Just like when you read about Warmists saying a carbon tax is “free market”, be beyond skeptical when they say it is “revenue neutral”
The bipartisan House Climate Solutions Caucus claims it is pushing a “revenue-neutral†carbon tax, but legislation proposed Thursday would hike taxes by at least $1 trillion over the next decade, according to Paul Blair, director of strategic initiatives for the right-leaning policy institute Americans for Tax Reform.
Florida Reps. Ted Deutch, a Democrat, and Francis Rooney, a Republican, reintroduced a bill Thursday that would place a $15-per-ton tax on carbon emissions in 2019. The tax would rise by $10-a-year increments until it hits nearly $100 per ton.
“To let the free market price out coal we should consider value pricing carbon,†Rooney saidin a statement. “A revenue-neutral carbon fee is an efficient, market- driven incentive to move toward natural gas and away from coal, and to support emerging alternate sources of energy.â€
Though Rooney claims the tax is “revenue-neutral,†the plain text of the bill does not include any reciprocal tax cuts to balance out the burden of the added tax on emissions, Blair told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
The Climate Solutions Caucus, co-led by Deutch and Rooney, claims the bill is “revenue-neutral†through carbon dividends. The IRS will pay out the funds raised by the tax to U.S. households, giving “100 percent of net revenues to the American people†and maintaining the bill’s revenue neutrality.
“Historically and for anyone engaged in tax policy, the definition of ‘revenue-neutral’ is and always has been if you increase a tax, the amount of revenue it generates must be offset by an equal tax cut elsewhere,†Blair said.
The left-leaning Tax Policy Center shares Blair’s view, defining a “revenue-neutral†tax proposal as one “in which provisions that raise revenues offset provisions that lose revenues so the proposal in total has no net revenue cost or increase.â€
Essentially, people are going to pay more in taxes even if the government refunded 100%. Which we all know will never happen. Oh, some people will get some money back, which makes them more reliant on government. Funny how that works, eh? First, government programs cause an increase in the cost of living in all aspects, energy, food, transportation, housing, and so much more. Plus taking more money directly out of your pocket. Then, they give you some of that money back to offset what the government caused. But, you need that money, so now you look more towards government help.
Really, if it is predicted to be $1 trillion over 10 years, you can bet that in the Real World it will be many times more than that.
BTW, gotta love the double shot of free market and revenue neutral.

Demonomics 101.
Any time a Democrat tells you something is revenue neutral or has firewalls all around it, you know they’re lying.
In fact, a Democrat tells you anything, you know they’re lying.
And you gotta love when they project things ten years into the future with a history of never ever being correct on one single projection in all of their history of projecting. These are the people who can’t estimate this years debt but we’re supposed to believe their projections. Plus, time has revealed them to be notorious liars with misplaced loyalties and unbounded ambition for power.
With the “New Democrat Communist” party taking their seats in Congress and all the shiny, smiling young heads full of mush from academic brainwashing they are just preparing the road for the onslaught of pro left laws seeking the destruction of America, the West, the White, the male and the Christian to make room for the “more controllable” ignorant minorities and third world dirt people. The Glorious Leap Forward to Next Tuesday is beginning and the end of our Republic is at hand. Beet vodka will be served in Tractor Barn # 6 after the meeting.
“To let the free market price out coal…â€. Funny they don’t talk about the free market with wind and solar.
Negative externalities are economic impacts of market transactions not covered in the transaction price. For example, cancer associated with tobacco use is a negative externality with an expensive social cost (to patients, insurance companies and governments) not covered in the actual market transaction (purchase of tobacco). Market failures caused by negative externalities can be remedied by taxes – with their own designation – Pigovian taxes. These taxes attempt to capture the true costs of market transactions – in essence “fixing” an inefficient market.
The energy market is not in any way a “free market” since fossil fuels are subsidized directly and indirectly. A carbon tax would also enable cutting any subsidies of alternative energy sources.
A corporation that can dump its toxic effluence into a river rather than pay for disposal has an unfair advantage over competitors, representing a market inefficiency.
Nignorant psycho babbling.
What’s the negative externality? Global warming? Get the f*ck out of here. That ruse is so tired it’s not even fun to debunk it’s stupidity anymore. It’s so cute that democrats think the 100 years we’ve been recording weather is meaningful in the history of the world and it’s climate. And unless you greenies are ready to get China and India under your environmental thumbs, it makes this naked tax grab even more transparent. And leftists citing economics is like them citing Scripture; they can read it, but never understand it.
You’ve already debunked global warming?? Get the f*ck out of here.
The proud ignorance of the American right would be cute if it wasn’t so pathetic. Much of what you believe is just not supported by evidence.
More nignorant psycho babbling.
Much of what you believe is false. The rest are conspiracy theories.
“Trump and Mueller are getting in position to arrest the Clintons, Obamas, Bushes, Pelosi, MSM major domos for running an international pedophilia ring.”
“Communists are running a global conspiracy with useful idiot scientists to tax the West into submission and control the world.”
“Dems want open borders to allow illegal immigrants to vote.”
Global warming was dead the second Albert Gore The Living Redwood tried to turn it into a scam for climate indulgences.
I pity you with your adherence to a dead religion. It is over, no tax, no global communistic government.
