Should we not have questions about the health of a presidential candidate along with their fitness to serve? Liberals were very concerned about George Bush’s past alcoholism. With whether John McCain being born in the Panama Canal zone made him ineligible (and don’t forget the false story about him having an affair). With Mitt Romney’s school prank with a haircut, putting a dog on the car room, and “magic underwear.” Oh, and let’s not forget about Bob Doles infirmities. They were all very concerned with McCain’s age. And infirmity from being a POW.
But, now, any legitimate concern over Hillary’s health is Out Of Bounds! It’s also considered sexist. At The Hill, Joe Concha delves into this
Clinton health questions: Off limits or legitimate issue?
Hillary Clinton is 68 years old. She’s been diagnosed with cerebral venous thrombosis; head trauma, pregnancy, cancer, brain infection, autoimmune diseases and inborn clotting abnormalities are all predisposing factors, per The Washington Post. She’s currently taking blood thinners. Four years ago, Clinton fainted, hit her head and suffered a concussion.
She’s also the odds-on favorite to assume one of the most strenuous jobs on the planet as president of the United States.
But lately many in the media have become outraged that Clinton’s health is being broached at all. And what are the primary two words associated when Donald Trump, a Trump surrogate or conservative media bring up Clinton’s medical condition?
“Conspiracy theories.”
While, for the most part, these kinds of attacks are more of a low hanging fruit, the types of attacks that occur during political season – how many times has Team Hillary, Democrats in general, and the media speculated about the mental condition of Donald Trump? – and should not get in the way of actual policy discussions, it is legitimate to wonder whether a candidate could have severe health problems that interfere with their ability to do the job of POTUS. Much like questions on her use of an unsanctioned email server which featured national security violations, along with her pay-for-play schemes via the Clinton Foundation, are legitimate. Who is she serving? Herself? Or We The People?
Concha continues on for quite some time, and even provides links to stories from the Credentialed Media which were concerned with McCain’s age and past health problems. This same media demanded more and more of his health records, and even after he released over 1,100 pages, they wanted more. But, they were good with a 1 pager from Obama.
Her own staff has even said she is “easily confused.” She has had some serious health problems. She might have problems on stairs. She has a persistent cough. She seems to disappear from the campaign trail, and her staff has said she has problems with sleeping in. It’s altogether legitimate to wonder if she’s physically capable of doing the job.
Let’s also not forget that Hillary, her surrogates, and her PACs attacked Bernie Sanders on his age, and wanted all of his health records released.

They’re not newly discovered, but recovered during the FBI investigation that was recently closed. They haven’t been released, but have been turned over to the State Department, which is charged with determining which are personal and which constitute government business.
The FBI recommended against indictment, but it would be unusual for the Department of Justice to set this recommendation aside.
But Hillary claimed to have handed over all emails concerning government business.
Y’all calling her a liar now?
Melania stole Michelle’s speech, The Donald stole JEB’s immigration plan.
Hillary stole 100 million dollars.
The DNC murders its own if they dont toe the line.
She provided them to her attorneys who were asked to separate out her work emails. The remainder were deleted, but were recovered by the FBI. Some of those were shown to be work-related. All of them have been turned over to State for a final determination.
State lawyers admitted in court papers filed on Tuesday that the nearly 15,000 pages of Clinton records recovered by the FBI included some which “satisfied the [Benghazi-related] search terms.â€
That suggests that Clinton withheld or deleted records which referred to the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks which left four Americans dead.
Hillary said previously that her lawyers used Benghazi in the search.
Everything she says is a lie.
The State Department contacted The Daily Caller after this article was published to dispute that the records in the Judicial Watch lawsuit have been definitively found to include Benghazi-related materials.
“As we have said, the Department agreed to search the materials we received from the FBI in response to several pending FOIA requests and, to the extent responsive records are identified, produce them,†State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said.
“Using broad search terms, we have identified a number of documents potentially responsive to a Benghazi-related request. At this time, we have not confirmed that the documents are, in fact, responsive. We also have not determined if they involve Secretary Clinton.â€
So we have gone all the way from “suggest” to just plain inaccurate.
Oh, that’s so reassuring coming from State.
The same people fighting the FOIAs and slow walking judicial orders.
What’s the holdup?
Emails from over 4 years ago?
Why were they deleted in the first place?
“While it is not clear precisely when Secretary Clinton decided to permanently delete all emails from her server, it appears she made the decision after October 28, 2014, when the Department of State for the first time asked the Secretary to return her public record to the Department,†Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi, said in a statement.
So is Gowdy lying?
Huh? Your original claim concerned information provided by State. Your claim was apparently incorrect.
Probably not. He’s just being truthy.
Another deflection again and totally wrong.
Y’all are good at that…
What’s the holdup?
Emails from over 4 years ago?
Why were they deleted in the first place?
You made this claim:
drowningpuppies: State lawyers admitted in court papers filed on Tuesday that the nearly 15,000 pages of Clinton records recovered by the FBI included some which “satisfied the [Benghazi-related] search terms.â€
We provided a report which calls that claim into question. You have provided nothing but the bald assertion.
