Daily Archives: June 15, 2018

Gun Grabbers Planning To Do A Die-In At Disney World

Nothing says “hey, we really want your support” like ruining the vacations that parents spent a long time planning and paying for Is next National Die-In planned for Disney World? The group National Die-In appears to be plotting their next visit to Walt Disney World in Orlando. The student-led group, which says the movement is […]

If All You See…

…is a world flooded by carbon pollution atmosphere cancer, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Establishment Republicans worried that the GOP has become the party of Trump.

Surprise: Warmist Says Capitalism Is Killing The Planet

Funny how so much of the ‘climate change’ dogma revolves around hardcore Progressive/Marxist/Socialist/etc beliefs Capitalism is killing the planet and needs to change, says investor Jeremy Grantham Jeremy Grantham, the longtime investor famous for calling the last two major bubbles in the market, is urging capitalists and “mainstream economists” to recognize the looming threat of […]

Guess Who Knew That Hillary Was Using A Homebrew Server For Her Work?

One guess (via Twitchy) 1. Hillary was unbelievably reckless. 2. Scrubbing the reference to Obama was an enormously consequential change. pic.twitter.com/n56lQhgaVQ — David French (@DavidAFrench) June 14, 2018 Hillary “used her private email extensively while outside the United States, including from the territory of sophisticated adversaries”. One of the people she was conversing with was […]

You Know That Raccoon Which Climbed A Building? It Has Deeper Meaning Or Something

Remember this guy? https://twitter.com/ajplus/status/1007511271573524480 A good, cute story. Over to Ruth Ben-ghiat at CNN The Minnesota raccoon’s journey has a deeper resonance The small thin body slowly climbs the side of a 25-story skyscraper in St. Paul, Minnesota, clinging on for his life, his narrow paws spread painfully wide. His little face, seen at close range through […]

Pirate's Cove