Global warming/climate change is not a religion but a theory supported by evidence. You wouldn’t abandon a theory with existential implications just because the nation elected an ignorant man would you? Neither will I.
Religions typically have supernatural elements, you know, supreme beings, gods, magic, and immutable rules handed down by mythical creatures. Scientific theories do not originate from the musings of stone-age goatherds, or ancient explanations for natural phenomena not yet explainable by science, but rather from observation and the generation of testable hypotheses that must be confirmed by experimentation. Theories can be falsified (refuted) with further evidence.
No doubt you will type that cholesterol levels do not correlate with heart disease. Heard it, don’t buy it.
No evidence, just “consensus”. It’s why Oriort Jeffery dislikes the idea of scientific proof.
In all point of fact, most of the “data” has been cooked or approved in a crooked peer review process.
Scientific theories do not originate from the musings of stone-age goatherds, or ancient explanations for natural phenomena not yet explainable by science, but rather from observation and the generation of testable hypotheses that must be confirmed by experimentation.
And here he keeps telling us it’s “consensus”. But, in fact, Scientific theories do originate from the musings of stone-age goatherds, or ancient explanations for natural phenomena not yet explainable by science. Observation is observation, after all.
Global warming originates from the need for a Lefty scam that would make people see them as intelligent and their policies necessary. They dream up a “The world will end in 12 years unless you put us in charge” scenario and try to sell it with phony data.
Positing an existence of God is more believable simply because we all see creation and are unable to penetrate its ultimate mystery.
Theories can be falsified (refuted) with further evidence.
No, they can be disproved or superseded when a conflicting premise and be proven..
Wow! All those big words! I’m really impressed.
I wonder who typed that in for Mlle Jeffery.
And the biggest toxic effluence is her.
It’s the whole purpose of maintaining the global warming charade: a new tax stream.
There’s not going to be anything revenue-neutral about any of it other than the language the tax pimps are using to push it through. There’s no end to the money politicians want to squeeze out of you, and this will squeeze everyone, yet you’d better never expect them to cut their take by anything.
Brace yourself, Chicago.
The Windy City and other areas in the upper Midwest are preparing for historic cold later this week, with some weather projections predicting around -45 to -60 wind chills.
When the polar vortex plunges into the U.S., it will be warmer in parts of the Arctic — Greenland, northern Canada and Alaska — than in Chicago and Minneapolis, meteorologists said. Cities such as Fargo, Minneapolis, Green Bay, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Detroit will all see the brunt of the brutally cold temperatures by Wednesday and Thursday.
AGW IS A LIE. S0 are the lack of sunspots on the sun and the subsequent cooling of the sun. A conservative theory to debunk AGW. The weather system on this planet is a chaotic system that cannot nor does it beg for an explanation. Yet the left want to tax us out of existence.
Oh but they scream the tax is on carbon mostly created by corporations. When will the left ever realize that corporations NEVER pay taxes. WE DO.
“Communists are running a global conspiracy with useful idiot scientists to tax the West into submission and control the world.†YES ABSOLUTELY. SAUL ALINSKY SAYS TO RIDUCULE YOUR SUBJECT. Nice job. It is clear in everything you write that you are a communist.
“Dems want open borders to allow illegal immigrants to vote.†YES ABSOLUTELY. A very influential left leaning think tank openly admitted the democratic party would cease to exist without open immigration.
Last but not least why is the left not hysterical in demanding the entire world pony up a 100 trillion dollars per year to save our planet? I mean according to the doom and gloom bullshit science published almost daily we have only a few years to fix this and yet. NOTHING. No rebellion. The UN is passing fascist laws to take over the world so we can let unelected bureacrats from Somalia and Bangledesh run America.
If that aint a conspiracy and a communist plot I have never seen one. The right stands united against one thing. AGW Bullshit lies. We may not be united about much else like the left and all their little fringe groups in the borg collective but we are united about the bogus claims were all going to die in 12 years unless he have universal health care.
I sorta have the same feelings in regard to the urgency of the AGW scam. We are all certainly going to die if we dont fix AGW and yet they are more interested in a 30 trillion dollar medicare for all then they are about fixing our carbon output.
Secondly many, many economic scientists WHO ARE TOTALLY IN THE TANK FOR AGW say that if every nation were to meet the Paris Climate accord we will only stop the world from reaching 500 ppm by 2100 and push it back to 2105.
So the rube cube in all of this is that every nation on earth should being pushing to end all co2 emmissions in the next year or two. Seriously. Many peer reviewed articles have been written that we can do nothing to stop this RUNAWAY GREEN HOUSE EFFECT WHICH INCIDENTLY does not nor has it ever existed. Because if it did after 4 billion years of the sun shining on earth it would be several hundred degrees and the oceans would be boiling.
As the good professor pointed out in his mathematical calculations of the green house theory. ITS A LIE. It cannot exist and so the AGW scientists used a phony calculation and used calculus of a flat earth to make their theory more horrifying.
Much of what you believe is false. The rest are conspiracy theories.
“Trump and Mueller are getting in position to arrest the Clintons, Obamas, Bushes, Pelosi, MSM major domos for running an international pedophilia ring.â€
“Communists are running a global conspiracy with useful idiot scientists to tax the West into submission and control the world.â€
“Dems want open borders to allow illegal immigrants to vote.â€
Actually, it sounds like all the drivel Zonjusha Jeffery posts all the time.