It’s hard to know where the Washington Post is going with this story. It’s so typical for the liberal media to have some sort of agenda, especially when it comes to political news. Is it meant to indicate that Republican voters are not concerned about the economy as much as illegal immigration? Is it meant to show that Republican candidates are big meanies when it comes to illegals. Of course, a majority of Americans have a big problem with illegal aliens being in America, taking jobs, using our social services, draining money away. Illegal immigration is flash point for Republican White House hopefuls
Mitt Romney opened his town hall meeting here talking about the economy — his thoughts on growing business, getting government out of the way — just as he does nearly every other campaign event. But when he opened last week’s forum for questions, the first voter he called on didn’t seem concerned about any of that. He wanted to know the Republican presidential candidate’s stance on border security.
A similar scene played out in South Carolina a few days later, when Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) attended a town hall meeting she assumed would center on the economy, jobs and the federal deficit — only to see the assembled voters react most passionately to her comments on illegal immigration.
Polls may not suggest it, and the candidates may not be catering to it, but immigration is an issue that voters won’t let the GOP White House hopefuls escape.
Well, true. GOP voters can actually focus on and discuss more than one issue. In case the Washington Post missed it, liberals will have the same demands of Obama, as the liberal interest groups go after him along the lines of gay issues, how Obama can give them Someone Else’s money, and how Obama can legalize illegal aliens.
Republican primary voters keep bringing immigration up as the candidates campaign in back yards, opera houses and recreation halls across Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. To a sizable chunk of those who will pick the GOP’s presidential nominee, immigration is an urgent issue, even a litmus test.
“Immigration is not even close to the top issue for most Republicans today, but it is an issue that is heavy with symbolic importance to Republican voters,†said GOP pollster Jon Lerner, who advised Tim Pawlenty until he dropped out of the race last month. “If a candidate is squishy on immigration, that symbolically suggests that he’s probably unreliable on a whole host of other conservative issues.â€
Well, yeah. It is very much a core issue with a lot of Republican voters, who want to know if a future POTUS is going to uphold the rule of law and not go down any sort of amnesty/legalization/comprehensive immigration reform route.
The view in the Republican Party on immigration has shifted dramatically to the right since 2006, when President George W. Bush proposed an overhaul that would have combined a legalization plan with tighter border security.
No, it has not. Most Republicans were livid that President Bush was pushing any sort of legalization program, and mad at other elected officials, like John McCain and Lindsay Graham, who were involved with pushing “comprehensive immigration reform.”
Anyhow, the article goes on to describe the positions of Perry, Romney, and Bachmann. Romney wants to secure the border before dealing with any sort of “comprehensive reform”, along with cracking down on employers. Bachmann simply wants to secure the border from illegals, drugs, and terrorists. Perry has a much longer record, which Ann Coulter thinks is a bit too much like Bush’s. Squishy.
You can’t blame Conservatives for asking about immigration stances: there’s a long way to go till we have a candidate to officially run against Barack Obama, and it can’t all be about the economy. We need to vet our candidate hopefuls on a variety of issues. Real ones, not hope and change.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Am I going to have a job, or are you going to give it to someone that broke the law coming here, staying here and working here… Yeah, I am slightly interested.
Corruption through the IRS.
The IRS reported it has issued 10.8 million ITINs (Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers), with a very few being used by celebrities for book signing, foreign investors and whatever other reason? So at the most must leave roughly 10 million illegal aliens as heads of household that have arrived in violation of the law, hired as an infringement of the law, and using ITINs to skirt the law, since the program began in 1976. The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration on Thursday released an account, unveiling that the Internal Revenue Service, returned $4.2 billion dollars in refundable tax credits 2010 to illegal aliens. Using IRS ITIN numbers so illegal aliens are paying into the US taxation system, but are collecting in ‘earned income child tax credits,’ most of this money back. An illegal alien cannot qualify for a legitimate Social Security number, to file income tax returns, so they use the ITIN number issued by the IRS.
This questionable program was intended to assuage that tax burden on the lowest American income earners, but in recent years has shown to be rife with fraud. President Obama’s stimulus program included tax cuts for low-income workers. Obama’s intention was, to put cash back into taxpayers’ hands, so they will spread it around to heighten the economy. But thanks to the (EITC) Earned Income Tax Credit, the majority of this “tax relief†will go to individuals who have never paid anything in taxes—and have already defrauded prior administrations and today’s government in massive sums each year—to Illegal aliens. .†The Inspector General said that the IRS should require those claiming the credit to prove that they are actually eligible to work here legally? However, IRS management “claims†that they have no legal power to request any proof with the inspection of individual income tax forms. A copy of the Inspector General’s report can be found here:
An IRS audit showed that 72 percent of tax returns filed by those using (ITIN) taxpayer identification numbers and not a Social Security numbers claimed the child tax credit. Nearly all ITIN-based returns include W-2 forms that list Social Security numbers, belong to U.S. citizens, IRS data shows. Foreign Nationals use the stolen or fabricated Social Security numbers to gratify the employment necessities of businesses. In violation of the law, the ITIN numbers have also involved in using the IRS number as Identification to open bank accounts and obtain driver’s licenses and to vote.
