direct control of any of his business interests. Far from trying to show how evil Trump is, it shows that Trump has done the same thing as Carter.
It is also worthy to note that after leaving office, Carter’s peanut farm was sold because it was in so much debt.
It is hysterical to watch people on the left scream about things like businesses owned in part by Trump doing business in other countries, and then scream and yell in the next breath that we have to rely on an “global economy.” Apparently some countries are not part of the “global economy” when it comes to some people.
Yet when it came to the Clintons, who had more contacts and business contacts with those in Russia and Ukraine, the left is silent.
Once again, all the left has is hate.
Uh huh. trump did not put his 100s of companies into a “blind” trust. His children and former associates are in charge… and if you think for one minute that DJT isn’t involved you’ve too much blind trust in trump.
In addition, Carter didn’t have the federal gov’t buy peanuts from his farm. In contrast, trump holds gov’t affairs at his resorts around the world raking in millions of taxpayer dollars. His hotel in DC had an massive influx of foreign visitors once trump was elected.
“Carter put his interests in the peanut farm into a blind trust which means it was run by others during his presidency (his brother Billy and mother Lillian).
It is also worthy to note that after leaving office, Carter’s peanut farm was sold because it was in so much debt.”
Proving what? That Carter wasn’t a crook like Trump?
It is also worthy to note: “Republicans in 1979 spent six months and they hired a special prosecutor. They went out of their way to make sure it was a Republican special prosecutor who they hired at the Department of Justice to just tear everything apart, go up and down through every peanut shell to try to find something, anything scandalous in Jimmy Carter’s family peanut farm. It turned out, as you saw there, that it was nothing.â€
The Clintons had more business contacts in Russia than tRUMP?
All the right has is hate.
Uh huh. trump did not put his 100s of companies into a “blind†trust. His children and former associates are in charge… and if you think for one minute that DJT isn’t involved you’ve too much blind trust in trump.
Another fail on your part. Carter blind trust was run by family and associates. In other words, Carter did the same thing that Trump did.
In addition, Carter didn’t have the federal gov’t buy peanuts from his farm. In contrast, trump holds gov’t affairs at his resorts around the world raking in millions of taxpayer dollars. His hotel in DC had an massive influx of foreign visitors once trump was elected.
Carter’s farm was subject to federal and state regulations. So Carter had an interest at the federal level as to what happened at his farm. In addition, there was an act that restricted the number of peanuts people could sell on the open market and what the government would by. As for the people staying at the hotel, now you want to restrict people’s right to choose where they stay?
We didn’t hear you screaming about the massive number of people from outside companies and countries and the Clinton Foundation. The hate blinds you to your own hypocrisy.
Proving what?
That Carter was a bad businessman. Georgia grows about 42% of all peanuts in the US and while others thrived, Carter failed. He lost the family business.
Yes Carter was investigated. Trump was investigated. Both were clean.
The Clintons had more business contacts in Russia than tRUMP?
I have no idea who tRUMP is. However, the Clintons had more business contacts in Russia than the current president.
Once again, all the left has is hate. Not facts. Not morals. Not ethics. Just hate.
All the right has is hate.
You agree that trump did not put his companies in a blind trust. Good.
President Carter didn’t manage his little business while in office, trump is managing his.
“As for the people staying at the hotel, now you want to restrict people’s right to choose where they stay?” I propose we restrict the US President making money off the Presidency, at least while in office.
trump’s businesses were investigated? Bullshit. He has filed dozens of suits to keep his businesses and finances from being investigated. The media have turned a blind I to the Donald.
The media weren’t so forgiving of the vile Clintons. Didn’t the Clinton Foundation reveal their donors when Sec Clinton was a candidate, even though not required by law. How much cash did the Clinton family take out of the Foundation (hint: none). We assume if you had anything but rumors and right-wing talking points you would have supplied them by now.
Really? You have no idea, none whatsoever, not a clue, who tRUMP is? Could you even hazard a guess. So once again you’re lying. Just stop it, please.
All the right has is hate. And lies.
You agree that trump did not put his companies in a blind trust.
Try learning to read. Trump has done the exact thing that Carter did.
President Carter didn’t manage his little business while in office, trump is managing his.
Proof please. And thank you for moving the goal posts. After first claiming that Trump could influence the money made by his companies, you are now switching to “he runs the companies” after Carter had arguable more influence over his income.
trump’s businesses were investigated?
Yes, as a matter of fact when it comes to the accusations you are making, they have been investigated.
BTW – couldn’t help but notice that you skipped over the part where you blamed Trump for people choosing to stay in his properties.
The media have turned a blind I to the Donald.
The media have turned a blind I to the Clintons.
There. Fixed that for you.
Didn’t the Clinton Foundation reveal their donors when Sec Clinton was a candidate, even though not required by law.
