I’ll be honest, these Mueller indictments are something I really do not care about all that much. For one thing, what do they have to do with Russia Russia Russia? These allegations are all from before campaign season, and really have nothing to do with the narrative that “Russia changed the whole election!” Did the Russians keep Hillary from visiting several swing states she needed to win? Or make her insult coal country and call a massive segment of the U.S. population “deplorables”? After all these months, the charges, which may or may not be valid, show that Mueller and team spent their time not finding anything about Russia Russia Russia collusion. And they show that a Special Prosecutor with no specific directed task is simply going on expeditions.
And if John Podesta and his brother get caught up in this? While amusing to have such high profile Democrats get nailed, that would have little to do with the Russia collusion narrative.
Meanwhile, the Washington Post apparently can read minds
Upstairs at home, with the TV on, Trump fumes over Russia indictments
President Trump woke before dawn on Monday and burrowed in at the White House residence to wait for the Russia bombshell he knew was coming.
Separated from most of his West Wing staff — who fretted over why he was late getting to the Oval Office — Trump clicked on the television and spent the morning playing fuming media critic, legal analyst and crisis communications strategist, according to several people close to him.
The president digested the news of the first indictments in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe with exasperation and disgust, these people said. He called his lawyers repeatedly. He listened intently to cable news commentary. And, with rising irritation, he watched live footage of his onetime campaign adviser and confidant, Paul Manafort, turning himself in to the FBI. (snip)
This portrait of Trump and his White House on a day of crisis is based on interviews with 20 senior administration officials, Trump friends and key outside allies, many of whom insisted on anonymity to discuss sensitive internal matters.
None of these “people close to Trump” are named. There are also several instances of unnamed Republicans making doomy sound bites. It’s one thing to use an anonymous source to protect them, it’s quite another to manufacture salacious stories using tons of anonymous people that may not even exist. And that’s what this is. The only ones that are named are those who stood strong
“This has not been a cause of great agita or angst or activity at the White House,†said Cobb, the White House lawyer overseeing Russia matters. He added that Trump is “spending all of his time on presidential work.â€
This is the problem with the media: they make allegations and pronouncements and such, but do not back it up with names. Are we just supposed to believe this without proof? Well, yes, in their world.
Initially, Trump felt vindicated. Though frustrated that the media were linking him to the indictment and tarnishing his presidency, he cheered that the Âcharges against Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, were focused primarily on activities that began before his campaign. Trump tweeted at 10:28 a.m., “there is NO COLLUSION!â€
But the president’s celebration was short-lived. A few minutes later, court documents were unsealed showing that George Papadopoulos, an unpaid foreign policy adviser on Trump’s campaign, pleaded guilty to making a false statement to the FBI about his efforts to broker a relationship between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The case provides the clearest evidence yet of links between Trump’s campaign and Russian officials.
Which is also a bunch of mule fritters. Padadopoulos tried and tried and tried to set up meetings, and was constantly shot down by Team Trump. He was a low level advisor. Oh, and there was no criminal collusion. It’s, get this, not against the law to talk with people from other countries. And in this case, this doesn’t even show non-criminal collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russian officials, just one person who wanted to show he was awesome to the Trump campaign.
Remember, most of the same people who are going on about this, are the same people who defend Hillary and her server along with selling U.S. uranium to Russia.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

What’s the big deal? tRump will just pardon the colluders. His only major concern now is that it makes him look bad, but he’s used to shrugging that kind of stink off. A low risk, but huge potential damage event is if tRump himself is indicted.
Nice diversion.
OK brainiac, how much uranium does the US export? None? Oh. How much uranium do the mines now controlled by Rosatom (who purchased controlling interest from a Canadian corp) produce? Hardly any? Oh.
The US IMPORTS most of its uranium.
Only 8% of the uranium that the US uses is from domestic sources. 8%. Oh.
Did get us wrong. The fake news generating system of the American right will work overtime to hide the truth and push the fake narrative, and they are good at it, and now they have an American almost-a-president in charge.
And of course none is this is relevant to the tRump Campaign’s working with the Russians to bugger our electoral process.
Once again little dumbass, where’s your evidence?

Exactly what did the Russians do for Trump??? Now, what did Soros do for Hillary?? Now, the discourse you provided about the uranium is word salad that is appearing every where and makes no sense when you think it through, do you even think????
david7134: Exactly what did the Russians do for Trump???
