If you would, just imagine a facepalm gif here, OK?
(The Blaze) During an address to an Obama for America Florida field office on Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden apparently told volunteers and reporters that transgender discrimination is “the civil rights issue of our time.†When a woman (Biden said her beautiful eyes caught his attention) asked a question that was initially inaudible to reporters and the audience, he responded with his statement about “civil rights.â€
That might be news to all the Blacks who were descendents of slaves, and whom saw the Democrat Party attempt to stop the Civil Rights Act.

I wonder how the audience took that remark right after he willingly shot his load towards the women.
Why is it that the liberals take morality lessons from the most sexist misogynistic racist and sometimes antisemitic people around?
Because they know they can pretty much get away with it. Their own peeps won’t call them on it, and the media will mostly ignore it, or just tut tut it.
Well, let me just put them all in chains and shoot my load.
If he only had a brain.
And the Misogynist (and hypocritical)left continues its war against women on all fronts.
It’s a wonder that any women can vote for a democrap.
I’m still not understanding what was wrong with what Akin said. Maybe the place and time were not the best, but what was wrong with what he said?
Trauma has been proved to cause a person’s body to shut down. Trauma can even do terrible things to the person’s psyche which in turn affects the body. Trauma and stress also causes miscarriages.
However, marooned-in-marin is right. Leave it to the libs to by hypocrits and be far worse at something they blame the conservatives of being.
AND, why in the hell would anyone give money to Paulson in Florida especially when he is not running for office and was resoundingly beaten last term.
GB, in full agreement with you.
I didn’t know he wasn’t running- HAH! Now wait till the donors discover what a scam it is!
Also, why do liberals think that this is humor at all? What passes for humor now-adays is hateful, disgusting and mean. That’s funny? Lenny Bruce wasn’t even this nasty…and probably wouldn’t think that they are a bit funny.