France’s economy is in the doldrums. They constantly deal with violence, riots, arson and rape by the “immigrants” from Islamic nations. But, those are tiny issues compared to
(The Telegraph) Plastic crockery and cutlery is to be banned in France unless it is made from biologically sourced materials.
The law comes into force in 2020. It is part of a French environmental initiative called the Energy Transition for Green Growth, part of a package aimed at tackling climate change.
Look, there’s definitely an issue with plastics not being recycled. And even just bagged and sent to the landfills. People just dump it. It ends up polluting and blighting the landscape and oceans. Of course, the Cult of Climastrology has taken over this real environmental concern, as they do everything else. Why? Because their fuitier than a bowl of grapes.
And Progressives love banning things they do not like. They really love it, whether it be objects, speech, or thoughts. They really want to ban things they do not agree with. Fortunately, they aren’t always successful. But, they will keep trying. Once they arrive at an idea to ban something, they will never let go. And they will often attempt to ban via government action. They seem to love big Fascistic government.
Next up, they’ll whine about the amount of water used to clean non-plastic crockery and cutlery. And we can all eat with our fingers. To save the planet from a tiny increase in global temperatures utterly consistent with a low range Holocene warm period.

Monday morning links
Missed it: Happy Constitution Day Edward Albee, writer of ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’, dead at 88 P.J. O’Rourke on Why Snobbery Is a Good Thing Taleb: The Intellectual Yet Idiot University Warns Students Against Thoughtcrime
I am shocked the Environazi’s havent been in convulsions over the huge blooms popping up in California.
Even though its believed these Blooms are most likely responsible for the modern day earth as they stablized a planet that was busy oxidizing everything in sight….
However….this no doubt will also hit their radar as another indication that there is too much co2 in the air….even though they use photosynthesis to matriculate rather then co2….
Oh well…..LIKE Teach said…once they get an idea in their head they wont let go until its banned…..This particular world wide 666 wont let go until there is no energy left to run the planet and feed the masses….
Then blame it on the 3 percent of us who are deniers….most likely during this time we will be hunted down all around the world and HUNG in Effigy by the rioting mobs.
The internet is the 666. The Anti-Christ. Its very existence will lead to world wide Anarchy in the coming years….as more and more and more nations fall into disrepair.
Political correctness does one over arching thing….It prevents a nation from dealing with a problem no matter how serious or inconsequential.
Throw in the mix the 97 percenters who want to do away with all things Fossil fueled to prevent the Maldives from sinking(In their minds) The resulting unintended consequences will drive the world into mass hysteria as they suddenly realize that there is no longer enough food to go around.
Don’t believe me….Look at what happened in Asia a few years back during the rice shortages….Look what happened when the UN sent food to Somalia under Clinton……armed militias killing anyone who tried to just feed their families and hoarded the food for themselves.
World wide Anarchy is on the way……perhaps in the USA we will be the last to fall……but we will fall.
Do you think Californians are wrong to be upset about the cyanobacteria blooms, the worst in memory?
Doesn’t banning disposable plasticware mean that more reusable silverware will be used, thus meaning more detergent and sparktricity for washing them?
Let me just say this Jeffery…..go study Cyanobacteria and report back to me.
This bacteria is the most active and hardy bacteria in the world….It is even found in glacier rocks in Antarctica as well as hot springs in yellowstone.
The very nature of the Beast is to bring Nitrogen balance back to the atmosphere and to keep oxygen from depleting on the planet.
In other words without this bacteria there might not be life going forward….but thats all Im gonna say….
Now go start a movement in California to lynch us 3 percenters who deny climate change is largely responsible by mankind.
In other words….if its a problem….fix it…dont debate it, shout about it, protest it, burn down schools over it….blame Republicans for being White Supremicists for it….
Fix it…California is a totally blue state run by Believers…..go fix your bacteria problem if you think its a major concern.
