Here’s the latest scareathon from the Cult of Climastrology, which is being repeated all over the “news” media. The UK Guardian, UK Independent, Chicago Tribune, HuffPost, Reuters, and so, so many more. Here’s the USA Today
Climate change is already having an extraordinary impact on human health worldwide — affecting the spread of infectious diseases, exposing millions to air pollution and heat waves and dramatically reducing labor productivity, according to a report released Monday.
“The human symptoms of climate change are unequivocal and potentially irreversible,” the report by the British medical journal The Lancet says, and the situation is so serious that significant gains by modern medicine and technology are being undercut.
“The delayed response to climate change over the past 25 years has jeopardized human life and livelihoods,” the report says.
While most previous similar studies have covered the potential impact of climate change on future public health problems, the Lancet report goes a step further and illustrates how it is no longer a future threat but a present one.
The direct effects of climate change “result from rising temperatures and changes in the frequency and strength of storms, floods, droughts and heat waves — with physical and mental health consequences,” it says.
They are, of course, blaming this mostly/solely on Human activities which release “carbon pollution”, and the solution is …. I know you’ll be shocked … more Government!
Christiana Figueres, former executive secretary of the United Nations’ Framework Convention on Climate Change, said “the Lancet Countdown’s report lays bare the impact that climate change is having on our health today. It also shows that tackling climate change directly, unequivocally and immediately improves global health. It’s as simple as that.”
They forget to mention that Figueres (besides using lots of fossil fuels to travel around the world) is chair of the Lancet Countdown advisory board, and yet another in a long line of Warmists who demand that Government solve this. The Guardian link above is her little opinion piece on the Lancet study, where she loves that many cities are starting to ban fossil fueled vehicles in their limits, and wants the political leadership of nations to Do Something.
But, why does the name “Lancet” sound familiar? Well, they were the folks where the “half-million killed in Iraq” talking point came from. They actually were saying there were 655,000 killed, using a statistical study method that was beyond shoddy and utterly exaggerated. The “study” was a political opposition document, not a serious scientific/health one.
And we should pay credence to this new one on Hotcoldwetdry as the Iraq body count one. It’s a bunch of mule fritters looking to push lawmakers and politicians and such to enact more governmental control. That’s what the entire ‘climate change’ movement is about.

A reasonable tax on hydrocarbon burning enacted a few decades ago could have averted all this.
Do you consider taxes to be “more government control” to be opposed at the risk of human civilization? How about taxes on tobacco?
WTF, little guy?
Exaggerate much?