State has to go through the emails to determine which emails are subject to freedom of information requests.
Y’all are a brilliant example of… how did she say it…, there’s smoke but no fire.
Once again you boys still won’t answer WHY were the emails deleted in the first place?
Could it be to avoid or delay FOIAs?
Apparently your hand-waving is causing more smoke.
Asked and answered. She provided the emails to her attorneys with instructions to save the work-related emails and delete the rest. The FBI recovered many of the deleted emails, some of which were apparently work-related, then the FBI forwarded all the emails to State, which is charged with determining which are subject to freedom of information requests.
You have to understand drowingpuppies, Zachriel is a leftist and therefore by definition an expert on everything: law, climate, medicine, education, religion, economics, you name it. So apparently he thinks all the hoopla about Hillary’s emails is just a new “vast right wing conspiracy”. Nothin’ to see here, move along. Just like the history of her lying, stealing cheating career. It’s all made up. Ignore the fat broad behind the curtain. P.S. Hillary is not sick either.
Actually, it shows the influence of money and connections among the elite on the global economic and political systems — with the Clintons in the middle of it all.
Actually, it shows the influence of money and connections among the elite on the global economic and political systems — with the Clintons in the middle of it all.
Your defending her every fart…..Is politics that important to you as to surrender your personal integrity to choose to defend someone like Clinton? Get on the Bernie Sanders bandwagon….I would vote for him before I voted for either Trump or Clinton on principal.
Nothing Sanders believes POLITICALLY do I agree with but I also demand that the MAN/WOMAN have a shred of honesty and integrity before I can pull that handle…..Sanders is the only one Ive seen in a While that has that “SHRED”.
Politicians dont get a pass from me just because everyones doing it………I demand more then that from these scumbags.
At some point, most people are going to realize the Hag has nothing in the bag save for lies, and they must therefore cross over into the land of make believe to continue to support her.
Many will, many more will not.
Bernie Sanders is not the candidate.
Our next President will be either Hillary Clinton or Crooked Donald, most likely Clinton.
Why support Clinton over Trump? In terms of policy, Clinton is a traditional Democrat. Trump has made policy pronouncements that would be damaging to the nation. In addition, his temperament is not suited to be President.
What enables her to succeed, among other things, is hyperventilating overreach by partisans concerning her connections within the elite.
Hillary lies less than most politicians.
Clinton looks like an easy win in 2016
The GOP killed itself with self inflicted wounds by its extremist base.
Uh…new campaign slogan?
What’s ironic about that is that most of her colleagues in the Senate, as well as world leaders, consider her to be highly trustworthy.
So when did y’all last talk to them?
1. Donald Trump is the alternative
2. The GOP has been sinking deeper and deeper into zombieland. Since 1980ish, the party has been gradually devolving into a reactionary, anti-government, pseudo-anarchist cesspool. Trump is not a bug, he’s a feature of the new “conservatism” – the logical harvest from what the GOP has been using for fertilizer the last few decades. Racist, xenophobic, nativist, protectionist – a god-king of white Christian superiority.
3. Secretary Clinton is a much better choice, not ideal, but much better and safer.
4. Democratic policies are more likely to help the nation than GOP policies.
Sen. Lindsey Graham: She’s smart, prepared, serious.
Sen. Richard Lugar: Her time in the Senate has given her a deep understanding of how United States foreign policy can be enriched by establishing a closer relationship between the Executive and Legislative branches. She is fully prepared to engage the world on a myriad of issues that urgently require our attention.
Sen. Jim DeMint: I have no questions about your integrity.
Sen. John McCain: We are proud of you. All over the world where I travel, you are viewed with admiration and respect.
Sen. John Warner: Despite her lack of seniority on the Armed Services Committee, she won the admiration of its senior members.
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse: From a Senate perspective, in a secret ballot, Hillary gets a lot of votes out of the Republican caucus. Potentially she even commands a majority of the Republican caucus in a secret ballot because people really do respect her.
So it’s been a while.
Quite a while.
Thought the evidence of Clinton’s duplicity went back decades. Of course, now we’re in the
sillyelection season, so Republicans will not say anything publicly other than they “decry” but not “repudiate” Trump’s rhetoric, and so “support” but not “endorse” Trump’s candidacy.Read it then get back to me.
So the statements from the Senators given above are relevant, after all.
To what?
