I wonder if this means that the uber-white people leading the Cult of Climastrology should bow out, otherwise they will be guilty of cultural appropriation?
Black Women Are Leaders in the Climate Movement
Environmentalism, in other words, is a black issue.
Before the first Democratic debate, I watched one of my favorite shows, MSNBC’s AM Joy, excited to see not one, but three people of color tapped to talk about climate change and how candidates were discussing it along the campaign trail. My heart dropped when Tiffany Cross, a guest commentator on the show, stated that while climate change disproportionately impacts communities of color, it’s an issue only in very “niche groups†of those communities. She wasn’t claiming that the issue wasn’t important, but that your average black person didn’t see it as an everyday thing.
Despite stereotypes of a lack of interest in environmental issues among African-Americans, black women, particularly Southern black women, are no strangers to environmental activism. Many of us live in communities with polluted air and water, work in industries from housekeeping to hairdressing where we are surrounded by toxic chemicals and have limited food options that are often impacted by pesticides.
Environmentalism, in other words, is a black issue.
This comes from Heather McTeer Toney, the national field director of Moms Clean Air Force, a group that has hijacked the notion of continued reduction in air pollutants and made it all about a trace gas necessary for life on Earth. Her group, really, is a niche group, and, it’s not just black people who do not see Hotcoldwetdry as an everyday thing. Particularly when the Democratic Party is keeping blacks in cities down on the plantation, patronizing them to keep their votes. It is interesting, though, that Toney talks about polluted air and water, work in industries surrounded by toxic chemicals, then limited food options, and wants to make real environmental issues with the climate change scam.
Rarely do we see or hear black voices as part of national conversations about policy solutions, the green economy or clean energy. We’re relegated to providing a comment on environmental justice issues like the water crisis in Flint; or we’re the faces in the photos when candidates need to show that they’re inclusive when talking about climate solutions.
It sounds like the Cult of Climastrology is rather racist.
Our elders and ancestors lived through emergencies. The 1928 Hurricane of Lake Okeechobee is rumored to be the greatest loss of black life in one day before Hurricane Katrina. At least 2,500 souls perished in that flood, mostly black migrant workers from the Caribbean. The Galveston Hurricane of 1900 and the Eastern Seaboard Heatwave of 1911 both saw significant loss of life, but also the survival of those who made it through.
Wait, so hurricanes and heatwaves and floods today are nothing new, and have nothing to do with “carbon pollution”? Huh.
Despite hearing the Republican rhetoric of “climate change ain’t real,â€Â people knew that something more than a rising river was changing and amiss. Deer and duck seasons weren’t the same as in years past. Cotton and soybean crop yields were different; increased heat, droughts and floods meant more pests and decreased yields. The river waters were coming faster and stronger from the increased snow from the Northeast. It felt like no one was listening to the voices of the poor, of rural folks, of Southerners. We knew then just as we do now: Climate change is a threat to black life.
It’s great how she’s making this a racism issue. This will go one of two ways: the non-black big wigs in the Cult will shut this line of thought down, or, they’ll just co-opt it and create talking points that patronize black people, attempting to get their support, while not really helping them. Heck, we’ve already seen this over the past few years (also using women and poor people, along with other groups in boxes), yet, interestingly, the Cult also talks of population reduction, particularly in 3rd world nations, which tend to be full of Black and brown people. Planned Parenthood is something Warmists love, because it reduces black babies from being born.
It’s now our responsibility together as black women — but even more so as black people — to continue sharing the messages of not only climate but also our expertise on what can be done. We must make our voices heard by contacting our congressperson and senator, and by voting for climate candidates. These actions will get us to the larger goal of passing the kind of big, ambitious federal laws like those requiring 100 percent clean energy that we need to rein in our carbon and methane emissions.
Interesting how the answer from Toney and her comrades is to attempt to get more laws, rules, and regulations passed. More government. Weird that that is always their answer, right?

Our esteemed host quoted:
Perhaps it’s because American blacks, who are significantly poorer than white Americans, are more concerned about radical things like putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their heads.
I’ve said this a million times before: the pocketbook issues of today outweigh the concerns about what might, or might not, happen a hundred years from now. And with the proposed ‘solutions’ to
global warmingclimate change being, in effect, reaching deep into people’s wallets today, making people live poorer, for a possible — not guaranteed — better effect long after most of us are stone cold graveyard dead, then yeah,global warmingclimate change is an issue for the well-to-do, the people who won’t really notice the costs of the proposals all that much, than it is for the poor and the working class.Man, that’s one long sentence. I’m glad I don’t have to diagram it for my seventh grade English teacher!
Thing is, the warmunists have figured this out, too, which is why you are seeing the predictions of doom and gloom being moved up, not to 2100, but to 2075 or even 2050.
In the latest Real Clear Politics polling average, Governor Jay Inslee (D-WA) comes in with a whopping 0.4% support. Given that the supposed margin for error is around 3.5%, it’s possible that Mr Inslee’s support is a negative 3.1%.
Yet Governor Inslee is the fine gentleman who has based his entire campaign on fighting
global warmingclimate change. The other Democrats pay homage to the issue, but most of them are pretty much keeping their mouths shut on it.Perhaps, just perhaps, even the Democratic primary voters don’t give a rat’s ass about
global warmingclimate change?