Even Politifact notes that claim, while being mostly true, is not remarkable. The Clintons did what other Foundations routinely do.
How much cash did the Clinton family take out of the Foundation (hint: none).
The same amount that Trump has taken from his businesses while president. Even the Clintons don’t deny that they were paid speaking fees for arrangements made through the Foundation. In essence, the Clintons made money because of the association with the Foundation.
That’s the same claim you are making. Trump is making money because of his association with his businesses while president.
BTW – don’t you think it is interesting that “contributions” (aka bribes) to the Clinton foundation dropped when Clinton lost in 2016 and was out of government? Wonder why that would have happened?
Really? You have no idea, none whatsoever, not a clue, who tRUMP is?
Nope. Not a clue. I suspect that you and people of your ilk who have nothing but hate made up some name, but I prefer reality.
Clearly as the left falls further and further into despair as their narrative on Trump falls apart, they resort to more hate.
That’s all they have.
Did you forget what you typed?
Once again, all the right has are lies. And hate.
Did you forget what you typed?
You got beat.
Your hateful false talking points will never outweigh truth.
All the left has is hate.
I have contacts with the CHICOMS because I own a (_____), which is made there. (fill in just about anything).
From The White House yesterday:
“While Democrats looked foolish, that isn’t what made today a bad day for the Swamp. It’s a bad day because, once again, Washington put itself first. Americans are sick of partisan theatrics and desperate for our leaders to keep their promises to the voters who sent them here. Instead, Congress spent yet another day arguing about the results of an election that happened more than two and a half years ago.
In that time, President Donald J. Trump’s attention has been on the working-class Americans who put their trust in him. There is plenty of work left to be done, but the results so far are encouraging:
More than 6 million new jobs have been created since Election Day 2016.
The 3.7 percent unemployment rate remains near its lowest mark in 49 years.
Unemployment has hit record or near-record low rates for historically marginalized groups including African-Americans, Hispanics, and women.
U.S. stock markets continue to break record highs.
Manufacturing job growth soared to a more than two-decade high last year.
And that’s just the economy. From criminal justice reform that will make America’s streets safer while giving former inmates a second chance at life, to veterans choice programs that are holding the VA accountable to our nation’s heroes, President Trump is working each day to keep his promises to voters.
Imagine how incredible America could be doing if Congressional Democrats joined us?”
But they won’t because they’d rather HATE TRUMP than LOVE AMERICA!
Trump 2020 And Beyond! REPEAL A-22! Enjoy watching the DemComs rip themselves apart!!! Hahahaha!
Kye typed, without thinking: REPEAL the 22nd Amendment! I agree!!! Let’s start the movement!
Obama 2020: MARA! Make America Respected Again!!
I didn’t type it without thinking, you moron. I typed it to TROLL YOU! And you responded Without thinking!!!
Trump 2020, Trump Jr. 2024! Keep America working!
Trump Jr. 2024: Let Him Out of Prison!!
Hah! So it’s the son?
Good luck with that. Even if it were true, how many people besides rubes like you would care?
We were “respected” when the Choom Gang ran things? When did this happen?
And you honestly think anyone wants to go back to the Depression again?
Zippy’s a zit in history, and an ugly one, at that. Even blacks call him halfa cracka.
Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance†to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.
Steve Cortes is a contributor to RealClearPolitics and a CNN political commentator.
A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll found Trump’s approval rebounding to 45 percent overall, with Hispanic approval jumping sharply—to 42 percent…in Feb. of 2019.
BY MSNBC in an effort to dash any hopes for Trump…..In Florida, only 34 percent of Hispanic voters would like to see Trump reelected, while 56 percent would prefer to replace him with a Democrat, according to the survey conducted by Mason-Dixon Strategies. Considering trump won 30 percent of Hispanics in 2016 in Florida this is still bad news for Democrats.
A January Marist/NPR/PBS survey also put Trump’s approval rating among Hispanics at 50 percent. A February Morning Consult/Politico poll put it at 45 percent, slightly ahead of Trump’s overall approval rating.
Why do Hispanics favor Trump when according to Democrats he hates them. Well Hispanics are not stupid people. Trump continually talks about the thugs, rapists and drug dealers coming into America. he is not saying ALL Hispanics are evil. In fact White people have their own share of drug dealers, rapists and thugs and they should be locked up and put away. Same with any race. people get this distinction.
Trump hasn’t deported one Muslim while actively trying to prevent them from blowing up Americans if they could sneak across the border with bombs and do so.
People get it. Trump and the GOP are not racist. Yes their are racists in the GOP but that percent is probably 1. Blacks and Latinos are starting to get it. Democrats lie to them and then never help them other than to give them a cost of living allowance on their welfare. Trump has given them jobs and hope. Benefits. Hope. He wants to rebuild inner cities. He has reduced regulations allowing it to be much easier for blacks to start businesses in the inner cities.
