What happened to engaging North Korea?
South Korean Planes Reroute Flights After North Korea Airliner Threat
South Korean airlines are rerouting their flights away from North Korean airspace, hours after the North threatened Seoul’s passenger planes amid heightened tensions on the divided peninsula.
Good job!
Unemployment hits 25-year high
Jobless rate hits 8.1% in February as a record-high 12.5 million people are unemployed.
Good job!

Hey, Barry did run on a platform of change. You can’t say he isn’t living up to his promises.
Good point.
You guys are hilarious. We have eight years of Bush’s failed policies, and only a few weeks into Obama’s administration, you’re blaming everything on him. Right…
Let’s see: Bush’s policies pulled us out of a recession which was made worse by 9/11, a terrorist hit made possible because Clinton ignored the threat of al Qaeda. We had tremendous jobs growth, tremendous housing growth, tremendous GDP growth. Then, Democrats took over Congress, and everything fell to pot.
Now we have Obama and the Dems in charge of the WH and Congress, and things continue to get worse. Step and take responsibility for the ineptness and horrible policies of your party, Reasic!
In all fariness to Obama, if anyone sends Hillary to make peace with me, I’d probably threaten to shoot down a plane too.
That said, 8 year of failed policies?
I dare say we had a rising or stable economy until 2006, when, well we all know what happened then! As well as beeing kept safe from bullies, who now have no fear of us! With Bambi at the helm, we can expect all sorts of evil to triumph!
In all fariness to Obama, if anyone sends Hillary to make peace with me, I’d probably threaten to shoot down a plane too.
That said, 8 year of failed policies?
I dare say we had a rising or stable economy until 2006, when, well we all know what happened then! As well as being kept safe from bullies, who now have no fear of us! With Bambi at the helm, we can expect all sorts of evil to triumph!