Russian operatives stole emails from the Clinton campaign, then released them for maximum political effect. Russian operatives engaged in a disinformation campaign to stoke division within the U.S. electorate in an attempt to weaken Clinton.
david7134: Now, what did Soros do for Hillary??
George Soros, a U.S. citizen, raised and spent money legally on behalf of Clinton’s presidential campaign.
david7134: Now, the discourse you provided about the uranium is word salad that is appearing every where and makes no sense when you think it through
Actually, it read fine. The Russians can’t export uranium produced in the U.S., and the amount involved is small compared to world supply. Clinton wasn’t directly involved in approval of the sale.
Soros was Hungarian, are you sure all his operatives are US?? He also, spread disinformation.
Then you have no idea whatsoever if Russia had anything to do with telling the truth about Hillary and the Dems.
No one said a thing about reading the article, just the logic of it. Grow up. Clinton had her hands and Bills all over the deal. She is total slime. I am not wasting time going into that.
david7134: Soros was Hungarian,
Soros has been a U.S. citizen for over half a century.
david7134: are you sure all his operatives are US??
If you have evidence that Soros has broken U.S. election law, then feel free to provide it.
david7134: Clinton had her hands and Bills all over the deal. She is total slime. I am not wasting time going into that.
Then it’s reasonable to assume that you are engaging in an unsubstantiated smear because of political bias.
Really now.
More than likely an inside job.
William Teach: These allegations are all from before campaign season, and really have nothing to do with the narrative that “Russia changed the whole election!â€
The money Manafort is charged with laundering was Russian money. The work Manafort did was manipulating the Ukrainian political system using many of the same techniques of misinformation used by Russian operatives during the U.S. election. The Russians were attempting to infiltrate both U.S. presidential campaigns. They also were hacking into campaign servers and election systems.
Meanwhile, The Trump organization was provided significant liquidity by Russians with close connections to the Kremlin. Trump Sr. said he thought Russia should release stolen emails. Trump Jr. said he would love to have the Russians provide dirt on Clinton. Trump Sr. told the Russians he fired the FBI Director to end the “Russia thing”. Trump has been inordinately friendly to autocratic Russia, while disparaging close democratic allies. And so on.
Talking points from the Clintonistaz.
Nothing more.
Do you realize that you are a felon?? The average American breaks 3 laws from the time they awake to the time they eat lunch. I don’t know it you are old enough to file income tax, but if you do and complete a form as honest as possible, you have committed conspiracy to defraud. In short, the average DA can charge you with the same crimes for which Manafort was charged. The rest of the delusions that you posted are pure crap. Now, how do you know what Trump told the Russians and how would firing Comey (one of the worst directors in history) change any investigation?? You are short on betz cells.
david7134: The average American breaks 3 laws from the time they awake to the time they eat lunch.
Uh, no. Just because you read it in a book somewhere doesn’t make it true.
david7134: I don’t know it you are old enough to file income tax, but if you do and complete a form as honest as possible, you have committed conspiracy to defraud.
Uh, no. Fraud require intention. Most Americans have fairly simple tax situations; a couple of kids, mortgage interest, W2 income. Even those who are self-employed usually have fairly simple tax situations.
david7134: the average DA can charge you with the same crimes for which Manafort was charged.
Uh, no. The average American does not channel millions of dollars through offshore accounts.
david7134: how do you know what Trump told the Russians
From a meeting summary. He reiterated his reasons in a televised interview shortly thereafter.
This is CNN…

Let justice be served. I am all for Trump going down if the government goes after Lynch, Holder, Clinton, President Clinton and Barak Obama as well. Then after Meuller has jailed all these folks then it will be his turn to spend 20 in the slammer for his bribes and kickbacks. No matter how many it takes down. Even if its half of the government. Lets get them all.
However just a warning. If you go after Clinton the body count will start rising drastically. Pretty much anyone who ever knew the Clintons will mysteriously commit suicide.
I mean come on. Every reason why Manafort was arrested is proven to be true about the above democrats.
I say get them all and put Paul Ryan in charge. Then keep that special prosecutors office open and go after every house and senator espeically all those democrats who are affiliated with the communist party of the USA. I would guarantee you that everyone of them are getting money under the table from the Russians.
I want this to go forward. But I want it to all be exposed. I want Obama and Clinton in jail every bit as much as the left wants trump and company in jail. Then perhaps your next elections will really have consequences. Like Honesty, integrity and true government transparency.