You made a lot of good points there, D & G but the big point is Trump gives them THE TRUTH which runs between rare and not-at-all in DemCom circles. The Hispanics like blacks are finally(!) beginning to wake up to the fact the left has only used them for votes and kept them down in the ghetto/barrio and pull them out at election time. The Democrats, leftist race baiters and phony Black Al Sharpton/Rev. Jackson “activists” have been making billions off the backs of these folks fore DECADES. Finally (!) they awake and see where their opportunity for a good future is…whit Republicans. BTW, I’m not Republican, I’m Ind. because we need a new party. The conservatives couldn’t even conserve marriage between a man and woman so what good are they? And the Republican Party has done almost nothing to promote and support President Trump in his attemp to right the ship of state so distressed from the Bush and Hussein admins.
Trump 2020 Cause we need a New Party!!!
So we’re taking the Lefty polls as gospel?
Trump’s at 50, so you might want to dump anything from Politico.
And 1/3 or better among Hispanics is a disaster for the Demos. Try again.
Jeffery tries his little tactic of trying to gain our confidence and it’s painfully obvious, but keep it up. Joe Btfsplk picks the same polls.
“Dutch” Silbey has lost what little of his mind he had.
Notice again the bunny suit sticks up for the Btfsplk costume. Oh, sure, they’re 2 separate idiots.
As for ratings, etc. even Fake News noticed the jump. White people and Hispanics love his stand at the border and his attitude on Hell’s Harem. Even blacks like it.
Did you know Zippy personally packed the MN 5th Congressional District with 70,000 Somalis? They’re the ones who put Omar in the House. They’re also the ones the FBI has IDed as those who make up the country’s terrorist recruitment capital.
And 1/3 of the Hispanic vote put Rick Scott in the Senate and kept To Cruz in it.
trump is -8 on job approval; -12 on foreign policy; -20 on direction of country; -10 to Biden
All this with Americans ecstatic about the economy (which trump inherited).
Bullshit! Your fear and angst about Trump’s victory in 2020 belies your nonsense.
Which of the commie clown show are you supporting to beat Trump. Don’t just sit there with your bony fingers hovering over your keyboard ….type a name. Let’s see which total ass hole you endorse o we too can enjoy making silly prognostications about those idiots. come on…do it.
Trump 2020 Because Elwood has no candidates they’re all crazy!
RCP, kidz, RCP.
Whomever I pick, Warren, Biden, Sanders, Harris, Buttigieg, Oprah… doesn’t matter, trump the asshole hasn’t a chance. America hates him, even with the good economy (that he inherited).
Care to go to hell? Care to link to any of your bullshit? Look it up yourself, buttbreath.
Afraid you are wrong, again. Trump will easily win 2020. In addition he will expand the Senate and take back the House. Winning. MAGA.
Bear suit is back, so he must really be in despair after Pelosi Gaore told Nadless to drop the impeachment thing.
trump the asshole hasn’t a chance. America hates him, even with the good economy (that he inherited).
He inherited a lousy economy and saved the country. And the country loves him for it; remember, people vote their pocketbook.
And right now, the bookies have him at 500 to 1.
And RCP just takes all the polls that were wrong last time.
As we’ve said before, trump deserves to be impeached and convicted but it’s a tough political slog. Moscow Mitch in the Senate will block it, so why bother?
All you have are lies.
Lie, lie, lie, and lie.
Care to link the poll? Care to link the crosstabs?
Of course not, that would show you’re lying.
And Trump made the economy. Even Fake News admitted that.
It’s Trump’s economy now, as Politico said 12/20/2017.
Of course, what politico meant was that come election day the US president “owns” the economy, although we all know the president has little effect on the economy.
Even you don’t buy that one.
You agree that trump did not put his companies in a blind trust. Good.
President Carter didn’t manage his little business while in office, trump is managing his.
No, he’s managing the business of the country and doing an excellent job of it. Far better than Zippy.
Trump’s businesses are managed by his sons, so there’s a lie, and Trump’s lawyers stressed that the conflict of interest laws do not apply to the President citing 18 U.S. Code §208. Also, as part of the trust agreement, there will be no new foreign deals conducted by any of Trump’s businesses during Trump’s presidency. Deals at home will be allowed after what Dillon characterized as a “vigorous vetting process.” Finally, information about profit and loss would only be available to Trump for the company as a whole and not broken down by business.
They also contended a totally blind trust with operating businesses is impossible because a blind trust keeps certain kind of information – like asset makeup and management – secret from trust beneficiaries. With a blind trust, the beneficiaries do not know the assets held in trust and they have no power to participate in the management or distribution of those assets.
5 gets you 10 Bucketmouth hadn’t done anything with his peanut farm in years, if ever.
BTW The Ozark Mafia put their holdings in a blind trust. We know how that worked out.