Liam just loves to use and throw away plastic, for him it is a political statement about people being allowed to do as they wish without harassment by BIG GOVERNMENT
The French law bans non biodegradable plastic great let’s go back to using wooden throwaway utensils made from recycled wood I am old enough to remember that life actually existed before we had plastic forks. It was rough but we survived
Teach you are exhibiting your typical knee jerk reaction do you really want us using more Chinese throwaway plastic? Can’t wait until they try and do the same with plastic packaging
In the movie The Graduate who wanted to identify with that guy at the pool party who said “plastics”??
Teach those other hot times in the Holocene were caused by orbital changes. Are you suggesting by comparing those temps that this is what might be happening now> Because those orbital changes occurred very slowly over thousands of years. Our present RATE of increase has never been seen before by those Milankoviitch cycle s
I note that the climate cultists here are NOT HAPPY again. Aren’t they really the chemically maladjusted seeking the next political high to make them feel fixed? Climate is just the latest in temporary cults that empty men erect to find value and purpose in their lives with the side benefits of conveying “in” status, giving them moral respectability after a fashion, and allowing them to tell others what to do. Something had to be done after the “no nukes” and all its prophecies failed to materialize!
An alternative explanation is that since the Earth is warming rapidly because of the increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from our burning of fossil fuels, those that base their belief systems on scientific evidence are concerned that the warming will continue for centuries.
Conservatives’ disdain of science arises from the tension that arises between scientific evidence and the conservative need for magic, miracles, gods, angels and demons. If one’s belief system arises from dogma instead of evidence, any challenge to the dogma must be discredited.
What is your hypothesis for why the Earth is warming rapidly?
The man in the red shadows wrote:
The left will never be happy. If they got everything that they want now, some new Holy Cause would appear on the horizon. If we went through to bathrooms like the shower scene in Starship Troopers, come one tranny, come all, then the SJWs would be demanding legislation requiring private citizens to use the (in)correct pronouns, with fines and incarceration as penalties for non-compliance, government-paid sex reassignment surgeries, full reparations from whites to blacks, and confiscation of all estates over $1 million, if owned by Republicans, Christians or conservatives.
Someone has passed you false information. Our plan is for Boss Obama to declare martial law when Trump wins. Only then will we create universal same-sex bathrooms, enforce extreme speech codes, COMPULSORY sex reassignment surgery and gay marrying, strictly enforced veganism, a 3% surtax on white households to be transferred to Black families. We know where every gun is America is located and have troops poised to confiscate every one. There’s a plan to roundup approx 37,000 of the worst conservative elites and inter them in FEMA camps out west. Their empty homes will be given to Syrian refugees. Also, the wealthy get to keep the first 1.2 million – all the rest will be confiscated. The new tax code is per household, first $0-50,000 (0% + negative income tax to $50,000), $50,001-100,000 (11%), $100,001-250,000 (19%), $250,001-500,000 (39%), $500,001-1,200,000 (59%), over $1,200,000 (100%). Free electric cars, college, healthcare for all!
Jeffrey was probably telling the truth:
And, you know what, if Mr Trump won the election and President Obama then declared martial law, there would probably be a whole lot of Democrats and leftists who would support that. I’m betting that you would.
Actually, that last part is probably true.
I had a doctor’s appointment on the 8th, and the nurse asked me a bunch of nosy questions, as to whether I felt safe in my home, &c, &c, &c, and then she came to the question, “Are there any guns in your home?” I answered, “I decline to answer that question, and I find it offensive that you asked it.”
Of course, the nurse was only doing her job, but with the HITECH act requiring all medical records to be computerized, and transferable — with appropriate safeguards, don’t you know? — the federal government is trying to build a database of “where every gun is America is located.” All that they have to do is search those medical records, and Bingo! they know who has a firearm.
As long as I am not a convicted felon, it’s none of the government’s f(ornicating) business if I own a gun! But for the left, our constitutional rights mean nothing, if they happen to be the rights the left don’t care about.