The Gadsen Flag was a symbol of freedom, standing against tyranny. An “American guesser“, who many believe to be Benjamin Franklin, wrote of the rattlesnake, a uniquely American animal, which was nowhere else in the world
“She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. … she never wounds ’till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her.”
The flag is rooted in the War Of Independence from the overbearing hand of England. Here’s what the OFA trolls are doing
(Daily Caller) Annoyed by Americans who resist the massive, corporation-backed push for a governmental takeover of healthcare, Organizing for Action sent out a Friday email blast touting a new bumper sticker mocking the tea party, titled “Don’t Tread on My Obamacare.â€
“Show the world you’re proud of health care reform,†OFA’s site headline reads. The sticker is shown below in a series of photos: stuck onto the back of a green smart car, slapped onto the front of a recycled cardboard journal and covering the Apple logo on a laptop at a rakish angle, clearly meant to convey the supporter’s snarky yet compassionate political views.
“This is for everyone who’s tired of hearing the other side talk smack about the health care reform that is helping millions of Americans get affordable, quality care,†executive director Jon Carson said in OFA’s email release. “They’ve spent hundreds of millions to tear it down. We’ve worked hard to make sure they didn’t succeed. If you’re like me, you’re pretty proud of that. Wanna brag about it? Simply connect with OFA on Facebook today and tell us where to send your sticker.â€
The point of the Gadsen flag is to tell people, and, in particular, government “don’t tread on my rights. Stop your tyranny. Leave me alone.” It’s to peaceably fight back against an over-bearing government. Now it’s being used to prop up an over-bearing government.

Gadsden, not Gadsen.
You’re annoyed that the OFA appropriated the symbol your tea party appropriated?
“We appropriated it first!” lol. “Plus, it symbolizes our goal of cutting taxes on the wealthy and removing the jack-boots of government tyranny from the throats of corporations!” lmfao “The Kenyan-communist uses it to force healthcare insurance reforms down our throats! See the difference?” rotflmfao
I believe the point is the “bumper sticker” is inane and substance-free. Much like your juvenile, snarky little ditties invoking straw men and giggling at typos.
Haha teach is now saying that we should fear Obama care because it is backed by corporations !! Better watch out the death panels are coming soon
Dunning Kruger
I didn’t make fun of the misspelling, I corrected it. A typo occurs once, not several times in a short piece. Journalists should spell things correctly, don’t you agree?
I didn’t insult, mock or ridicule him; I only informed. Others might take the opportunity to use such a mistake to somehow detract from the message, but I strongly believe we should argue the merits, and not use personal attacks.
The Pirate’s argument was that the Gadsen (sic) flag is used properly by the Tea Partiers who prefer corporate tyranny over government tyranny, while the OFA used it improperly to try to give poor people affordable health insurance.
The right hates Blacks, Hispanics, women, Jews, eggheads, gays, professors, unions, education, Muslims, agnostics, liberals etc. They hate everyone except white, Christian, heterosexual men and the women who obey them. They all want Sarah Palin (a few prefer Vladimir Putin) to strip them naked, tie them to a bed and punish them for being bad, bad boys. They would love to cuddle next to a strong man like Mr. Reagan who will tell them that everything will be alright. Anything, any policy, that might make the life even a bit easier for anyone other than the rich, white, “strong” men that they revere will be resisted. Mass transit? Takes money from rich white men to enable Negroes to take a bus to work. We’re agin it! Medicare? Takes money from rich white men to enable old poor folks to obtain healthcare. We’re agin it! Food stamps? Takes money from rich white men to give to lazy Negroes who should go out and get a job. We’re agin it! Social Security? Takes money from rich white men so that poor senior citizens and live with a bit of dignity. We’re agin it!
You’re bothered by juvenile and snarky on the internets? Every post by Teach is juvenile and snarky, and often inaccurate to boot. So, there!
I’m not totally against that Sarah Palin thing.
Once again showing that you cannot read, here is the point of the post:
The point of the Gadsen flag is to tell people, and, in particular, government “don’t tread on my rights. Stop your tyranny. Leave me alone.†It’s to peaceably fight back against an over-bearing government. Now it’s being used to prop up an over-bearing government.
The argument is not what you stated and again we see that you have an issue with reading / comprehension and the truth.
You’re bothered by juvenile and snarky on the internets? Every post Jeffery makes is juvenile, snarky, and often inaccurate to boot.
