Democrats have lots of ideas: none of them really seem to revolve around lowering the tax rate for their citizens, nor anything else that has caused these Blue states, like NJ and NY, to lose residents, leading to a loss of federal Representatives
Democrats in High-Tax States Plot to Blunt Impact of New Tax Law
Democrats in high-cost, high-tax states are plotting ways to do what their states’ representatives in Congress could not: blunt the impact of the newly passed Republican tax overhaul.
Governors and legislative leaders in New York, California and other states are considering legal challenges to elements of the law that they say unfairly single out parts of the country. They are looking at ways of raising revenue that aren’t penalized by the new law. And they are considering changing their state tax codes to allow residents to take advantage of other federal tax breaks — in effect, restoring deductions that the tax law scaled back.
One proposal would replace state income taxes, which are no longer fully deductible under the new law, with payroll taxes on employers, which are deductible. Another idea would be to allow residents to replace their state income tax payments with tax-deductible charitable contributions to their state governments.
That last one is a doozy … and discussed way more in the article … since Democrats have been informed time ad nauseum that they are able to write checks to the IRS, since they love high taxes so much, yet, they don’t. So, that “charitable contribution” would be mandatory.
State leaders are still figuring out their response to the new law, and few have yet endorsed specific proposals. But they are moving quickly. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York, a Democrat, recently said he expected to provide a more detailed plan when he presented his state budget in mid-January.
“They want to target us for certain provisions?†Mr. Cuomo asked at a recent news conference. “Well, let’s see if we can redesign our tax code to get out of the federal trap that they set.â€
Suddenly, Democrats realize that perhaps Washington having so much darned power is not a good thing. Suddenly, they realize that Los Federales picking winners and losers is not a good thing. But, what they do not seem to realize is that they can, get this, lower their state tax rates. They can do things to reduce the tax burden on citizens, and do things which can reduce the overall cost of living. Lowering the tax rate isn’t even considered in this article. Surprise?
Crossed at Right Wing News.
Germany has been grappling with rampant sexual harassment of women during public celebrations. Two years ago, more than 1,000 complaints were filed about sexual harassment on New Year’s Eve.
Many of the victims have identified their attackers as being North African or Middle Eastern migrants — a source of frustration as Germany struggles to assimilate new arrivals.
what you face in America if you let the left continue this unabated influx of illegals. Globalism is a bane to the existence of nations. It rewards the rich and punishes the poor nations.
How so? The best from the poor nations flee to the wealthy nations along with the dregs. Leaving poor nations intellectually poorer and rich nations intellectually more favored while also inheriting continued trouble makers which eventually will overwhelm western culutres.
Just like the EU now is battling with this and almost a majority now are against this insane immigration policy of the EU.
A majority of Europeans want a ban on immigration from Muslim-majority countries, a poll has revealed.
An average of 55 per cent of people across the 10 European countries surveyed wanted to stop all future immigration from mainly Muslim countries.
The Chatham House study, conducted before US President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning immigration to the US from seven predominantly Muslim countries, found majorities in all but two of the ten states opposed immigration from mainly Muslim countries.
Don’t let the left in your country steer you down this path. Its been disasterous in the EU with the elites trying to cover up the stench of this horrid policy.
Counterintuitively, the “high state income tax” states are the most successful and pay more into FEDERAL coffers than most red states. NY, CA, NJ, CT etc are supporting many of the “takers” in the poorer red states.
Now tRump and the GOP wants to take even more from the “makers” of NY, NJ, DE, CA etc to redistribute to the “takers” of MS, MT, LA, AL etc.
It’s not enough for the GOPers to suppress voters and gerrymander, now they are openly punishing the citizens of states that prefer Dems.
#tRumpism = Fascism
So, little guy, did you give your employees the Trump bonus?
Or are you just a cheap little whining bastard?
Even more counterintuitively, then those blue state tax payers who predicted gloom and doom if taxes were cut should be more than happy to pay the extra income tax due to the loss of deductions. But wait- it seems they’re…hypocrites. Shocking. And J, what’s your proof of “GOP trying to suppress voters and gerrymander?†Good luck
Thing is, those high-cost, high-tax states have higher poverty levels as well. California, which had the nation’s 17th highest poverty rate under the standard measure, has the nation’s highest poverty rate using the Census Bureau’s new supplemental poverty measure. The wildly inflated housing prices in the Pyrite State ‘help’ with income levels paid, but the higher costs of living more than cancel that out.
Meanwhile, in dollar-poor Kentucky, close to the worst in the standard poverty measure, we come out much closer to the middle when the costs of living are factored in.
