I’m positive the Typical Liberal Useful Idiots will proclaim this as “hate” and being mean and raaaaacist and bigoted, though they won’t be able to explain why once you force them past the talking points
(The Hill) The Republican Party has officially endorsed its backing for Arizona-style state immigration laws, adding into its platform language that such laws should be “encouraged, not attacked” and calling for the federal government to drop its lawsuits against the laws.
That language and other provisions were widely approved by the party after being introduced by the co-author of the Arizona law, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R).
The official party position now reads that “State efforts to reduce illegal immigration must be encouraged, not attacked,” and says the Department of Justice should immediately drop its lawsuits against controversial state immigration laws in Arizona, Alabama, South Carolina and Utah.
Kobach’s amendment, which is now official party policy, also includes calls to withhold federal funding for any universities that provide in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants as well as “sanctuary cities” that refuse to enforce state and federal laws on immigration, and calls for the government to complete construction of a fence along the Mexican border that Congress authorized in 2006.
Another amendment he backed that was included in the party platform strengthens the GOP’s previous support of a national “E-Verify” system.
Listen, I’m personally not against welcoming people who come to our country and want to make something of themselves, to be a part of the American Dream (which has been destroyed by Obama/Democrat policies, incidentally) . I know this may not be popular, but I mostly agree with Marco Rubio’s version of the DREAM act. It should be done legislatively, though, not by executive fiat. But, we shouldn’t allow most illegal aliens to just come to our country with no penalties. Especially those who have over-stayed their visas.
Again, personally, I wish that the GOP would leave social issues like gay marriage and abortion out of their platforms. Let’s deal with fiscal issues, of which illegal immigration is one.

I can’t help thinking about the California budget deficit being about $16 Billion, which happens to be just about the grand total of all entitlement benefits and aid estimated to be provided to illegal immigrants in the same state.
This does not take into account the latest illegal immigrant scam that attempts (successfully) to secure tax refunds from federal, state and local municipalities without having paid taxes in the first place.
The Worm