I’ll believe this can make a difference when all Warmists are doing it
How many pounds of offal do I need to eat before I prevent my first imaginary CO2-induced hurricane? https://t.co/5HtnwuN8uK
— Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) April 22, 2019
From the link
Choosing more meat by-products, such as liver, sweetbreads and tripe, could help to reduce livestock emissions by as much as 14%, according to a new analysis.
The results come from a study looking at how various interventions could cut emissions from Germany’s meat industry. However, it is likely that the findings hold relevance for other countries, a study author tells Carbon Brief.
The single most effective way to reduce meat emissions would be to eat less of it, the analysis adds. It finds that halving meat consumption could reduce Germany’s meat emissions by 32%, when compared to levels observed in 2016. (snip)
The new study, published in Environmental Science and Technology, looks at how meat emissions could be reduced by a wide range of interventions, including changes to diet, the elimination of food waste and the introduction of more efficient animal rearing.
First, no, and second, mind your own business. Bunch of nags, always trying to tell Other People how to live their lives, and pushing for government to regulate them.

“Eating meat is a major driver of climate change.”
Under his Green New Deal, de Blasio said the city is committing to carbon neutrality by 2050 and 100 percent clean electricity, including hydropower.
DE Blasio is banning skyscrapers in NYC unless they are retrofitted by 2030 and you see by 2050 they will be 100 percent clean.
BUH…BUH….BUH….Were all going to die in 12 years. So all the landlords in NYC have 11years to spend billions retrofitting their sky scrapers and then one year before we die.
Got it.. TIN FOIL ALERT!!! There are no longer any adjectives to describe how incredibly insane the left has become.
I guess being a climate apocalypse believer is just offal.
Good one, formwiz!