When I see the left in the oh-so-liberal blue states, I see voters who keep supporting higher taxes, by voting for Democrats; they have reaped what they have sown. Karma, baby, karma!
California has one-third of the nation’s welfare recipients.
…the state has only 12 percent of the nation’s population.
There’s nothing wrong with the red states – we live in polarized Missouri ourselves – but we need to admit that we’re being subsidized by blue state citizens.
The poor white folk have to live somewhere. They get murdered in your blue states as they have to form gangs just to survive.
I think Its awesome that the poor red states take money from the rich blue states. Isnt that what welfare is all about?
I mean come one Jeffery. You want obamacare to give to the poor. You want welfare for the poor. Well in this case its the poor welfare red states getting HANDOUTS FROM THOSE RICH BLUE STATES.
You should be celebrating. Your socialist agenda has finally been realized.
True. So you’re OK with redistributing from rich Dems to poor Repubs, while rich Repubs rob the country? Typical.
Do you agree that we have to collect federal taxes to pay for defense, Social Security and unemployment, Medicare, Medicaid, Interest on the debt…. this makes up some 93% of federal spending. What big chunk do you want to get rid of? Like Dana, do you propose we throw children of poor people off gov’t healthcare and let nature takes its course?
Guess you’re just a cheap little whining bastard…
Go on, little guy, be a real man and give your employees their Trump bonus.
Yes I support taking money from democrats and giving it to republicans.
I support taking money from those people in those rich states and putting it in the coffers to pay for all those things you just mentioned. Which is what the left is whining about now. They cant fully get a TAX CUT on their state taxes.
Yes I support taxing the shit out of blue states because they are so upset that their welfare projects are not being funded adequately. So we should tax them at a disproportionately higher rate then red states who are not whining and complaining.
I mean that is what the left wants to do, disproportionately tax the rich to pay for the poor. Well I am fully all in on disproportionately having blue states pay for red states. Call it State to State Obamacare. We could not survive with out the amazing generousity of the Blue states who by the very loving and caring nature of their citizens should want to help those poor red states who just cant seem to make it on their own.
Thank you blue states. We shall endeavour to find new ways to TAKE YOUR MONEY. It is after all what the leftist in red states are demanding now.
Your hatred for “the other” is stronger than your love for America. This is the common strain of America’s New Conservatism (AKA tRumpism). Sad.
You would rather punish Blacks, non-Christians, liberals, Dems, gays and immigrants than enact policies that would help all Americans including rural whites suffering since 1980 – the very people whom tRump was elected to help. When rural whites realize that tRump isn’t keeping his campaign promises (other than to bluster and track down Mexicans) they will revolt.
This is the problem that infects the American far-right: They want everyone else to pay for their free ride. “It’s my money and I want to keep it!” But everyone else should pay for the roads, bridges, airports, schools, clean water, the Army, the courts, clean air, police and fire protection, teachers, Social Security, Medicare, poor children’s healthcare… These all cost money. And that money comes from taxpayers. And we need to design and enact a system that is 1) most helpful to the economy and our people and 2) as fair as can be enacted given #1. Continually cutting the taxes for the wealthy does not satisfy #1 or #2. Somebody still has to pay. The New GOP pipe dream that we can cut Social Security and Medicare to prosperity is false. The tax burden (in direct taxation and diminished service) falls increasingly on the working classes – teachers, mechanics, clerks, bricklayers, police officers, roofers, plumbers…
50% of American households earn less than $58,000 a year. Cutting income taxes by $100 on a family of 4 living on $40,000 a year is not a significant help. Increasing their income by genuinely increasing the bargaining power of workers helps. Enabling secure and affordable healthcare would help. Cutting state and local taxes would help. Secure and effective public education would help. Safe, secure and effective child care would help. Reliable public transportation would help. Are you poor? Have you ever been poor? Do you know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck without a safety net? Where you’re one bad performance review, or one minor recession, or one blown transmission, or one seriously ill child from ruin? The New Cons say “tough toenails”, you shouldn’t have had a child if you couldn’t plan ahead, or you should have saved more, or the world is just practicing its evolutionary duty.
We know how to trim $1 trillion a year from our overall healthcare costs. Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, Monaco, Norway… you get the idea… have all figured it out. They spend about 1/2 per person on healthcare than we do in the USA and they get better results. Everyone is covered! Here in the USA our overall life expectancy DECREASED for the first time in a long time.
Absolutely we want your money. We want you to pay. Those rich blues states are hoarding their money and demanding that red states pay their fair share..
How dare they do that? We cant afford that. We need handouts to survive.
