Californians Somehow Split On Arizona Law

Somehow, this is a split

California voters are closely divided over the crackdown on illegal immigration in Arizona, with sharp splits along lines of ethnicity and age, according to a new Los Angeles Times/USC poll.

Overall, 50% of registered voters surveyed said they support the law, which compels police to check the immigration status of those they suspect are in the country illegally, while 43% oppose it. That level of support is lower than polls have indicated nationwide.

So…….. a 50-44 percent in favor is a split? Don Surber has it better, saying that Californians favor the law.

Looking at the data, we find that 41% strongly favor the law, 36% strongly against. For California, that is pretty much a mandate.

Meanwhile, since I am about to go to the Dodgers game

Protesters planned a rally against Arizona’s tough new crackdown on illegal immigration in front of Dodger Stadium during a game between the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Dodgers.

The picketers were expected to gather Monday in front of three stadium entrances. They want the Dodgers to move their spring training facility out of Arizona and for Major League Baseball to move the 2011 All-Star game out of the state.

“This protest is to inform the actual people going in there,” said rally spokesman John Morales, who helped organize the protest with immigrant rights groups and Boycott Arizona. “We want to make the connection that politics is very much involved in sports.”

If I wasn’t so tired from getting up at 4am to fly to Los Angeles and such, I’d probably have to mess with them. But, we all know that the true violent protesters are on the Left.

Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU

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One Response to “Californians Somehow Split On Arizona Law”

  1. Bunny Colvin says:

    Oh yeah. If you weren’t so “tired”, you’d probably have to mess with them. Yeah right. You’re such a bitch. You aren’t going to “mess with” anyone.

Pirate's Cove