…is a sea that is totally changing color, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the war on NFL cheerleaders.

…is a sea that is totally changing color, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the war on NFL cheerleaders.
What is it with these Virginia dems?
A credible witness has come forward with a sexual assault allegation against Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax.

Fairfax claims she was begging to give him a blow job.
WaPo spikes story because… you know.

Fair is fair. If Mr. Fairfax is forced to step down so should Kavanaugh.
Or tRump.
The Dems take these accusations seriously, GOPhers not so much.
And what’s wrong with the ConSCOTUS (aka SCROTUS; Supreme Court Republicans of the US)? 40% of them have been accused of committing sex crimes!!
Kavanaugh has never been charged with any wrong doing and it has been established that the women lied. So what is wrong with him. It will be great when Ruth is replaced with a young conservative. By the way, your lies about other people might be coming to an end as suits are being filed and we know who you are.
Yep. Sure do.
What’s the matter? You want to shut me up with threats. Bring it on, coward. My lawyers won’t mind taking your money.
But we don’t know who any of you are, so how can it be defamation?
Nignorant angry little negro fella getting all huffy.

Must be from getting his little black ass kicked around all day or someting.
Emerantiana can’t get past the idea if young Mr Sandmann starts impoverishing many of his former tormentors, she may be well out of a (I use the word loosely) job.
Throwing loose charges through the air may go the way of RBG.
But we don’t know who any of you are, so how can it be defamation?
If liljeffy learned about our village idiot, it should be obvious anyone can learn about anyone on the ‘Net.
(no offense, lil)
drowningpuppies even posted a street address he claimed belonged to a commenter here. He even identified that commenter as a pedophile!! Even going so far as posting the name of a private business he claimed was associated with the commenter! Why do you think he took those actions?
Had was not established that Dr. Ford lied.
Well you confirmed it was you, dumbass, after your posted your real name four seperate times. What a maroon!
You lost any legal case based on the fact that you and only you doxed yourself. Then you have come here calling everyone names. You even committed a felony by threatening to sue.
For your patients’ sakes, we hope you were a better doctor than you are a lawyer.
You are so pathetic. You don’t even make a good troll.
So sue me.
Well, drowningpuppies has its problems, but the Lefties are way too in love with doxxing their opponents as an intimidation tactic.
Adeloga may want to keep that in mind, the recommended serving temperature of Revenge being what it is.
As always, Maude compares apples to hand grenades. Chrissy Blase had more holes in her story than the guys at the St Valentine’s Day Massacre. Trump has yet to have serious allegations raised.
The Dems take these accusations seriously
Ah did nawt have sex with thet woman, Mizz Lewinsky.
40% of them have been accused of committing sex crimes!!
So retire RBG and let those poor men alone.
Dr. Ford told her story, depicting kavanaugh as the drunken bro he was/is. Cons from DJ tRump on down smeared her, their lieutenants threatened her so she had to go into hiding, moving her family four times, and being unable to resume her teaching duties.
There were no holes poked in her story.
Life is going to get harder and harder for privileged men assaulting women. The more tRumps and kavanaughs the GOP rallies around the more women to vote Dem.
If either tRump or kavanaugh were Dems they would have been gone long ago. But GOPhers love them some rapists.
First of all Maude, Ford changed her story several times. Her story was uncorroborated and her “witnesses” evaporated. Apparently you are the type who believes because someone “accuses” somebody of something they are automatically guilty. She depicted herself as the drunk and Kavanaugh as a groper. She is the one who couldn’t remember who owned the house they were at, where it was or even the f*****g year it occurred so she was a liar.
The more Trumps and Kavanaughs the left falsely accuses and demonizes the more women are flocking to the GOP. Most thinking non-partisan women don’t like their sons, brothers, fathers and husbands branded as sexual predators based only on the accusation of a political operative.
Then you double down your stupidity (as leftist fools are want to do) with: “If either tRump or kavanaugh were Dems they would have been gone long ago. But GOPhers love them some rapists.” Maude that’s the most blatant example of projection I’ve seen in quite some time. Ever hear of the rapist/cheater/murderer Ted “Lion of the Senate” Kennedy? How about all the leftist Democrat supporters accused/indicted/arrested last year from Hollywood to DC? You’re pimping propaganda for the Death Cult called Democratic-Communism.