I will take that bait. Those senators, especially Lindsey, are hardly considered strong conservatives. In fact, they invented the name RINO. I know you don’t keep up very well, but they conservative movement is diverging from the Republicans as the Dem/Republican party is just that, one big uni-party. The big question is why do you and the other liberals on this board desire someone like Hillary in office? She is a liar, a crook, corrupt and totally incompetent. Now, you have tried to lie and obfuscate your way to saying that she is not these things, and certainly we have a paucity of information to go on as she has not been properly investigated and she has destroyed the needed evidence. I beg you to do half of what this woman has done and see what happens. Now, if we are wrong about how bad she is, well we are not. But, if we are right, that means that you and jeff and john are supporting someone that puts herself above the law and you are creating an elite group of people that don’t answer to the same rules that we answer to. You are supporting the concept of white privilege big time. You are setting up a royalty. The bad thing is that even though you comment about doubts as to her guilt, you know that she is dirty as hell. So why do you do that? Are you being paid? Are her supposed positions that important? Note that she lies, there is no doubt on that so anything she says and promises will not occur. And no, not all politicians are as dirty as she is.
Now, Trump is the alternative. Despite the media hype, he is a good guy. His temperament is far better than Hillary’s. Trump’s positions are in line with typical Democratic views or at least acceptable. His plan for the economy will get us out of the depression caused by the liberals and Bush and Barney Frank and Obama. Trump does not want war and will keep us out, Hillary’s incompetence will cause war, big time, it already has. Trump wants to help the social desperation that is gripping our country, Hillary is fine with people hurting. So tell us, how great is the Hillary you see and see wrongly.
I did not see your little politi fact site. That is a joke. Answer why did Hillary lie about snipers shooting at her? I had snipers shooting at me, you can see the video on you tube by searching for the sniper in New Orleans at the Howard Johnson. That is me in the ambulance arriving in the line of fire. But Hillary does not have that video, does she. The fact is that she is a pathologic liar suggesting a mental illness.
The statement being contested was “What’s ironic about that is that most of her colleagues in the Senate, as well as world leaders, consider her to be highly trustworthy,” for which we provided evidence. The response was diversionary.
Clinton is more truthful than most politicians, and she is certainly not incompetent, even if you disagree with her policy positions.
This is the crux of the matter. There certainly is a cozy relationship between moneyed interests and the political establishment, and the Clintons are in the middle of that confluence of power. However, the Clintons did not make the system, their use of influence is not extraordinary by any means, nor is it illegal. They consciously crashed the system. Meanwhile, Republicans have worked very hard to forestall laws that address the problem.
Handwaving. They provide hundreds of specifics.
And this is the crux of the problem with the alt-right. They make up sh!t with no relation to the truth.
You made that statement. Your so-called ‘evidence’ was a couple of Senators from a few years ago said something ‘nice’ about the Hag?
Get the fuck out of here.
Why support Clinton over Trump? In terms of policy, Clinton is a traditional Democrat. Trump has made policy pronouncements that would be damaging to the nation. In addition, his temperament is not suited to be President.
There are two alternatives……But of course we all know that you would much rather have a lying, cheating, career politician who believes what you believe then say
A libertarian
A Greens Party
Perhaps in America its time to start sending messages to these lying scumbags……
Libertarian President pitted against a Dem/GOP congress…..Might actually get something done.
And this is the crux of the problem with the alt-right. They make up sh!t with no relation to the truth.
NO ZACH….everyone sees it…..Its just people like you that would defend any trash the DNC puts on the ballot as opposed to standing on principals and calling out your own party.
The Right has been doing this for about 4 years now which is why we are most likely going to lose the presidency…..
We looked at every P O L I T I C I A N and said oh hell no……Screw you bastages…..And yes we lost our minds by putting out Trump……
But it was a message to the GOP elites…..Time to get your shit together and get things right for your constituents or your GONE TOO.
But nah….not the DEMS….they just see this as one more lying, cheating, filthy way to force their ideas on the whole country……..
That ZACH is what your doing….ENABLING CRIMINAL POLITICIANS to continue.
Time to man up….I assume your a man.
Actually the Z moniker is used by a group of millenial college students who have nothing better to do than troll the internet with a bunch of convoluted ‘logic’ and ‘evidence’.
They’ve been banned from various websites just by being obnoxious little progressive twits.
But I enjoy making fun of them, just like that little guy who exaggerates often and retarded johnnie.
You have no credibility. Not worth the effort of discussing with you. Give us a word when you grow up.
For the Z-boys…
I will usually support and vote for the candidate whose policy prescriptions align with what I think best serves the country. That’s been the Dems for most of my adult life.
Our greatest challenge right now is the decline in our middle class. Our economy does not support all the people that want to work. Many factors contribute to this including the high value of the dollar (negative trade balance), fiscal matters controlled by our Congress and President (austerity), tax cuts for the wealthy, infrastructure deterioration etc
Republicans stand against the recommended solutions.
We cited Republican Senators as they are the opposition party. We’d be happy to cite Democratic Senators, but presumably they would be even more likely to view her as trustworthy.
This supports our claim that her colleagues in the Senate consider her to be trustworthy. Your reply, “Is not,” is not a refutation.
There is no evidence of mental illness, or pathological lying. All people shade or embellish the truth. Clinton lies less than most politicians, and the majority of her colleagues say that she has been trustworthy in their dealings with her.
So did y’all enjoy the YouTube video?
I just saw that video today, drowningpuppies, it’s hilarious.