Just a quick word, ability to do quick tags, things like blockquote, link, bold, etc, for the comments has been turned off for the moment. It is an old, old plugin, which is causing issues with the PHP server. I’ll see if there is something else, though, I am looking to start using Disqus soon. I will allow comments from those without a Disqus account.

Bless you.
That comment widget was the worst.
I’d like to be able to use the Jetpack one, but, because of a few things, it kept 403ing people, especially mobile. I might use this one https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpdiscuz/
Or just do Disqus, which would take a load off the server.
A couple of things with Disqus, although now and again it can be a pain, is that comments persist a lot better (when you have to flip to another site for a citation or quote) and the hierarchy of replies is quite good.
Yup. I like it on other sites, and could monitor them easier. Though, get a lot more spam, which some of the backend plugins, like Akismet, and Bad Behavior, wouldn’t catch. Wouldn’t have to refresh the page, though. Which is nice.