Yet, just after the Kavanaugh show, the Dems crushed the GOP in the mid-terms.
Were all the accusers of tRump political operatives? Stormy Daniels? Karen McDougall? Do you agree that the president is at the very least, a whore?
Was Dr. Ford an operative?
Of course the Dems would have tossed kavanaugh. tRump couldn’t get elected dogcatcher as a Dem. Northam will be forced out, probably Fairfax too. Will Mitch McConnell even be criticized for his picture?
The Dems haven’t circled the wagons with Northam as the Cons did with kavanaugh.
The difference is that conservatives do not find racist and sexist behavior objectionable because their base doesn’t object (except if it makes Con elites look bad).
Well, considering she had only her say-so about Brother Bret, it’s interesting how that’s all that’s needed to convict him in some quarters.
And there were plenety of holes poked in that story. Baghdad Barbara gets more ridiculous every time he tries to defend her.
Life is going to get harder and harder for privileged men assaulting women. The more tRumps and kavanaughs the GOP rallies around the more women to vote Dem.
Riight. That’s why a lot of women see their husbands being treated like Brother Bret and their sons treated like Nick Sandmann.
I note the Lt Governor of VA is having a rough time with this sort of thing, but Gorgonia isn’t all hot to view him as convicted.
Yet, just after the Kavanaugh show, the Dems crushed the GOP in the mid-terms.
Hardly. The Rs increased their count in the Senate by 4, something not seen since Franklin Roosevelt. If we’re talking about the House, those seats were opened by NeverTrumpers retiring out of spite and picked up, mostly in CA by the specious practice of “vote harvesting” which Euphrosyne screamed about when a Republican in NC used it to get himself elected.
Were all the accusers of tRump political operatives? Stormy Daniels? Karen McDougall? Do you agree that the president is at the very least, a whore?
Stormy sure was, recruited by a nut who wanted to make himself a wheel in the party
The President isn’t, but you are.
Was Dr. Ford an operative?
Apparently so. She had nothing to back up her story except wishful thinking.
The Dems haven’t circled the wagons with Northam as the Cons did with kavanaugh.
Baghdad Barbara hasn’t been reading the news over the weekend. Establishment Demos have taken up the gage for him.
For your patients’ sakes, we hope you were a better doctor than you are a lawyer
Considering he at least understands the scientific method, Basilissa, he probably knows more law than you.
So sue me.
Stick around, missy, somebody will.
Yet, just after the Kavanaugh show, the Dems crushed the GOP in the mid-terms.
Maude, the Dems did not “crush the GOP”. The out of power party almost always win in the mid term and many times by a far, far, far greater number of seats than the Dems in 2018. Hell, they didn’t even have enough juice to get the Senate. In fact, in comparison to what happened to Obummer in the mid terms the Dems actually lost.
Were all the accusers of tRump political operatives? Stormy Daniels? Karen McDougall? Do you agree that the president is at the very least, a whore?
I don’t know if they were or not, do you? I know Stormy was a whore, got paid for a confidentiality agreement and broke it, so she’s a liar and a cheat too. I don’t think anybody involved there is clean and no Trump is not a whore. He’s a John. And if you’re casting aspersions on character best look toward you Dem idols like all the Kennedy’s, the KKK wizard you guys had in the Senate, the assorted and sundry rapists, cheaters and homos parading around as Dems for years. Nobody is in a position to call names on morality.
Was Dr. Ford an operative?
Absolutely!. She had 35 years to come forward but waited until she was either paid by someone or felt it was her chance to make money over the smear before she did. And that’s assuming it was true which it obviously was not since if it were she’d be running for Pres now.
The Dems haven’t circled the wagons with Northam as the Cons did with kavanaugh.”
That’s because northam is a typical racist democrat liar and has pictures to PROVE his guilt, whereas there was NO PROOF of any of the accusations against Kavanugh. You should be very reluctant to hang a person on just an accusation. It could happen to yo someday.
The difference is that conservatives do not find racist and sexist behavior objectionable because their base doesn’t object (except if it makes Con elites look bad).
If you actually believe that ACCUSATION then you are an ignorant, small minded, immoral bigot. I hope you’re just mouthing off and not sayin 65 million Americans agree with sexist, racist behavior. If you believe that then you should move out of the country immediately as a show of moral superiority and unwillingness to cohabitate with such scum.