If were going to have a witch hunt then lets turn the witches loose.
People don’t know just how bad Hillary is. I live just across the border from Arkansas and know many of her “friends”. No one has ever had a favorable thing to say about her or her husband. They are really the mafia.
So you don’t think President Clinton and Secretary Clinton have been investigated enough?
Z wrote: “Uh, no. Just because you read it in a book somewhere doesn’t make it true.”
And yet you used a book reference to claim that Eugene Smith was ambulatory when chasing Elizabeth Warren around a desk over at maggies farm.
You really are a dishonest commenting group. http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/archives/30731-Friday-morning-links.html#c339683
I agree about Z. They change every year and the latest batch is clearly not as good as the previous. They are extremely dishonest and I don’t understand why. It would seem they are a debating group, but if so, they are not winning any matches.
Zachriel: Uh, no. Just because you read it in a book somewhere doesn’t make it true.
Hank_M: And yet you used a book reference to claim that Eugene Smith was ambulatory when chasing Elizabeth Warren around a desk over at maggies farm.
We stand by our statement. Just because you read it in a book somewhere doesn’t make it true. You are making an error by equating that statement with “if you read it in a book it’s not true”. Rather, claims, including those in books, have to be evaluated based on evidence and argument. In the case of John Mixon’s in Autobiography of a Law School, Mixon admits to the possibility of error in his recounting of the events in question, so we clearly don’t accept what he wrote uncritically.
Don’t know a thing about the law Z. Keep studying.
Most people with a good bit of money use off shore accounts, which are generally legal.
Then you actually reference CNN, GROW UP.
david7134: Most people with a good bit of money use off shore accounts, which are generally legal.
Most people don’t make money off the books by working with Russian oligarchs. In any case, transferring that money into the U.S. to avoid accountability and taxes is illegal, which is what is alleged.
david7134: Then you actually reference CNN
CNN on Friday: A federal grand jury in Washington on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter. The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said.
Fake News? What happened on Monday?
Manafort was working for and with the Demonkrats when his misdeeds were committed, long before Trump even declared his candidacy
Welcome to tRumpistan, where the truth is what the god-king says it is.
As you may recall, although Secretary Clinton swamped tRump in the popular vote, tRump won enough electoral votes to be installed as president. tRump IS president. Clinton IS NOT. So why is tRump suddenly attacking his vanquished opponent now that his campaign staff is being indicted for crimes against America? Simply to stoke his flying monkey base. It’s president Chaos at his best.
The desperation shown by the tRump machine is a sight to behold. Mr. Mueller is a Republican, first appointed by a Republican President and held in high regard by all except tRump and his flying monkey base. tRump is acting like a guilty man.
Pass the popcorn.
You’re still losing, loser.
What does that mean the Hillary “swamped” Trump in the popular vote? I don’t understand that. Surely you are aware of the nature of our political system and how national elections are conducted, but considering your previous post and obvious stupidity, you likely don’t, read up on it, fool.
Now, I am sure that if Trump wanted more popular vote, he would have done what Hillary did and buy the votes. But he seems to be a much more honest individual, but you likely don’t understand that either.
By the way, if a prosecutor looked at you, he could come up with the same set of violations, ask a lawyer.
What has happened here is two fold. Someone sent a request for Podesta to change his password. He consulted with his IT experts who told him to do so….Wikileaks then downloaded his emails.
An inside job leaked the emails to wiki leaks. The gentleman who leaked them ended up dead.
But its all now bait and switch.
When Wiki leaks released the Snowden files the left was all about how wonderful wiki leaks was. yet when they released emails about podesta and clinton suddenly they are run by RUSSIA.
Now let me ask the leftist here. IF Russia was in bed with wiki leaks why would they let all this valuable intel data be leaked when they would just absorb it themselves. That makes no sense.
Russia has nothing to do with wiki leaks and as such the fact that Russia and Wiki leaks colluded to help trump is just retarded. Anyone that bothered to pay attention knows that several attempts were made to infiltrate the RNC and the Trump campaign and they failed.
Witch hunts are what they are.
The left is now furious that the Truth has been revealed. How can you be furious at the truth? Well you can do that by baiting and switching, attempting to make the Russians the bad guys rather than the revelation of the truth.
Its been a great job by the left and a pitifully poor job by the right to put all of this in perspective.
