Well, you failed completely, champ.
(The Blaze) President Barack Obama during a taped interview with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe†on Monday refused to answer pointed questions regarding the recent attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. Instead, he offered boilerplate assurances that a White House investigation will explain everything. (snip)
“Morning Joe†host Joe Scarborough followed up Brzezinski’s softball question with something a little more hard-hitting: “Was it the intel community giving you bad information early on? The stories keep changing.â€
(Obama said) The truth is, is that across the board, when this happened, my number one priority was to secure Americans, figure out what happened, bring those folks to justice. We are in the process of doing that right now.
Congress has been getting the flow of information continuously from day one. And what my attitude on this is, is if we find out that there has a big breakdown and somebody didn’t do their job, they’ll be held accountable.
Ultimately, as commander in chief, I’m responsible, and I don’t shy away from that responsibility. My number one responsibility is to go after folks who did this and we’re going to make sure that we get them. I’ve got a pretty good track record doing that.
Yet, someone gave the order to “stand down”. Someone failed to send in military units to protect and save our people, including our Ambassador. That was your responsibility, Mr. Obama. You failed. You didn’t even try.
Oh, and they aren’t “folks”, Mr. Obama”: they’re terrorists, murderous scum, Islamic jihadis.
Allahpundit notes that Obama is trying to play the victim and “took offense” at Mika’s initial question. Also,
If, as he claimed on Friday, he really did issue an order to secure American personnel in Benghazi, show us the order.
Correct, show us the order. But, he won’t. Because there surely is no written order to Do Something, and probably no audio of Obama telling anyone to Do Something to save our people. Senator McCain made it clear on Sunday
You know, this administration is very good at touting and giving all the details like when they got Bin Laden. But now, we know that there were tapes, recordings inside the consulate during this fight, and they’ve gotten—they came—the F.B.I. finally got in and took those, and now they’re classified as “top secret.†Why would they be top secret? So the president went on various shows, despite what he said he said in the Rose Garden, about terrorist acts, he went on several programs, including “The View†including “Letterman†including before the U.N., where he continued to refer, days later, many days later, to this as a spontaneous demonstration because of a hateful video. We know that is patently false. What did the president know? When did he know it? And what did he do about it?
Bingo! When Osama was whacked, Team Obama could wait to trot out every bit of information, including info that should have remained secret. With Benghazi, there are stonewalls, hiding information, coverups, and a refusal to accurately discuss what happened.

It actually was Bush’s fault.
A strict reading of this makes it sound as if he is blaming the Americans who were assassinated in an act of war and betrayal as the ones he will hold responsible.
I personally want to thank this prezo for being the most advanced, open, honest, and transparent administration that has ever walked on the surface of
the oceansthis planet.Without him and his lifelong dedication to this country and its Constitution, the most damaging, biggest, largest, most hugest ever hurricane to form of all time would have led to the DESTRUCTION!!!11! of all life on the East Coast. But, through his expert and efficient leadership and direction, people and buildings were able to make it through without a scrape.
And, as more proof, see Benghazi.
[…] William Teach, Obama once again took umbrage to questions about his handling of the attack on the Benghazi embassy … in a pre-taped interview for "Morning Joe." In his version of the story, his first […]
[…] Obama To Morning Joe: “#1 Priority Was To Secure Americans..†[…]