Sir Ray: America The Beautiful

On this September 11th, let us remember the heroism of all the people on that day and the days after. The folks on Flight 93, the firefighters, the policeman, the paramedics and doctors, the military, and the average people who did what they could, some who gave their lives just trying to help and doing their jobs.

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One Response to “Sir Ray: America The Beautiful”

  1. darthcrUSAderworldtour2007 says:

    Never forget that 2,996 innocent Americans, US military & DOD personnel, and 120 foreigners went to work or on vacation from 800 US cities and 26 forign cities – and from 40 US states – on 9-11-01, only to be massacred by 19 evil islamomaniac terrorists under ‘Holy Tuesday’ orders from OBL, KSM and arab extremeists world-wide! Over 1,000 remains have yet to be found or identified.

    ~AA~ ~UF175~ ~AA77~ ~UF93~ will be avenged and LET’S ROLL….

    JOHN 15:13 & the only GOD wins everytime!

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