Fixed that for you.
Oh, and by the way Jeffery, Al Gore and you are still hypocrites in the AGW debate and your unwillingness of you, Gore and people of your ilk to change your lifestyle shows that your talk about AGW is bluster and that you don’t actually believe what you type.
Actions speak louder than words Jeffery.
It must be comforting to put everyone who disagrees with you in a category called “The right,” ascribe evil and hate to everything they say and do, and then validate your own world view by knocking down the straw man you just set up.
You’re almost as intelligent as you think you are.
It IS comforting! It’s called bigotry – attributing characteristics to a group when it’s likely only some of the group have those characteristics. Rightists should be familiar with the concept. Liberals are libertines, hate freedom, are fascists, control freaks, lazy, etc
I’m not even half as smart as I think I am.
Straw Man: Check.
Ad Hominem: Check.
Tu Quoque: Check.
Yup, I think we’ve explored the full spectrum of Prog Troll “argument” techniques.
I was being charitable.
And with this, Jeffery admits that he is a bigot.
J- Let’s see some proof of your drama queen whine “the right hates blacks, women Jews, ect.,ect.” Or is it hiding along with Michael Mann’s proof of his flaccid hockey stick and global warming proof in general? We’re waiting.
gitar and jl,
I have freely admitted to being an unrepentant liberal, an agnostic, a hypocrite, a bigot, an ass and much dumber than a box of rocks.
I’m old, bald, fat, lazy, depressed, have stage-fright and hit snap-hooks under pressure. I have astigmatism in one eye and a bad knee. I feel guilty that I’ve been so successful in life, while having so little to offer. In my own defense I did put myself through college and graduate school and worked hard when younger, and have always tried to be pleasant.** But mostly I’ve just been lucky.
What else you got?
That said, the Earth’s surface and oceans continue to warm. This is almost certainly because of man’s burning fossil fuels, adding CO2 to the atmosphere (last IPCC said 95% certain). Based on the physical laws of the universe, it would be surprising if the heat content of our planet WASN’T increasing. These are just facts.
**From the wonderful 1950 movie “Harvey”:
Jimmy Stewart as Elwood P. Dowd: “Years ago my mother used to say to me, she’d say, “In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.” … Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant.”
So in response to your admitting that you are a bigot, and a lack of evidence for your rants and childish name calling you cite a line from a movie.
Got it.
Maybe the next time you should try “Harvey.”
Oh, and by the way, Al Gore and you are still hypocrites in the AGW debate and your unwillingness of you, Gore and people of your ilk to change your lifestyle shows that your talk about AGW is bluster and that you don’t actually believe what you type.
Actions speak louder than words Jeffery.
The Earth’s surface and oceans continue to warm. This is almost certainly because of man’s burning fossil fuels, adding CO2 to the atmosphere (last IPCC said 95% certain). Based on the physical laws of the universe, it would be surprising if the heat content of our planet WASN’T increasing. These are just facts.
So in response to your admitting that you are a bigot, and a lack of evidence for your rants and childish name calling, you try to divert attention from your actions (and in some cases inactions) by shifting the discussion that you started.
Got it.
Oh, and by the way, Al Gore and you are still hypocrites in the AGW debate and your unwillingness of you, Gore and people of your ilk to change your lifestyle shows that your talk about AGW is bluster and that you don’t actually believe what you type.
Actions speak louder than words Jeffery.
Forgot to tell you I’m through with your silliness.
The Earth’s surface and oceans continue to warm. This is almost certainly because of man’s burning fossil fuels, adding CO2 to the atmosphere (last IPCC said 95% certain). Based on the physical laws of the universe, it would be surprising if the heat content of our planet WASN’T increasing. These are just facts.
I am assuming that your retreat in the face of your own actions and lack of logic is akin to this:
How noble of you. How demonstrative of your ability and willingness to debate people on subjects. How utterly defeated you must be to have your attempts at distraction and distortion to be exposed as a lack of intellectual integrity.
In this thread alone using your own logic, you labeled yourself as a bigot. jl asked you for proof of your assertions.
And you ran away.
Bravely ran away.
Poor baby got his widdle feelings hurt and ran away.
(Oh, and by the way, Al Gore and you are still hypocrites in the AGW debate and your unwillingness of you, Gore and people of your ilk to change your lifestyle shows that your talk about AGW is bluster and that you don’t actually believe what you type.
Actions speak louder than words Jeffery.)