Rotter, good analysis, and at the end of the day the really bad thing that happened was to find out the truth, which is a sin to the left.
Rotterdam: Wikileaks then downloaded his emails.
That is incorrect. The spoof has been traced to Russian actors. Wikileaks doesn’t hack, or they could be shut down.
Wow you really are a democratic lackey arent you.
Do you even understand what bit torrent is? Dont google it. Respond. Do you realize that most microsoft owners are bit torrent enablers.
that simply means that microsoft uses your computer to download programs that people buy. When you purchase say windows 10 and download it its via bit torrent.
Do you really believe that the us government or anyone else can shut down 10 million computers that house wiki leaks?
I have no doubt that a few of those computers that house bit torrent activity came from Russia so voilla the Russians did it.
God. The democrats are so up to their eyeballs in stupid that they no longer can even function.
Fargo: Do you really believe that the us government or anyone else can shut down 10 million computers that house wiki leaks?
While the dissemination of information can never be completely blocked, the website itself can be shut down, and operators put to the chase. However, WikiLeaks acts as a publisher, not a hacker, so there has never been a concerted effort to shut them down.
He is just a little high school kid. But it does show they don’t teach squat in high school now.
LOL…he is an idiot. They cannot shut down the website.
There is no website. In fact google and bing have to put their massive computers to use just to find the site to get the downloads which change because its all disseminated via bit torrent. The same way they downloaded the emails via 10 million computers.
Fargo: There is no website.
Latest update : 2016-10-18
Anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks said on Monday that its founder Julian Assange’s internet was shut down by the government of Ecuador, deflecting blame from the U.S. or British governments which have sparred with Assange for releasing sensitive material.
“We can confirm Ecuador cut off Assange’s internet access Saturday, 5 pm GMT, shortly after publication of (Hillary) Clinton’s Goldman Sachs speechs (sic),” the statement from WikiLeaks said.
Notice the date.
Nov 8, 2016 – Julian Assange operates from the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, where his internet connection was recently cut off. … His WikiLeaks platform has released tens of thousands of hacked emails from inside Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, making Mr …
Notice the date.
Nov 6, 2016 – Washington (CNN)With just two days before the election, WikiLeaks late Sunday night released a new trove of emails apparently hacked from the Democratic Party, the latest dump from the website which has been targeting Democrats. … The emails from the Democratic National Committee …
Notice the date.
Gee Zach how did they do that? They shut down His access to the internet and turned off his website.
Gee…oh geehttps://www.theguardian.com › US News › Hillary Clinton
Nov 6, 2016 – Tens of thousands of emails hacked from campaign chairman John Podesta’s … campaign chairman John Podesta’s gmail account and released by WikiLeaks in … She’s nervous so prepping more and performing better.
I wonder how hes doing that since a government shut him down.
If you guys on the right would just call out these morons who depend on those listening for being idiots. Pretty much nothing they say is the truth or is even grounded in technological facts.
Everything about wiki leaks is downloaded via bit torrent so it CANT BE SHUT DOWN….read those words carefully.
Fargo: There is no website.
If she was smart of course she wasnt directly responsible or knowledgable. See there would actually be some concern among the left if you guys were really Americans but we know with a very high likelyhood that you are actually foreign nationals trying to divide America with lies, misinformation and division using social media.
Long before Donald Trump met Twitter, Russia was famous for its troll factories – outside Russia, anyway. Allegations of covert propagandists invading chatrooms go back as far as 2003, and in 2012 the Kremlin-backed youth movement Nashi was revealed to be paying people to comment on blogs. However most of what we know now comes from a series of leaks in 2013 and 2014, most concerning a St Petersburg company called Internet Research Agency, then just “Internet Researchâ€. It is believed to be one of several firms where trolls are trained and paid to smear Putin’s opponents both at home and internationally.
Some of JTRIG’s tactics, such as hacking into websites and setting up sexual “honeypot†stings, sound more or less like conventional spying. Others were carefully designed to manipulate and deceive. In the words of the leaked document, these included “Uploading YouTube videos containing persuasive messages; establishing online aliases with Facebook and Twitter accounts, blogs and forum memberships … sending spoof emails and text messages as well as providing spoof online resources; and setting up spoof trade sites.â€
The existence of the wumao dang or “50 Cent Party†is not a secret in China, but then it is hard to employ up to two million people secretly. Even the state-owned Global Times reported with approval on the practice in 2010, citing Changsha’s party office as the source of the name after it paid a team of commenters 600 yuan a month in 2004, plus half a yuan – hence “50 cent†– for each glowing post they made.
