It’s what he said after that that really brings it on home
(St. Louis Today) Told of the “hating” quote, Blunt said it sounded like “the kinds of things that happen in junior high, when you say that somebody else is a really bad person.
“That is no way to begin to work with that person,” Blunt said.
An excellent point. How does one actually work with anyone who makes everything extremely personal, and is constantly nasty, mean-spirited, and insulting? Things that currently go way, way beyond typical politics. Well, you don’t. Especially when Obama’s policies are ridiculous, silly, and failures to start with.

“How does one actually work with anyone who makes everything extremely personal, and is constantly nasty, mean-spirited, and insulting?”
Wah! Wah! poor babies… Talk about projection.
You lie!
John Boner: I don’t think he’s got the guts to do it…
Turtle McConnell: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.
Rush Lowerbowel: I hope he fails.
Joni Ernst: … he should face those repercussions, and whether that’s removal from office, whether that’s impeachment, … he has become a dictator.
J- Was that some sort of rebuttal? Ok. Funny- the post was about a Senator comparing Obama’s outburst to a junior-high type response. So what does our resident juvenile commenter do? Tags people he doesn’t like with….yes, junior-high type name-calling.
Yep, I’ve noticed how fragile conservatives have become. “Mom, that mean ol’ tyrant wuss Obama is looking at us funny!” lol
Man up, Republicans. Put on your big boy pants. Politics ain’t pattycake, kids.
The Teapublicans hate America, period. They want our government to fail. And they’re dumb assholes. And bullies who don’t like getting hit back.
They’ll keep dragging America down until the citizens wake up and get rid of them.