“As for the people staying at the hotel, now you want to restrict people’s right to choose where they stay?†I propose we restrict the US President making money off the Presidency, at least while in office.
Nobody cares what you propose.
trump’s businesses were investigated? Bullshit. He has filed dozens of suits to keep his businesses and finances from being investigated. The media have turned a blind I to the Donald.
Sure they have. As of late June this year, the were 15 investigations ongoing, according to Politico, so you lie again.
Fact is, if Trump businesses had broken the law, wouldn’t that have given Mule Ears and the Demos their big chance?
Besides, Zippy’s sealed all his records. why can’t Trump?
The media weren’t so forgiving of the vile Clintons. Didn’t the Clinton Foundation reveal their donors when Sec Clinton was a candidate, even though not required by law. How much cash did the Clinton family take out of the Foundation (hint: none). We assume if you had anything but rumors and right-wing talking points you would have supplied them by now.
Fake News shilled for the Ozarks until the Hildabeast started making noises like she wanted to run again.
But here’s a list of articles saying they didn’t
Emails reveal how foundation donors got access to Clinton and her …
Hacked emails show extent of foreign government donations to …
Oct 16, 2016
Seven ways the Clinton Foundation failed to meet its transparency …
Aug 27, 2016
Sep 1, 2016 – Experts poke holes in Clinton Foundation’s promised donor ban … to the Clinton Foundation before being pressured into revealing some of its donors. … The Clinton Foundation, which did not respond to questions for this …
Fact-checking donations to the Clinton Foundation | PolitiFact
Clinton Foundation’s Fundraisers Pressed Donors to Steer Business to …
https://www.wsj.com › Politics › Capital Journal
Hillary Didn’t Disclose 1,100 Foreign Donors – The Daily Beast
The Hill, WaPo, PolitiFact, WSJ, Daily Beast
Really? You have no idea, none whatsoever, not a clue, who tRUMP is? Could you even hazard a guess. So once again you’re lying. Just stop it, please.
He knows and that’s what makes you turn into the bear suit. the country knows and the Demos haven’t got a prayer.
All the right has is hate. And lies.
No, that’s your bag. The envy created the hate and you have to lie to fool people.
Seek help.
(Too many links put it in moderation. WT)
Speaking as someone who was alive back then and remembers this stuff…
It was no coincidence that during the Carter administration every school lunch program in the country switched from vegetable oil to peanut oil, thereby boosting the market for peanuts and profits for peanut farmers. Of course, it switched back when the fad of peanut allergies in children popped up. … in effect, the US government DID buy peanuts from Carter’s farm under the USDA run commodities stabilization program (think government cheese) which then fed the school lunch program.
Uh huh. trump did not put his 100s of companies into a “blind†trust. His children and former associates are in charge… and if you think for one minute that DJT isn’t involved you’ve too much blind trust in trump.
He is running the country (and doing a damned good job of it)
In addition, Carter didn’t have the federal gov’t buy peanuts from his farm. In contrast, trump holds gov’t affairs at his resorts around the world raking in millions of taxpayer dollars. His hotel in DC had an massive influx of foreign visitors once trump was elected.
Bucketmouth hadn’t run his father’s farm in years (since ’62, to be exact).
And the fact foreign visitors came to DC to see the new President is not a crime or a conflict of interest.
Carter put his interests in the peanut farm into a blind trust which means it was run by others during his presidency (his brother Billy and mother Lillian).
It is also worthy to note that after leaving office, Carter’s peanut farm was sold because it was in so much debt.
Which only tells you what a pack of jerks his family was.
Proving what? That Carter wasn’t a crook like Trump?
Trump’s a crook? What law did he break? When was he tried? When was he convicted?
It is also worthy to note: “Republicans in 1979 spent six months and they hired a special prosecutor. They went out of their way to make sure it was a Republican special prosecutor who they hired at the Department of Justice to just tear everything apart, go up and down through every peanut shell to try to find something, anything scandalous in Jimmy Carter’s family peanut farm. It turned out, as you saw there, that it was nothing.â€
Just like Trump (doncha just love it when he walks right into it?).
The Clintons had more business contacts in Russia than tRUMP?
Remember Willie;’s trip to Moscow during the Vietnam War? You want to accuse somebody of being a Russian spy, those 2 Reds would be a good place to start.
All the right has is hate.
Oh, yeah, the bear suit’s back. Unimaginative as ever.
As we’ve said before, trump deserves to be impeached and convicted but it’s a tough political slog. Moscow Mitch in the Senate will block it, so why bother?
All you have are lies.
Just because all the cartoon characters in your head are hateful, envious, racist, heterophobic, theophobic, Communist tools means nothing.
Trump has done nothing wrong except fight for America and thwart the Commies’ takeover of it.
And I’ve proven you lie a hundred times, so the lies asre all yours.