Illegal aliens as well as Americans are cheating the rest of the taxpayers, with Mothers filing under their Maiden name for perhaps two children, then the Father filing for the same two children as a different tax return under his family name and both receiving child refund tax return dollars. Of course, as always this is just the tip of the iceberg on fraudulent returns.
Frosty Wooldridge wrote for News with Views:
“Your U.S. Congress participates in and supports one of THE most fraudulent taxpayer abuse schemes ever concocted within the Federal Government. It’s time the administration put its foot down rather than allow millions of unlawful immigrants to step onto American soil—while soaking billions out of the U.S. Treasury.
Since the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) became part of the income tax code in 1975, it has quietly become the largest cash transfer program in the United States. At a cost of more than $44 billion per year, EITC spending dwarfs that of the traditional welfare program—Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)—and food stamps combined. More than 23 million households currently receive the credit.
Edwin Rubenstein exposed one of the most dramatic tax frauds ever on the American taxpayer: “Defrauding the American taxpayer,†Volume 19, Number 3, spring 2009, Social Contract, “The Earned Income Tax Credit and Illegal Immigration – A Study in Fraud, Abuse, and Liberal Activism.â€
“More than one in four immigrant households received the EITC in 2000—nearly twice the 13.2 percent rate of house-holds headed by Native Americans. And because immigrant households are larger via higher fertility, their EITC payments are larger than those received by native households.
“Bottom line: Immigrants accounted for about 13 percent of the U.S. population in 2008 but receive an estimated 26 percent of EITC benefits—about $12 billion.â€
The most distressing aspect of EITC stems from unlawful immigrants tapping into the program on a massive scale. For example, in Greeley, Colorado this year, district attorney Buck Young raided a tax filing agency to find over 1,000 fraudulent returns by unlawful workers. While they paid little or nothing in taxes, they received hundreds of thousands in bogus returns, costing taxpayers millions of dollars. That same scam multiplies all over the country.
“Tax relief” goes to people who never paid a cent in taxes, and may have already defrauded the government of huge sums each year. “EITC scams are common, well-organized, and massive,” Rubenstein writes in the report. EITC ranks second out of 57 government programs in fraudulent payments.
“But enthusiasm for the credit has blinded policy makers to its problems. The EITC program is dominated by fraud. Year after year about one-third of all EITC returns are based on illegal multiple returns, phony Social Security numbers, or claims of non-existent children or spouses. A disproportionate share of illegal alien households receives the benefit.
“For most poor families, the tax credit check is the largest single sum of money they will receive during the year. Most receive it after filing income taxes. But some need the money immediately, and they can get it—for a price. A niche financial sector thrives by lending EITC recipient’s immediate cash in return for a hefty chunk of their credit check. The cost to the poor of these so-called Refund Anticipation Loans (RALs) has been estimated at 6 percent of the entire EITC program.
The EITC is the most illegal-immigrant friendly of poverty programs; illegal immigrants constitute a far larger share of the poverty population now.
Implication: The EITC is a textbook case of unintended consequences. Our economic meltdown may be among them.”
There is only one cure for the corruption in federal agencies and that is joining the TEA PARTY. Thousands of fraudulent programs will be exposed and billions of dollars will be saved. This confronts the rot that has entered the Democratic and the Republican parties, and the astronomical deficit that America is suffering from. Read some unrevealed evidence at Judicial Watch, that is a legal non-profit, being the opposite to the Communist backed ACLU; a panderer to the illegal alien invaders. In addition, NumbersUSA gives you in depth analysis of costs to taxpayers and insider news from Congress. Lastly, the controversial website of “American Patrol†gives you one-click Bridging editions to the nationwide media, where the truth prevails.
1. Remember illegal aliens do vote in federal elections, and we all need to contact our politicians, to either issue an official to scrutinize voter rolls, or specifically absentee ballots.
2. ISSUE a mandatory federal ID card, for all Americans.
3. Make illegal entry punishable as a felony, not a civil offence.
4. Build the real 2006 Double border Fence.
5. The TEA PARTY will not tolerate illegal immigration or any form of amnesty, including Sanctuary cities, dream acts or covert enactments by disguising Immigration Reform.
6. The TEA PARTY will support Arizona, Alabama, Georgia and other states against any retribution by the Democratic or Republican establishment.
MY EARLIER BLOGS: http://brittanicus-enoughiseno…
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