That’s right, Liberals, in this case, Colbert King, are still race-baiting and trying to gin up racial tension regarding Ferguson
King goes on to tell a tale about something that happened back in 1925, where a dog that was attacking sheep was shot by a Black man working for the school, and the dog’s owner, a white man, showed up and killed the black man, and was let go by the jury. You’re welcome to read the whole thing. Then we get to
That was Mississippi in the 1920s — a time when white men were justified in taking the law into their own hands in matters involving black men. That white Okolona farmer was simply exercising his delegated, albeit unofficial, police powers. The incident gave meaning to the assertion of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney in Dred Scott that the black man has “no rights which the white man was bound to respect.â€
Let’s not forget, if King wants to go down this almost 90 year old road, that the people in charge were Democrats.
The slaying in Ferguson, Mo., of an unarmed, 18-year-old African American, Michael Brown, by a white cop, Darren Wilson, who in turn gets away with it, strikes a raw nerve. It reminds many of the way in which authority is exercised, especially in communities where the central relationship between blacks and whites is the police.
It’s absolutely pointless to educate Liberals on the facts of the case. King fails to mention Brown’s own lawless actions, such as theft, assault, assault on a police officer, attempting to take the officer’s gun, etc. Liberals live in their own little bubble world on unreality.
In places like Ferguson, police represent white authority. Authority empowered to enter the community backed by the extralegal support of white sentiment. Authority whose word is taken against the word of an accused African American. Authority that not only arrests, but punishes, too.
Interesting, since, like most big cities, Democrats are in charge politically and set the policies. So, is King saying that Democrats are irresponsible for Black people?
Where else can you fire 12 shots at an unarmed teenager, at least six of which strike his body, and walk away?
Perhaps lawless Chicago, where people are being murdered left and right? Or Detroit, another liberal city.
King goes on to discuss a portion of Darren Wilson’s testimony before the grand jury in relation to a quote from 1940 about “The white policeman in the Negro community . . . feels himself in danger.â€Â Said testimony is supposed to be very, very damning according to King
Wilson: “It is an antipolice area for sure.â€
Prosecutor: “And when you say antipolice, tell me more?
Wilson: “There’s a lot of gangs that reside or associate with that area. There’s a lot of violence in that area, there’s a lot of gun activity, drug activity, it is just not a very well-liked community. That community doesn’t like the police.â€
Could it be that it is a terrible neighborhood, one which police have a right to be concerned over? To “feel himself in danger”? Apparently, it is the problem of the White officer, rather than the lawless, gang ridden, violent, drug dealing, gun shooting neighborhood. On which votes Democrat, by the way. According to King “We are in a bad place.” I agree. We are in a bad place when people stoke racial tensions with their own set of (false) facts and excuse the behavior of Michael Brown which led to his death. As someone in the comments wrote “Easy way to not be ” discriminated ” against by the police. Don’t rob a store or otherwise break the law. They will not mess with you anymore then they will white people.”
Also, don’t forget that this article is also subtly supposed to suggest that the Old South is still super racist, and, remember, Republicans mostly control it. Despite having a Democrat governor for Missouri and Democrats in charge of St Louis and Ferguson.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Yes Teach they were Democrats and yes at that time there were as many conservative racist Democrats as there were conservative racist Republicans
Of course much has changed since then the GOP has forced out all its moderates and liberals
Racism in the USA? Laws against racially mixed marriages lasted until 1970 when the Supreme Court(liberal activists) finally
overruled them, conservatives were not happy about that decision
But the Old South is changing Virginia is a deep purple and NC is turning from solid red to blue also ( all those “smart people”
moving to the tech triangle
And shucks there hasn’t been a mass lynching since 1946 ! How is that for progress?
Oh and yes Teach that lynching probably was done by all Dems
An interesting factoid but perhaps not really significant
None of which justifies the killing of Mr. Brown by Wilson.
Two men can keep a secret, especially if one of them is dead.
We only have the killer’s word of what happened through the window of the killer’s cruiser. (And the odious jimhoft’s fake photos, lol).
And the prosecutor took the word of a known killer trying to stay out of prison?
Pure and simple, the killer is afraid of black men and shot a black man several times.
We haven’t heard the last of Bob McCulloch’s rigged grand jury. McCulloch and his prosecutors guided the grand jury away from indictment. In the US we rarely ever indict cops for killing unarmed citizens.