Now let me ask you. The existence of the Russia operation was revealed in the Snowden leaks. IF Russia is in bed with Wikileaks why would they leak secret information on themselves that would be damaging to their efforts?
Fargo: If she was smart of course she wasnt directly responsible or knowledgable.
Approval took a number of agency bureaucracies, mostly beyond Clinton’s control. U.S. uranium can’t be exported to Russia, and the amount of uranium is small compared to world supply, so it’s inconsequential to uranium policy, contrary to the implication.
Fargo: IF Russia is in bed with Wikileaks why would they leak secret information on themselves that would be damaging to their efforts?
We didn’t make that claim; however,
So if it was not Hillary, then it was Obama that is the traitor.
The Kidz still don’t get it.
Your own attempt at dodging your own unsubstantiated lunacy is more pathetic than the lefts attempts at trying to paint Trump in bed with the Russians. From your own article that you quoted.
The logs, which were provided to FP, only included WikiLeaks’s side of the conversation.
“As far as we recall these are already public,†WikiLeaks wrote at the time.
“WikiLeaks rejects all submissions that it cannot verify. WikiLeaks rejects submissions that have already been published elsewhere or which are likely to be considered insignificant. WikiLeaks has never rejected a submission due to its country of origin,†the organization wrote in a Twitter direct message when contacted by FP about the Russian cache.
Not only could they not verify the information but to their knowledge most of what was being offered to them was already out there on the internet.
You are another one the Kremlin needs to recall for training.
The sale was approved while Hillary Clinton led the State Department and some investors in the U.S. company had relationships with former President Clinton and had donated to the Clinton Foundation.
The State Department was one of nine U.S. departments or agencies that approved the sale.
Clinton’s presidential campaign and former State Department officials said she was not involved in the approval process by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, a government panel charged with examining foreign acquisitions of U.S. companies.
Republicans have tried to link Clinton to the deal, citing Canadian financier Frank Giustra, a top Clinton Foundation donor.
He sold his company, UrAsia, to Uranium One, which was chaired by Ian Telfer, also a Clinton Foundation donor. Giustra has said he sold his stake in the deal in 2007, while Clinton was competing with Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Dont you as a patriotic American(Laugh, scoff) want to know why SO MANY Clinton foundation donors had their hands all over this sale? Huh Comrade?
As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.
And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.
The former president was in Russia giving speeches for double his fee and yet it is Trump who was romping in bed with prostitutes(Lies of course perpetuated by a communist dominated media)
I suppose for Comrade Zach that all of this is just okay because after all Clinton is a democrat which pretty much insures their criminal deeds never reach the light of day but if a Conservative so much as farts in public it is front page news for 300 days.
Fargo: after all Clinton is a democrat which pretty much insures their criminal deeds never reach the light of day
Except you didn’t show any criminal misdeeds. And those charged with investigating the transaction haven’t found any criminal misdeeds.
I love that attitude, Hillary has not been shown to have done a thing, RIGHT. The problem is that she does not provide requested documents, she lied even when it is not necessary. There is so much wrong with this woman, but people like you protect her. I don’t get it. Now I know some of the Clinton people and have known for decades that they are criminals, but you will protect them. Try doing any of Hillary’s activities and see how fast you go to jail.

the investigations are only now in their infancy
Fargo: the investigations are only now in their infancy
And yet you have already drawn conclusions.
Fargo: There is no website.
Zzzz:And yet you have already drawn conclusions.

However, when there is a long pattern of alleged behavior, it lends credence to the claims.
They do not disseminate anything from that website. It would do them zero good to shut down that website. Beside any hacker can cover his tracks. Wiki leaks has 1000’s of volunteers who work for the concept that wiki leaks represents.
But please continue with your dog and pony show. I’m sure your constant appearance on conservative websites to stir up anger is really helpful in making America strong and tolerant of each other.
Do you really think Secretary Clinton hasn’t been investigated? LOL
Not in the least Jeff. After all, we just found how she rigged the primary election and new charges of money laundrring. The list of charges is getting very long. The big question is why do you support her.
Not really, loser.

Fargo: They do not disseminate anything from that website.
That’s where they release them. Gee whiz, they even have current releases announced on the front page. You can also search their archives.
Why not simply admit you are wrong when you are wrong?