First, this one via Tom Nelson
(Examiner) “The thought that popcorn cost me almost nothing to make, made me furious! The raw popcorn kernels have skyrocketed in cost because we are having global warming, hurricanes, floods, and all of that affects the cost of popcorn.
Can anyone remember when the price of popcorn was cheap? The price of it, and all the other concessions, are high because that’s where theaters make their profit. Not so much from the movie.
(Hufftard Post) As Isaac battered the Gulf Coast, the Republicans — vehement deniers of global warming –shared their big stage with a hurricane. While the party faithful boasted about how they will take over the White House and change everything in Washington, D.C., nobody was talking about what scientists tell us is inevitable: climate change. More monster storms, rising seas, sinking lands, shrinking arctic ice, environmental refugees, drought, water and food shortages, and other natural disasters are predicted. You’d think this future forecast would have at least deserved one speech, especially as the nearby Gulf Coast again suffers from a devastating storm.
Well, we aren’t really getting more monster storms, the sea rise is well within the norm for a typical warm period (as the data for the last 7k years shows), parts of the Arctic are melting while others getting colder, blah blah blah. The sinking lands one is a new one, at least that I’ve seen. These people are nuts.
But, yeah, climate change is inevitable: it has always happened and always will.

We’ve shown the graphs (with actual data) on this site that shows that there is a lessening of droughts. We have shown that there are not more “monster storms.” Sea level is currently lower than it was eight (8) years ago.
Environmental refugees is my favorite. The UN predicted 50 Million such poor sods by the year 2010. When that didn’t happen, they tried to disappear the report, but you can still find it in Google cache. The locations that they claim were hardest hit by AGW were:
Bahamas– population increased by 50,000+
St. Lucia– population increased by 5%
Seychelles– polulation increased 7,000
Solomon Islands– population increased 100,000
As for food shortages, this is a direct result of these same environmentalists requiring that a good percentage of corn crop be devoted to the production of ethanol. Water shortages are always considered humorous, because all you have to know is that we live in a captive environment. There is no where for water to escape. It remains on planet Earth in one form or another…it cannot be destroyed…and doesn’t escape into deep space.
As for sinking lands…it needs no explanation. It is just another throw away from the dishonest warmist.
These self-proclaimed smart people are some of the most obtuse, vacuous and dishonest on the planet.
The Worm
“The thought that popcorn cost me almost nothing to make, made me furious! The raw popcorn kernels have skyrocketed in cost because we are having global warming, hurricanes, floods, and all of that affects the cost of popcorn. In January 2012, I was paying ‘x’ amount for a 50 lbs. bag of popcorn kernels, from January ‘till yesterday, the price of that same 50 lbs. bag has risen in price by $8.50 and that’s since January! The cost of the oils used to pop it has gone up dramatically.
Two things about that.
1. The price of popcorn has risen $8.50 per 50 lb bag since January? That’s meaningless because the average person has no clue what popcorn costs in bulk. Was it $10 / bag in which case the price increase was important or was it $100/bag?
2. Well the reason cooking oil has gotten more expensive is really easy to explain. It’s your global warmening. I’ve got a vegetable oil refining plant just 5 minutes from my home. We’re burning the food and leaving the fuel in the ground.
One of the things I forgot when writing the post (which I had meant to be a central point) was the notion of using food stuffs for fuel, raising prices.