Fork it over. Lots and lots of money. Enough is not enough.
Jeffrey whined:
I can’t answer for Wells Fargo, but I have no problem with that! After all, it’s the Democrats who support paying more in taxes and spending more money to give to poorer people, so it’s giving them exactly what they want, right?
Of course, rich Republicans are not robbing the country; they’re too busy running corporations which provide jobs for people.
Oddly enough, Social Security and Medicare have their own, separate revenue streams. If we left that revenue alone, we wouldn’t be having problems with them.
Medicaid, on the other hand, is a general fund revenues expenditure; that can be eliminated. Interest on the debt? That has to be paid, but the rational thing to do is cut spending so that we don’t have to borrow so f(ornicating) much, and can pay down the debt.
You know, if we ended welfare, which would force people to work, they could buy their own health care. Every problem we have is due to they fact that we let people choose not to work and still have enough t5o survive!
“We’re bing subsidized by blue state citizens. “. You’re being subsidized by the top 1%, no matter where they live
And that’s the way a progressive tax system works. Those with the most pay more. They also have the most to protect, and our courts, laws, politicians and governments make certain the wealthy are well protected.
Do you really think the working classes pay few taxes? Payroll taxes, state and local taxes add up, especially when you don’t make much to start with.
Remember the collapse of the housing market in 2007-2008? Remember how 6 million American families lost their homes? 8 million Americans lost their jobs? Over $5 trillion in value disappeared? How the mortgage company and Wall Street bankers were fined billions and went to prison (of course you don’t remember that part since what really happened was the US gov’t bailed out the banks and the execs even got their promised bonuses!). Wouldn’t it have been more fair if the banks went broke and their investors lost THEIR shirts? Why didn’t we bail out the homeowners instead?
Jeffrey asked if we:
I remember how the federal government created a program to subsidize those people who bought more home than they could afford, helping them to keep those homes, while those of us who bought responsibly had to pay our tax dollars to help the irresponsible keep homes that were valued more than the ones we had.
Why the f(ornicate) should the federal government be sticking its hand into my pocket, to take money I worked for and earned, all because we bought a home that was well within our means, to give it to those who speculated and bought more expensive homes that they could not afford?
The one caused by liberal policies? Yeah. We remember that. I suspect that you don’t.
So your point is that when the government tries to control businesses and markets,the investors should pay for the government’s meddling and mistakes?
If anyone, shouldn’t we sell the homes of the people who caused that mess? Let the regulators and legislators pay for the problems that they caused?
Ever since you got here we have talked about how regulation kills innovation and harms businesses. Yet you and other liberals want more regulations. It is as if you can’t see how the policies you advocate harm people.
Yes, you’ve recited the conservative talking points accurately.
Your finally on to something Jeffery. Yes sir. Those RICH BLUE states need to start forking it over in lets say…how about 90 percent of their income vs say NOTHING for MS. and Wy. etc. who earn very little.
Now you finally get it why those blue states are carpetbaggers from the days of reconstruction. Take from the poor and give to themselves.
NY and CA. etc. should be paying 90 percent tax rates to subsidize the US government. Don’t you agree? Sure you do thats been your motto since Ive been coming here. The RICH dont pay enough. So those RICH states NEED to PAY more!!
Such a beautifully simple idea! I love it. Fork it over CA. NY. NJ, WA. VA. Come on guys fork it over. Hollywood would love to pay 90 percent of their paychecks to support Poor Red states. You know Im right.
“While rich Repubs rob the country.†Please inform us how rich Republicans are stealing money from the country. Again, good luck
The left has no one to blame but themselves. Specifically the Pelosi/Schumer year-long #resist plan. Trump publicly invited them to a seat at the tax cut table and he made sure it was televised. The Democrats said “No Deal” and also did it quite publicly. I think they relied on “how we’ve always done it” and were expecting 2 years of negotiations not 2 months and signed into law.
Now the left is stuck running in 2018 against the best interests of the 80% of the population that just got a tax cut. That 80% cares not one bit about housing prices or property taxes in Westchester, Hyde Park, Alexandria or Silicon Valley.
“Do you think the working class pays fewer taxes?†Yes, they do, obviously. “The far right wants everyone else to pay for their free ride.†J rarely, if ever, provides proof of his often outlandish assertions, but let’s try again. Show where the “far right†(not the right) wants others to pay for their taxes. Should be easy to do if you have anything other than whinny assertions.
“And that’s the way a progressive tax system works.†Yes, and as said the US has one of the most progressive tax systems in the world, including after the tax cuts. So what’s the problem, then?