No, really, so says the lapdogs at USA Today
Health care website problems jeopardize Obama’s legacy
(Subhead) Law is Obama’s top legislative achievement; its problematic rollout has put it in danger
As his administration scrambles to fix the online enrollment process under the Affordable Care Act, President Obama is facing a challenge that threatens to undercut the most significant legislative victory of his presidency.
The rest of the article is simply filler, noting how poorly the website is doing, how no one really seems to know what is being done to fix it, and no one really knows how many have actually signed up for the health insurance. But, as far as Obama’s legacy, the problems with the website can’t really harm it, because when historians write that essay they’ll note that Obamacare was passed through parliamentary shenanigans with what would be considered bribes in the private sector, and over the severe objections of the American people, who were up in arms over the law even before it was passed. They’ll note that the people who voted in favor of the bill never read it. They’ll note that the Democrat led Congress wasted time on this travesty while the economy was still burning. And they’ll note that it was still heavily unpopular even years beyond its passage.
And that’s just Obamacare. They’ll also note the anemic economy, pissing away almost a trillion dollars on the failed Stimulus, plus the little stimulus plans. They’ll note that Obama’s only “plans” to fix the economy were to call for tax increases and filling potholes. They’ll note the NSA domestic spying. Fast and Furious. Benghazi. Drone strikes on civilians. Tyranny from federal agencies. The IRS scandal. Terrible international relations. All the golfing, parties, and vacations. Not bothering to meet with his economic council. Being the most partisan president ever. There aren’t a lot of things actually in the win column.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.