It’s Time For Politicians To Force You To Make Stark Choices To Stop ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Happy 2019! Yet another year where the Watermelons (green on the outside, Red on the inside) will ramp up their belief in government using force on Other People to comply with the beliefs of the Cult of Climastrology

Time for politicians to make ‘stark choices’ over climate change

Politicians must persuade consumers to make dramatic lifestyle changes if devastating climate change and mass extinctions are to be averted, according to the shadow Treasury minister, Clive Lewis.

From cutting back on red meat to taking fewer flights, the MP for Norwich South said the public must face up to “real, stark choices” in the years ahead.

“If you want your children and grandchildren to avoid food shortages, to avoid power shortages, to avoid biological degradation, biodiversity loss – if you actually want a planet that’s inhabitable – then we need to make some choices together, now: and some of them are about quite dramatic changes to how we live,” Lewis said in an interview with the Guardian.

What they want to do is to attempt to scare the crap out of voters in a manner that causes them to give up their money and liberty, their choice. But, they never talk about giving up their own money, choice, and liberty.

“I think there’s a crunch point now coming for politics. You often hear there’s no leadership in politics – and this isn’t a leadership pitch, I promise you – but when you talk about leadership, there’s leadership in different forms,” he said.

On red meat, for example, Lewis said: “I’m not going to sit here and say, yeah, let’s ban red meat … but you can show leadership by asking, well actually, is it right that we publicly subsidise an industry that is contributing so much to greenhouse gas emissions, and often is a very unsustainable practice?”

He said the government’s role should be to “encourage people and show leadership as to how we’re going to shift people’s eating habits on to a more sustainable footing”.

On air travel, he said Labour was starting to work up options, including a tax “escalator”, which would have the biggest impact on frequent fliers, who tend to be the wealthiest.

And that is where the force starts coming into play, as they abandon any semblance of “persuasion.” Persuasion hasn’t worked all that well over the past 30 years of spreading awareness, even as they have moved into attempts to scare people with stories of future doom.

He said he believed countering the human threats to the environment would have to mean junking “the obsession with flat-screen TVs and consumption”.

“On their deathbed, do people think: ‘I wish I’d spent more time with my Ferrari’? Or do they say: ‘I wish I’d spent more time watching my kids grow up, I wish I’d spent more time country walking’?

“It’s about the things that matter in life, and how we have an economy that better reflects that,” he said.

While we could all certainly spend less time with the TVs and phones and more with friends and family, this is none of government’s business. The Watermelons do not care. And you can bet that many elected politicians around the world think the same as Clive Lewis.

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6 Responses to “It’s Time For Politicians To Force You To Make Stark Choices To Stop ‘Climate Change’ Or Something”

  1. Charliej says:

    Lets all buy a Prius and charge it with electricity provided by Oil, Gas or Nuclear energy. That makes sense. Please spare me this nonsense!

    • Dana says:

      My older daughter has a Prius hybrid; they are charged by the gasoline engines, not plug-in stations. Some Priuses (Pri’i?) do have plug in ports, but still have the gasoline engines.

  2. Dana says:

    On air travel, he said Labour was starting to work up options, including a tax “escalator”, which would have the biggest impact on frequent fliers, who tend to be the wealthiest.

    Well, of course they are; they’re the ones with the most money!

    But I’ve yet to seed anyone other than me note that so much of the conference work in which government and environmental elites could be done via videoconferencing rather than in person meetings. Too much fun and opportunities for extramarital sex would be lost if they all had to stay home.

    He said he believed countering the human threats to the environment would have to mean junking “the obsession with flat-screen TVs and consumption”.

    “On their deathbed, do people think: ‘I wish I’d spent more time with my Ferrari’? Or do they say: ‘I wish I’d spent more time watching my kids grow up, I wish I’d spent more time country walking’?

    “It’s about the things that matter in life, and how we have an economy that better reflects that,” he said.

    The elites always think that they know how other people should behave, and the Patricians would be perfectly happy to relieve the plebeians of the responsibility for deciding how to live their own lives.

    • gitarcarver says:

      But I’ve yet to seed anyone other than me note that so much of the conference work in which government and environmental elites could be done via videoconferencing rather than in person meetings.


      People will tell you that the in-person meetings are better because of the “networking” that gets done outside of the regular meetings.

      In other words, outside of the public eye.

  3. david7134 says:

    Don’t you feel that the whole climate religion thing died with the yellow vest movement? If the Europeans are not buying the economic destruction and world communism that is implicit in the religion, then it seems dead to me.

  4. Charles J Houlroyd says:

    I say lets ban Private Jets if they are serious about “Climate Change” It would be a cold day in hell when that happens!

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