Well, how would all the celebrities and politicians get to all their gigs in tiny electric cars rather than limos?
(Engadget) Under a new bill introduced this week, every single new car sold in California after 2040 would be an emission-free vehicle. The bill, introduced by San Francisco Assemblyman Phil Ting, is in line with Governor Jerry Brown’s goal for 1.5 million zero-emission cars on the state’s roads by 2025.
In a statement, Ting said that, “We’re at an inflection point: We’ve got to address the harmful emissions that cause climate change”, and noted that vehicles that run on fossil fuels are responsible for nearly 40 percent of California’s greenhouse gas emissions.
If the bill is passed, the sale of new passenger vehicles powered by fossil fuels would be banned from January 1 2040, helping the state to achieve its target of slashing greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent from 1990 levels by 2050.
Good luck with this. If it manages to pass, it’ll be forgotten or repealed in due time. If not, expect vehicle manufacturers to start pulling dealerships out of California, meaning a huge loss of jobs. California ports will be ignored for bringing parts, materials, and vehicles in to the U.S. Loss of jobs. Gas stations will close. Loss of jobs. And all the money the economy will lose. People will simply go to Nevada to purchase a vehicle. Will California restrict interstate commerce? Anyhow, again, good luck, PRC.

I am cautiously optimistic that even these retards will understand that they neither have infrastructure nor funds to establish to support this, especially when considering freight and shipping. Destroying conventional shipping in the state would destroy their economy ricky tick.
Electric fire trucks?
It’s simple: unless there are new technologies developed, anyone who needs a conventionally fueled vehicle — including police and fire departments, ambulance services, trucking companies and the like – will simply have to buy their vehicles in Nevada. I would guess that the car dealers in Reno and Vegas are rubbing their hands with glee over this one.
Oh for pete’s sake…. why wait till 2040 if fossil fuel use in California will destroy the world? Why not impose it now? Why not impose it in 5 years or less? If burning of petroleum is damning the Earth, then ban all fuel use!!!
Eliminate all power generation that isn’t solar or wind. Californian’s hate nuclear and water generated sources of power so they need to impose a ban on all power that isn’t solar or wind. Make everyone take solar-powered mass transit. Yes, that includes the planes and trains and boats.
The fact they want to delay this for 23 years, means that they are not serious in ANY WAY.
But they’d still be sucking power from coal generated in other states, via the grid. We need to cut the Pyrite State off the grid completely!
Guess they overcame the laws of perpetual motion and conservation of energy. You can’t build or operate any mechanical item with “ZERO emissions” Will they be designation pi to be exactly 3 in the next legislative session?!?
I have no problem with California or any other state wanting to do X or Y or Z. Just dont flood your damn state with illegals and then let them traipse all over the country.
If you want to legalize pot. Do it. If you want electric cars Im all for it. States rights. But states rights also mean obligation not to impinge on other states rights.
So get it right.
Reminds me of when Santa Monica declared ATM feeds illegal and the next day all the ATMs were shut off.