By the way, the mayor of Ferguson MO, James Knowles III, is a Republican.
And the prosecutor took the word of a known killer trying to stay out of prison?
No, 12 men and women took the evidence and testimony presented over months and decided Wilson had not committed a crime.
Pure and simple, the killer is afraid of black men and shot a black man several times.
A black man who was a violent criminal and who was attacking him. You forgot that part. Is it your assertion that people should let violent criminals attack people and law enforcement officials without being able to defend themselves?
Once again we see how totally clueless and prejudice you are.
Yes Jeff it does.
Attack a police officer and you may be shot and possibly killed as well. It doesn’t matter if your Black, White, Latino or from another planet.
No Jeff, they also have eyewitness testimony(some witnesses are Black) and physical evidence(no not the shooter behind the grassy knoll).
I’m sure this does not matter to you Jeff because you like the rest of the lying left, you just can’t except the fact a White cop shot a Black man in self defense.
You’re looking more foolish again Jeff.
I have to agree, those of us in the South are terrible people. We don’t get along with others and are very conservative. So why don’t we all sit down and figure out how the South can become a free country and those in the North don’t have to worry with us any longer. Oh, and you can take all the Brown’s that you want.
And here I thought that Jeffrey was simply our host’s resident Warmist; now I see that he’s a complete barking moonbat on other things as well.
Expressions like “Bob McCulloch’s rigged grand jury” tell us all that we need to know. There was not enough evidence that Darren Wilson actually committed a crime to indict, even on the lesser probable cause standard.
I am reminded of the George Zimmerman case, where local law enforcement officials declined to indict Mr Zimmerman, because they knew that there was no evidence on which he could be convicted of anything. But the race hustlers screamed bloody murder, the case was taken away from the local officials, and the state forced an indictment.
Then, when it went to an actual trial, it became obvious that the state had no case, and Mr Zimmerman was quickly acquitted. The original judgement of the local officials was completely vindicated.
Jeff, you blithering moron, Brown had already physically assaulted Wilson, then tried to steal his firearm. That’s two felonies right there. If you don’t want to believe Wilson’s testimony, that’s your own bigotry in action.
There’s still the forensic evidence showing that Brown was shot with his hand/arm inthe patrol car, not to mention the bruises on Wilson’s face. White & black have nothing to do with that, unless you expect white cops to only arrest white perps.
As for unarmed, let’s have a 6 foot tall 300-pound man beat the crap out of you to see how much damage you can take.
Here’s a scary new idea: when a cop asks you to quit walking (illegally) in the middle of the street, get on the sidewalk.
Things not to do: curse at him, assault him, or try to steal his gun. The last two (at least) are crimes. Bad idea. If you do these things and he tells you to surrender, do so. If you choose not to surrender -another crime- the dumbest thing you can do is attack him again. At that point he has every legal right to use deadly force.
Black on black shootings easily outnumber police shootings multiple times, yet progs like Jeff & John only worry about the high-profile events. I expect they’re easy prey for race-baiters like Jackson & Sharpton, not to mention the SCOAMF-in-Chief, who drops the race card at every opportunity.
P.S. You can bitch all you want about Mayor Knowles, but Robert McCulloch -the prosecutor who presented the case to the grand jury- is a registered Democrat who voted for Obama. Not to mention the “teen”
For those who would like some sane analysis of the case, I strongly recommend Mike McDaniel’s work. He’s a former police officer and a current high school teacher who makes a point of dispassionately examining a case -this is not his first commentary- and explaining the choices & responsibility an officer faces doing their job. The link goes to his most recent post on Ferguson.
His series starts here. Highly recommended.
You pusillanimous sack of excrement. I was merely correcting Mr. Teach’s falsehood.
Officer Wilson’s account is worthless. He faced a potential murder charge. Do you not realize that your bigotry has you accept the word of a killer, without question? He was paraded in front of the Grand Jury to tell his uncorroborated story to them.
Mr. Brown couldn’t tell his story since he is conveniently dead.
Except for the fact that witnesses did corroborate his statements you might have something there.
And then, of course, there is the fact that the scientific evidence backed up what Wilson said rather than what some others said.
Once again we see that Jeffery is such a bigot that even people of multiple races testifying and scientific evidence don’t matter to him.
There will always be evil in the world as personified by people like Jeffery.