People often wonder why Democrats are so in favor of open borders and illegal immigration, as well as taking in massive numbers of refugees from 3rd world shitholes developing nation. They give us all sorts of feelings based squishy reasons, but, really, it does come down to one thing, and Pelosi just let it out of the bag
Watch–Nancy Pelosi: New Immigrants Must Not Have Their Votes Suppressed
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the United States must not suppress the vote of newly arrived legal immigrants — including those foreign nationals who arrive en masse at the U.S.-Mexico border.
During a press conference in Austin, Texas this week, Pelosi admitted that the goal for the country’s mass illegal and legal immigration system is to ensure the more than 1.5 million new arrivals who come to the U.S. every year are on the voter rolls.
Pelosi added that it is immigrants, not American citizens, who make the nation “more American.â€
When we talk about newcomers, we have to recognize the constant reinvigoration of America that they are, that we all have been – our families. And that, unless you’re blessed to be Native American – which is a blessing in itself that we respect – but that constant reinvigoration of hope, determination, optimism, courage, to make the future better for the next generation, those are American traits. [Emphasis added]
And these newcomers make America more American. And we want them, when they come here, to be fully part of our system. And that means not suppressing the vote of our newcomers to America. [Emphasis added]
The “newcomers†who should be fully able to participate in voting, Pelosi said, include the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and border crossers who arrive at the southern border every year.
“We, in California, see people coming from a different direction, but the same welcome. You see them coming, many from the south, southern border, but should be the same welcome,†Pelosi said.
It’s all about the vote with Democrats. There are no high minded ideals about helping people from distressed areas. They’d help Detroit and other American cities and citizens if they cared. Democrats just want votes.
Democrats would win major victories politically from increased legal immigration levels, research finds. The latest analysis by The Atlantic senior editor Ronald Brownstein revealed that nearly 90 percent of House congressional districts with a foreign-born population above the national average were won by Democrats.
This means that every congressional district with a foreign-born population exceeding roughly 14 percent had a 90 percent chance of being controlled by Democrats and only a ten percent chance of electing a Republican.
And that’s why they want them. Votes. Nothing else. Democrats do not care about legal immigrants nor illegal aliens. They just want the votes. Consider their talking points about how they want to only deport the bad illegals, not the ones with no or just minor civil/criminal convictions. They refuse to hold illegals with charges/convictions for things like rape, sexual assault (including against children), trafficking, drug dealing, arson, assault, attempted murder, gun charges, and murder, among others, for ICE to come pick up.
Democrats could care less how this harms legal U.S. citizens.

I wonder if Trump was able to get a law passed that would allow illegals to stay in the US in return for limited roles in our government, such as a lifetime ban on voting, would the Dems still champion the infusion of South Americans into our society. The negatives for wholesale immigration far out way the social benefit, unless the Dems want to pack the voting roles.
That’s an interesting proposition. Would you be really be willing for all the current illegal residents being granted lawful permanent residency (green cards) but without the possibility of citizenship (meaning no voting). Current green card holders ARE allowed to become citizens so that would be a difference between the groups.
But it’s a great idea and compromise. Obviously, Trump and The Trumpublicans wouldn’t go for it, but the Dems surely would. And the far-right clique of the GOP would go absolutely apesh!t crazy.
Actually most of the newcomers are Central American, but as South America becomes more inhospitable the numbers of South Americans could increase.
Most of what the right-wing believes is untrue, including that Dems want comprehensive immigration reform to increase voter rolls. It’s a silly conspiracy.
Grant permanent resident status to all current illegal immigrants (except those having committed felonies or being processed for violent crimes etc) WITHOUT a path to citizenship, tighten border security, tighter drug interdiction, tighten visa overstays, upgrade the border processing for legal asylum seekers.
This would about double the number of green card holders (to about 25 million).
The Dems would approve this tomorrow. The GOP would not.
Grant permanent resident status to all current illegal immigrants (except those having committed felonies or being processed for violent crimes etc) WITHOUT a path to citizenship, tighten border security, tighter drug interdiction, tighten visa overstays, upgrade the border processing for legal asylum seekers.
LOL!! Of course the dhimmicrats would go for it.
Grant permanent resident status to all current illegal immigrants (except those having committed felonies or being processed for violent crimes etc) WITHOUT a path to citizenship, — Yep and screw all ones trying hard to do it the proper way
tighten border security — with no fences or recognized boarder, there’s no way to measure if this is working or not
tighter drug interdiction — again how can you do that with no defined entry points?
tighten visa overstays — how would they do that? They aren’t doing it now.
upgrade the border processing for legal asylum seekers — uh huh, Yeah everyone is an asylum seeker, sure.
Anarchy is what you want. Anarchy is what you’ll get, (think Venezuela but with way less attractive women).
It was david’s challenge. He claimed that Democrats wouldn’t agree with it. I said they would and Repugnicunst wouldn’t. You agree with me, just as predicted.
Anarchy is what the Conpublicunst want. Everyone with a gun and settle all disagreements like men, with a duel! Freedom!!
Does the fact that Democrats would support green cards without a path to citizenship/voting raze the Con-spiracy theory that Dems are recruiting voters via the border?
Why would tEach want immigrant citizens not to vote? That’s rhetorical. The NuCons would prefer that only white men vote. That’s unAmerican and unconstitutional.
Non-citizens are not allowed to vote. And the For the People Act of 2019 does not grant them the right to vote. Why do Cons insist on lying?
Why don’t Cons want Americans to vote? That’s rhetorical.
Which presidential candidate said it?
“We’re going to have a lot of people coming into the country. We want a lot of people coming in. And we need it.â€
“We need workers.”
“I want people to come into our country, in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally.”
“We want to have the companies grow, and the only way they’re going to grow is if we give them the workers, and the only way we’re going to have the workers is to do exactly what we’re doing.â€